What's Your Job? Pt 8

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Hello hello everyone! Happy weekend! Hope you enjoy the next chapter!

"Now Tommy, the first thing you must know about school is that you can't wander off alone to go on your own adventures. You could have gotten hurt or worse and we would have never known until it was too late." Mrs. Honeyberry scolded as Tommy slumped his shoulders in shame.

"Sorry..." Tommy apologized

"Unfortunately this does mean you will have to sit in timeout for the rest of today. Even if this is just the evaluations, you still have to stick with your classmates and teacher when you're at school." Mrs. Honeyberry sighed, guiding him over to the desk, pulling over one of the chairs and having Tommy sit down.

"Now you stay here, you'll only be allowed to get up to use the restroom. If you need to go at any time, please tell me first, understand?" Mrs. Honeyberry instructed

Tommy nodded in response as he took a seat in the chair as he let out another sigh. Maybe this whole preschool thing wasn't such a great thing after all. First he didn't know everything like they wanted and now this? Maybe he just wouldn't go to preschool, he didn't know what he wanted to do for a job anyway so why not just stay home instead?

Soon the movie had ended as the parents started arriving to pick up their children one by one. Of course seeing as she had to ensure all the children went home with the right parents, she allowed Tommy to finally get up from his chair. The Rugrats of course chatted amongst themselves while waiting for their parents to pick them up for the day. However Chuckie noticed Tommy, looking very upset, stomping over to the group. Wanting to find out what was wrong, Chuckie tried to talk to his best friend.

"Are you okay Tommy? Why do you look so unhappy?" Chuckie questioned

"No, I'm not okay Chuckie. I think this whole preschool thing is the dumbest thing in the whole wide world!" Tommy exclaimed angrily, getting the attention of the rest of his friends

"But Tommy, you were super ascited about this preschool thing afore." Lil commented

"Yeah, what happened?" Phil questioned

"What happened? I'll tells you what happened. Firstest I don't knows what job I wants to do which just means I'll probably ends up with a bad one just like Angelica said. Nextest you guys know a lot more stuffs than mes even do we do a lots of the same stuffs all the time. And lastest, we can't go on anymore adventures once we starts going to preschool! They won't lets us go nowhere by ourselves to learn and finds new things! If that's how it's gonna bes I don't thinks I wants to go to preschool at all!" Tommy huffed, crossing his arms

Taken aback by Tommy's outburst, the others could only look at each other in silence. It was rare for Tommy to react like this, but it was still something they didn't really know how to respond well to when it did happen. Before anyone could say anything else, Betty, Didi, and Kira all showed up to pick up the kids as Kimi, Chuckie, Phil and Lil all went to greet their parents with Tommy trudging behind them, his arms still crossed. Collecting their things and leaving the building Tommy and Didi went their separate ways from the others as Didi got Tommy strapped into his carseat before sliding into the driver's seat to head home.

"What's wrong sweetie, didn't you have a good time?" Didi asked Tommy, noticing he seemed upset.

"No!" Tommy bellowed in response, surprising Didi as she looked at him through the rearview mirror

"Oh my...did something happen?" Didi asked, slightly concerned

"Preschool no fun!" Tommy answered with another huff

"Well sweetie, I'm sure when actual preschool starts you'll get to have all sorts of fun. But you will mostly be there to get a nice education so you can one day grow up like mommy and daddy and get a nice job." Didi said, trying to console her child's outburst

Tommy, however, wasn't buying it as he continued to pout the rest of the way home. Upon arriving home, Tommy and Didi made their way inside the house as Tommy wandered off into the living room where Dil, Savannah and Samayah were currently playing. Dil and Savannah were attempting to encourage Samayah to hopefully start crawling as she rocked back and forth on her hands and knees, something she started picking up on doing a couple days ago.

"Tommy look it! Samayah's trying to crawl around now!" Dil called out to get his brother's attention

"That's neat." Tommy said, giving a half smile as an attempt to sound happy for Samayah.

However, he wasn't really in the mood as he toddled over to the couch and climbed up, grabbing the remote and turning on the T.V. hoping to find something decent to watch seeing as it was well past the time Reptar usually was on. Dil and Savannah looked to each other, noticing Tommy seemed upset as they decided to investigate.

"Mayah we'll be rights back okay, we're gonna talks to Tommy." Savannah told her younger sibling

"Otay me...sit..here!" Samayah replied, taking the time as she began repositioning herself to sit as she picked up a block to play with. Luckily her talking with her sister and the others was also greatly improving as well.

With that, Dil and Savannah made their way to the other side of the living room hopefully to figure out what was wrong with Tommy. Dil approached the couch as he stood on the floor next to Tommy's spot on the end of the couch.

"Tommy are you okays? You seems mad..." Dil asked, wondering what was bothering Tommy. "Did somethings happen at the preschool test?"

Tommy could only let out a huff, leaving the T.V on the commercial that was playing as he didn't find anything decent to watch, as he dropped the remote on the couch and crossed his arms.

"Yeah, preschool isn't as great as I thoughts it be. Not only will I ends up with a bad job acause I don't know what I wants to do but we can't even go on adventures anymore when we're theres." Tommy explained

"But Tommy didn't we hears from Susie and Angelica about their feels trip or whatever it was that they wents on to the seeants mooseum? Maybe when you gets to go to actual preschool you'll gets to go on feels trips too and have lots of adventures that way!" Dil asked again, reminding Tommy of the time they once overheard in the past year that Susie and Angelica's preschool class went on a field trip to the science museum.

"Oh yeah, well even ifs there's still that's for adventures. I still don't know what's I'm gonna haves as a job." Tommy answered with a sad sigh

"I'm sure you'll figures it out Tommy. Asides in the little times I knowed you guys I knows that you are goods at lots of things Tommy." Savannah commented

"Yeah Savannah's right, you're greats at lots of things Tommy! I'm sure you'll finds something that they can teaches you how to do at preschool!" Dil agreed, hoping to cheer up his brother

"I hopes you're right, Dilly. Anyways I'll be backs I haves to go potty." Tommy commented, climbing down from the couch

Nodding, Dil and Savannah both went back to Samyah, helping her build a block tower she was attempting to build. Tommy took his trip to the potty before returning to the living room moments later. He was considering just going to play with DIl, Savannah, and Samayah when the T.V caught his attention. It was Reptar!

What did Tommy see on the T.V? Find out next time!

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