Fugitive Dil Pt 4

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What's this a chapter in the middle of the week?! Heck yeah it is! I suddenly had a surge of writing motivation so here we are! Hope you enjoy

Tommy continued to fiddle with the handcuffs trying to see if he could open it with his screwdriver.

"Dilly I needs you to tell mes asactly what happened." Tommy muttered as he continued trying to free his brother. "Did you really takeded all those binkies?"

"No! I'm telling the fruth!" Dil yelled, still quite upset even his brother didn't believe him.

"I wants to believe you didn't Dil but you do dos a lot of stuffs you're not apposed to..." Tommy replied

"No I don'ts!" Dil retorted

Tommy wasn't letting up though as he frowned. "All the times mommy told yous to not hit me with your rattle and you still dids it...Then theres the times I wanted to watches Reptar but then you changed it to Goober and then cried when I changes it back. You also takded my toys and cheweded on thems; And lets not forgets the time when I told you not to be nakey and you tookeded off your clotheses anyway and acause of that you went potty on Reptar..." Tommy listed off several times where Dil had done several unsavory things he had done in the past and even recently as Dil visibly shrunk back the more Tommy listed off said things. Hearing all of those things that he did would make the accusation of biting binkies fit right in.

"I knows it sounds like something I'd dos but i'm your brother if I says I didn't do it I didn't dos it!" Dil huffed, standing his ground

"I really hope you didn't, Dilly..." Tommy sighed as he continued fiddling with the cuffs

At the same time Tanner happened to run by the two, a new red pacifier in his mouth thanks to Teddy. Tommy did spot the one year old out of the corner of his eye as he ran by but didn't think too much of it. Letting out a frustrated huff, Tommy temporarily gave up trying to pick the lock as he let go of the cuff to scratch at his hair. Suddenly, the sounds of a younger baby crying could be heard from nearby, as it caught Tommy's attention. Tommy, trying to locate the direction the crying was coming from, noticed Tanner again running back by only now instead of having the red pacifier in his mouth it was a purple one!

"Hold on Dilly, I'll be rights back I just want to checks something." Tommy said, turning away from his brother.

"Oh uh, okay Tommy." Dil replied, curious at what his brother was up to

Curiously, Tommy moved over in the direction of crying to investigate what was happening. Pushing through the bushes to peer through the other side, he looked to his left to spot a mother sitting on a park bench as she was rocking a tiny baby, who couldn't have been much older than Samayah, as the mother was rocking the baby in her arms to calm her down. That's when Tommy noticed something on the ground near the mother's feet...a red pacifier! The same one he had saw in Tanner's mouth just moments before. Crawling closer to grab the pacifier, he picked it up to examine it when he noticed that the pacifier had a huge hole in the nipple of it just like how Dil ruined his own right before they went to the dentist.

"Hey wait, this means Dilly was telling the truths! That other kid is taking and biting other kids' binkies!" Tommy exclaimed, realizing his brother was innocent all along

Tommy shoved the now ruined pacifier into his pocket as he started making his way back to Dil, wanting to tell him that he now believed every word he said and he was gonna help prove his innocence. That's when Tommy spotted Tanner running by once again, purple pacifier still in his mouth, as Tommy frowned.

"Hey kid, wait!" Tommy called out, trying to get Tanner to stop as he ran right by Tommy

"Ah it's the binkie biter's brother!" Tanner screamed, dropping the pacifier in his mouth in the process.

Seeing as Tanner dropped the pacifier, Tommy reached to pick it up before Tanner could get it back. Taking the red pacifier from his pocket again, he compared it to the purple one; The purple also had a hole but it was nowhere near as bad as the red one. Which meant that Tanner was the one behind the thefts of the binkies being broken and left behind! Looking up to confront the one year old, Tommy immediately noticed that Tanner had run off again. Frowning, Tommy shoved the pacifiers in his pocket as he went to track down the terror that was running rampant through the park. He struck several times and he was bound to strike again! Running, Tommy looked for any sign of the red head toddler. That was until he heard a cry from another baby causing him to stop dead in his tracks. Making his way over, he found yet another destroyed pacifier as he placed it into his pocket as well.

"That kid was here! If I just keep finding binkies maybe I'll finds him toos." Tommy thought to himself

Now looking out for crying babies, Tommy found a "trail" of destroyed pacifiers taking each one of them as evidence for later. However he still hadn't located the youngest McNulty brother as he shoved a blue pacifier into his pocket. Listening for any more upset kids, Tommy noticed that suddenly it was somewhat the normal amount of quiet you could get at a playground. The reason it was so quiet suddenly? Tanner couldn't find any more pacifiers to steal as he sighed frustratedly, chewing the already partially destroyed pink pacifier he had in his mouth, as he climbed into the sandbox to dig through the sand. Maybe, if he was lucky, a kid lost their pacifier in there and he could have it!

Finally catching up, Tommy spotted not only the most recent pacifier Tanner dropped, but finally found Tanner himself sitting in the sandbox digging in the sand. Tommy made his way over to the sandbox, grabbing the back of Tanner's onesie to keep him from running away.

"Hey yous!" Tommy huffed

Noticing Tommy's hand touch him along with hearing his voice, Tanner turned to look up at Tommy with a frown.

"What do you wants?" Tanner asked

"It was yous! You're the one that tookded all those binkies and breakded them and then gots everyone to think it was my brother to gets him in trouble." Tommy yelled, glaring at the youngest McNulty.

Will Tommy finally prove Dil's innocence to everyone? Find out next time!

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