The Return of the Box Pt 3

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Heyo everyone! Here's the next chapter!

Letting go of the box, Lil beamed with delight observing the box.

"This can be the tunnel we have to pass for our race!" Lil exclaimed

"Or it could be a cave we have to pass through!" Phil added what he wanted the box to be

"Tunnel, Philliph!" Lil frowned, glaring at her twin

"Cave, Lillian!" Phil argued in return

"Fine, what about a tunnel that's in a cave?" Lil suggested, wanting to get back to their race

"That could work." Phil agreed with a nod as he picked up Bill the teddy bear. "And Bill can be the guy that tells us when to goes and when the race is over!"

Giggling, both twins pushed out the bottom of the box and moved it to their "race track" as Phil then placed the teddy bear next to their starting line. Both climbed back on their tricycles as their front yard shifted into a raceway now with the twins wearing racing suits and their trikes now turned into green and pink, for Lil, and green and blue, for Phil, race cars as the engines revved between both cars. The twins ready to start off as Bill the teddy bear, who now was human sized dressed as a flagman standing near the starting line holding up a red flag. Bill then switched to the yellow flag as each twin looked at each other, cackling in delight, as Bill then waved the green flag ushering the twins to start.

Zooming off the twins began racing down the raceway passing by imaginary versions of their friends and other kids that they've seen before as the two fought for the first place spot while turning around the track's first turn.

"Phil DeVille is currently in the lead but his sister isn't too far behind!" A voice of an announcer said

Frowning, Lil picked up her speed slowly creeping ahead of her brother as they were approaching the next turn.

"Lil DeVille has pulled ahead everyone! This is going to be a very close race today!" The announcer announced again

Both twins sped around the next turn as it was a bendy road ahead causing them to drift side to side around each corner of the track. Lil noticing her sibling catching up to her once more huffed as she pulled out a bouncy ball that she had on the floor of her race car as she tossed it out the window back at her sibling. Seeing the ball hurling towards his car, bouncing along the track while doing so, Phil swerved out of the way, almost nearly going off the track. Regaining control of his car, Phil sped to catch up to Lil once again ending back to being neck and neck with her as they continued speeding down the track. Going around another turn the twins were soon approaching the tunnel within a cave that they had to pass through.

Thinking of getting revenge on his sibling for throwing a ball at him, Phil pulled ahead enough to where he was in front of Lil as he pulled out a bottle from a compartment in his car, tossing it out of his window. The bottle, directly hitting the windshield of Lil's car, exploded leaving a stream of milk going down the windshield as Lil swerved, no longer being able to see as she slowed to let her windshield clear a little so as to not crash. Looking back Phil giggled, it served his sibling right for throwing that ball at him earlier. Continuing down the track, Phil entered the cave tunnel, he had this win in the bag.

"Looks like Phil might win this one folks!" The announcer announced to the imaginary crowed

Grinning to himself Phil continued his way straight through the tunnel. That was until Lil came speeding up behind her sibling, bumping her car into the back of his to try and get him to crash. Phil swerved as his sibling passed him once again as he frowned, speeding to bump into her car in retaliation. Soon the twins were in a bumper car fight as they exited the tunnel only for both to spin out of control.

"Whoa there!" A voice said

The scene shifts back to reality as they stopped their imaginary race only to look up at their father Howard. He had noticed the twins bumping their tricycles into each other in what looked like them trying to knock the other over.

"Calm down you two, you're going to hurt yourselves if you keep that up." Howard said separating the two tricycles from each other

Howard then turned to notice the box sitting in the lawn as he blinked in confusion. When had that gotten there?

"Now where did you two get this?" Howard said picking up the box

Examining it, Howard then remembered that Chas and Kira were planning on giving Kimi her own room so she and Chuckie had their own space for their toys and all the like, especially now with two toddler beds taking up most of the room's space, and were planning on painting the spare bedroom and they were going to need some cardboard boxes to not only move Kimi's things but test out the different colors they potential wanted to paint the wall. Placing the box aside on the porch, Howard picked up the twins carrying them inside and placing them in their playpen for a while.

"Hey Betty, I'm going to take this box to Chas and Kira, they said they needed a box or two. I left the twins in the playpen." Howard said, peeking into the kitchen where Betty was sipping on some coffee

"Alright, Howie." Betty responded

Going back out, Howard picked up the box and began walking down the street to the Finster home. At the same time, Ebony was talking to Kira as she also had brought them a box for their project.

"Oh thank you Ebony, are you sure you don't need it? I mean after all you're gonna need it more than I do." Kira thanked Ebony as she handed off the box to Kira.

"Nah it's alright we can always get more boxes." Ebony answered waving off the idea of needing the box

Howard then walked up to both women as he greeted them both.

"Greetings you two, you wouldn't still happen to need a box would you Kira?" Howard asked

"Actually Ebony just lent one to me, but I'm sure she'll take the one you bought. Thinking of it as returning the favor." Kira suggested

"Oh? Sure why not, thank you. We're planning on going through Savannah's baby toys and taking the old ones she's outgrown or no longer plays with to clean." Ebony thanked taking the box from Howard

"Oh, if you don't mind me asking, are you donating them or something of the sort?" Howard asked

"You could say that in a way. Let's just say there's a little surprise on the way." Ebony chuckled. "Anyway good luck Kira, I'm going to go now. Thanks for the box Howard."

"It's no problem." Howard said with a nod turning to head back to his own home

"Bye Ebony, bye Howard." Kira waved to the two before going inside with the box

Kira took the box over to the living room, temporarily sitting it down on the floor there as she went off to look for Chas. At the same time, Kimi was running around the living room playing with her toy superthing. She laughed as she ran in zigzags around the room only to stop in front of the box.

"Ooooh!" Kimi cooed as she observed the box before her as she walked up closer to it.

Seems to be Kimi's turn to play with the box! What will she imagine? Find out next time!

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