Is Savannah Ready? Pt 12

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Happy weekend everyone! Hope everyone is doing well. Here's the next chapter, hope you all enjoy!

I ended up making it to the potty in the bathroom as I sats down on the potty so I could gos. But after I sats down I didn't even gos even though it felt likes I dids only a second ago. I cided to waits though, as I membered from listening to everybody tells me about their times using the potty that you'd have to waits for a long time sitting on the potty sometimes. So that's asactly what I dids, I waited and waited for what felt likes forever. I don't even knows how long it was that I sitteded theres afore I was ready to just gives up and goes back to watch T.V with my sister. After all having to sits there with nothing to dos wasn't very fun at all, I thinks I rather have just watched that new T.V show my sister likeded than stays here.

After a little bit longerer I ended up getting up from the potty and pulling my training pants and chorts back up. I would just tries again laterer if I hads to go or at least that's what I wanted to happen. By the time I mades it back to the living room, I ended up going potty in my training pants again. Unhappy, I ended up crying to get my mommy's tentions and she gotted me cleaneded up and changed into another pair of training pants all over agains.

Most of the rest of the day was likes this, and it made me figures out how much play time you loses when you haves to keep stopping to get changed all the time. Soon it was time for night night once again and I still hadn't even used my potty once that entire day. I guess even my mommy could tells I wasn't too happy about having asadents the entire day as she giveded me a kiss goodnight on my head.

"Hey kiddo, it's okay if you had mostly accidents. You're just starting out, trust me keep on trying and you'll get it one day, no matter how long it takes." My mommy tolded me.

I trusted my mommy was right, and as I started to falls asleep I just knoweded that I hads to keep trying. Afore I was mostly doing this for my mommy and daddy acause they thoughts I was ready and well with how grownups are they usually makes you go along with it anyways. But now, I thinks I'm ready to try and learns acause I wants to. After that firstest day I started trying really hard to not have so many asadents which just meaneded that I was paying more tentions to my body especially while I was watching T.V or playing. Sure, it meaned that I hads to stop playing and stuffs but I didn't mind if it meant I would be potty trained fasterer.

My mommy even gotted me some books to looks at for the times I was sitting on the potty forever so I wouldn't get bored. That nextest day, I actually did go potty in my potty, and my mommy even letted me flushes it in the biggerer potty which was really neat! After thats I kept on going, I had plenty of asadents during those nextest few days but for the most part I could tells when I had to go potty and at least would sits on my potty when I thought I had to gos. I guess my mommy and daddy also sawed that I wasn't having asadents as much no more acause when it was the weekend, they tolded mes we were gonna go to the store again. I was hoping it meaned that I was finally going to say bye bye to my diapies and training pants for goods. After finishing beakfast, my mommy askeded me if I hads to go potty afore we lefted and while I thoughts I didn't really have to gos I went ahead and tried tos anyway and I did end up going potty then. After I was all done, my mommy and daddy putted Mayah and me in our car seats where we then wents to the big store that all the growed ups like to call the stupermarker whatever that meaneded. My daddy ended up carrying my sister and they went off somewhere else in the store, while mommy puts me in and pusheded me into the store in the shoppy cart. Meanwhile my mommy and me wents over to the part of the store that had all the clothes as my mommy then takeded me out of the cart and puts me down in front of a big wall with a bunch of things hanging on hooks.

"Alright, Vannah, since you've been a really big girl and been doing really well using your potty, mommy and daddy decided it was time to let you pick out your own big kid underwear." My mommy tolded me, and after hearing that I couldn't helps but jumps around all ascited. I was finally gonna be parts of the anybody peoples!

I turned back to the big wall and started searching until I found asactly what I was looking for the big kid undiewear with Dora on them. It was a little higher than I could reaches so I had to get my mommy to gets them for me.

"Ah, I should have known. Alright, lets get these paid for a then we can go home and try them on. How about that?" My mommy askeded me as I just lifted my arms up so she would picks me up

After getting my new undiewear and a couple of food things that my daddy had gots as well paid for, we then lefted the store and went back home where, after getting all the bags from the store inside, my mommy then helpeded me gets out of my training pants and into my undiewear instead. I was finally a anybody peoples now and I couldn't waits to show everybody else!

Luckily my wish came true, the nextest day after thats, my mommy tookeded me over to Dil and Tommy's house to play as I think she hads to give back the book that Dil's mommy lets her reads for a while and everybody was already theres!

"Savannah, I haven't seens you since a bunch of yesterdays ago!" Dil said to me as he ran to gives me a hug

He was rights, it had been a whole bunch of days since I last gots to come over and play. I ended up giving him a hugs back.

"Hey, you're wearing chorts just like Tommy's ascept their a different color." Kimi said, seeing that I wasn't just walking round in just my shirt and diapie no more

"Uh huh! And that's not even the bestest part." I said taking a few steps back from Dil so I could shows everyone that I was now wearing undiewear instead of a diaper

"Wow! Sos, you're potty trained just likes us now!" Lil yelled out loud

"Hey, that's great Savannah." Tommy said to mes

"Thanks, at first I was just doing its acause my mommy wanted me toos but I think after having times to see how much we takeded diapies for grambit I cided that I just wanted to be potty trained acause I wanted to toos. Plus it's always neat to watch when my mommy lets me flush the big potty." I said proudly, fixing my chorts

"Now Dil is the only ones who needs to be potty trained." Kimi addeded in

"I don't thinks I'm ready yets you guys." Dil said sounding ascared just like I dids as I patted him on the back

"It's okay, you can uses the potty whenever you thinks you're ready and we'll be here to helps. Right guys?" I said afore asking everyone else

"Yep, no matter whens your ready, we'll help yous Dil." Tommy said to his younger brother

"Thanks guys." Dil thankeded us

"So, do you guys want to go and plays out in the backyard?" Tommy then askeded

We all lookeded at each other before nodding as Tommy opened the playpen and we mades our way out to plays in Dil and Tommy's backyard.

(Normal POV)

As the babies all toddled out in the backyard to play, Ebony was handing Didi's "No More Diapers" book back to Didi in the kitchen.

"Oh, my book. That reminds me, how did it go with Savannah?" Didi asked, taking the book from Ebony

"Surprisingly, after that first day, she took right to it. A few accidents here and there but now, dry all day long and we decided as of yesterday to have her in underwear full time from here on out." Ebony chuckled

"That's great to hear, Ebony. Seems like your mom instincts were right on the nose, she was ready." Didi replied

"Yeah, I'm glad I tried it out. Hopefully once she's well adjusted, next we'll be getting her a toddler bed and out of her crib for good as well. We we're going to do that before Samayah was born, but hey you know how it goes for us moms sometimes." Ebony said

"Of course, life can just be a little hectic sometimes but we all somehow manage to get by. Again, if you have any trouble, don't hesitate to ask. I have just about every Lipschitz book to cover anything you need." Didi assured Ebony

"Of course." Ebony laughed

As the two mom's chatted away in the kitchen, the Rugrats all happily played outside as Savannah happily giggled as she caught the infamous green and blue star ball.

What shenanigans will the Rugrats get into next? Find out next time!

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