Curse of the Baby Monsters Pt 2

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Heyo everyone happy weekend! I'm back with the next chapter! Hope you all enjoy! And as always I have to thank Celrock for the ideas she has given me for these past few chapters!

In a blink of an eye, the evening of Halloween was finally upon the Rugrats' neighborhood! Various Halloween decorations and lighting could be seen throughout the various houses up and down the street with many kids seen running around to collect candy. Over at the Pickles' residence was no different, decorations were hung up everywhere and everyone had on their costumes for the occasion. Notably, Stu and Didi were dressed as Frankenstien's monster and Frankenstien monster's wife, Betty and Howard dressed as Fisherman, Chas being dressed as a black bear to match with Chuckie while Kira was dressed as a vampire to match with Kimi. Over in the playpen, the babies were ecstatic as they babbled amongst each other admiring their costumes.

"Look it you guys! I'm Reptar! Roaarr!" Tommy screeched as he let out a roar

"And I'm Goober! I can give the bestest hugs in the world now." Dil followed up, giggling.

"Neat!" Phil and Lil replied together

"Mommy got us to dresseded us up as labsters." Lil giggled, mentioning not only how Betty chose their costume but even let the twins dress themselves in said costumes.

"Yeah lookit, we gots claws now." Phil insisted, showing off the claws on his costume to the others.

"I getted to be a vampire this times, and I gets a neat cape too." Kimi beamed, covering herself with the cape as a vampire would.

Chuckie, who has just returned from using the potty, made his way into the playpen dressed as a black bear, as he let out a shaky sigh.

"I don't know about this you guys, what if we actual turns into monsters this time? I don't wants to be a scary bear." Chuckie whined

"Aww don't be such a baby, Chuckie!" Lil replied

"Yeah, asides last time it was Angelica tricking us to make us gives her, her candy." Phil continued

"Maybe you'll turn into a nice bear monster, then you could bes like Wawa." Kimi chimed in, trying to lighten her brother's spirits.

"I don't know...I still could turn into a scary bear." Chuckie whispered to himself

Just then the sound of the doorbell went off, alerting Didi to head over and answer it thinking there were potential trick or treaters. Upon answering the door, it was revealed that it was Ebony and Alan, both dressed as bees with Ebony being the queen bee. In Ebony's arms was a bubbly Samayah dressed up in a bee costume while Alan was holding Savannah, who was dawning a Dora the Explorer outfit and purple backpack.

"Oh Ebony, Alan, nice to see you all! Come right in, the kids are in the playpen." Didi greeted, allowing them to step inside.

"Hey Didi, glad to be here." Ebony greeted

"Thanks again for inviting us to come along to the shindig over at the Senior Center." Alan chuckled

"Oh it was no problem at all! Pop said everyone was invited, family and friends." Didi responded

Walking into the living room, Ebony and Alan placed their two children into the playpen. Ebony made sure Samayah had a prop up pillow to rest on as they then moved to the otherside of the living room where the other adults were gathered.

"Well lookie there it's the queen bee and her worker bee!" Betty, dressed in a fisherman costume, chuckled as she spotted Ebony and Alan.

"Hope we're not too late?" Ebony questioned

"Nah, we're still waiting on Drew and Char to drop off Angelica and Susie." Betty chortled

"Oh, are Lucy and Randy not coming along?" Alan asked

"Lucy got called into the hospital tonight for obvious reasons, I believe Randy had a deadline for the next dummi bears episode so he was too busy. Alyssa was put in charge of taking her siblings out for trick or treating but of course I believe Susie wanted to come along with Angelica and the babies." Didi chimed in with an answer

"That's fair, there's too many crazy lunatics also running around tonight. Someone is bound to get hurt." Howard said nervously

"At this rate, Taffy will be here before they get here." Betty joked

"Now Betty, you know how Charlotte is, she doesn't like being late even outside of work." Didi replied

As if on cue, the sound of the doorbell was heard again as this time Stu went to answer the door.

"Hey bro, Hey Charlotte." Stu's greeting could be heard from the entrance way.

"Speak of the devil." Betty chuckled looking over at the entrance way.

"Hey bro can't stay, Char's company is having a Halloween party of their own and we have to make an appearance." Drew said, fixing his tie.

Stu shook his head at the thought of the two having to deal with anything work related even on Halloween night as he looked down to Angelica and Susie. Angelica was dressed as Cynthia, based from the Cynthia show she had been watching recently while Susie was dressed up like a doctor.

"Hey girls, your costumes look great!" Stu grinned

"Thanks, Uncle Stu!" Angelica sweetly replied, "I'm dressed up as Cynthia!"

"And I'm dressed like a doctor! Just like my mommy!" Susie exclaimed excitedly

Stu stepped aside, allowing the two preschoolers into the house, as he then waved to Drew who had already made his way back to the car where Charlotte was waiting. At the same time Taffy pulled up in front of the house in her car, she had recently gotten her drivers' license, as she proudly stepped out dressed in a mummy costume as she called out to Stu.

"Mr P., loving the Frankenstien costume!" Taffy called out

"Taffy, hey, right on time!" Stu greeted as he moved over to peek around the corner to call out to the others. "Hey guys, Taffy is here, we can roll out soon." Stu said to the other adults

Taffy made her way inside, greeting the adults as Didi of course gave her the run down of where they were going to be and who and where she could call if need be while everyone said their goodbyes to the babies and made their way out of the house.

"Don't worry Mrs. P, I'll make sure the minis have a great time." Taffy reassured Didi

"Bye bye kids, be good for Taffy!" Didi called out before closing the front door.

As Didi left, Taffy made her way into the living room over to the playpen as she scooped up Samayah into her arms.

"There's my favorite minis, Angelica and Susie too! Are you all ready to go out trick or treating tonight?" Taffy asked as each of the babies responded in delight, with Susie, Angelica, Chuckie, and Kimi being fully understood while Phil, Lil, and Tommy's short two word phrases could only be made out by Taffy. Of course to her, Dil and Savannah's words only sounded like happy babbling.

"You bet we are!" Susie cheered

"Yeah I'm gonna get all kinds of candy." Angelica chimed in

"Uh huh, ready for trick and treat!" Kimi also answered

"Uh...I thinks so." Chuckie muttered in a low voice

"Labsters ready!" Phil and Lil cried out

"Reptar ready!" Tommy bellowed, letting out another roar

"Us too!" Dil and Savannah cheered

"Ick eat!" Samayah squealed in Taffy's arm as she giggled

"Sounds like you're all raring to go, alrighty then lets get going then." Taffy replied with a grin, taking Samayah over to her stroller as she strapped her inside.

Handing each of the kids their buckets, Taffy then ushered the group out the door making sure to close the front door behind her. The babies just looked around in awe at the various decorations and kids running around in the evening sunset making them more eager to get their trick or treating started!

How will the trick or treating go for the Rugrats? Find out next time!

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