Big Brother Dilly Pt 4

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Heyo everyone! Hope your week has been well! Here's the next chapter, hope you all enjoy!

Another day had passed in the Pickles' home and Dil was still feeling absolutely miserable from the overbearing protectiveness from Tommy. However, his saving grace had finally come when Chas called up Didi and invited Tommy over for a sleepover with Chuckie and Kimi per Chuckie's request. Seeing as it had been a while since either one of the two friends stayed at each other's house, Didi agreed, making sure to pack Tommy an overnight bag for the weekend stay.

Humming to herself while taking the bag downstairs so it wouldn't be forgotten, Didi noticed her youngest looking seemingly glum while playing with his Goober plushie on the living room floor. Realizing that he would likely feel left out due to Tommy leaving for the day, Didi then came up with another idea, but it would require yet another phone call.

(Dil's POV)

After evebrything that's happlened I was hoping that my wish would come true and I'd get an airplane soons so I could finally gets away from Tommy even if it was for a little bits. Asides, my boo boo wasn't really hurting no mores but I also didn't wants the blood to come out so I still lefteded my sticky on it. When the nextest day came, I didn't gets a airplane but I did hears something that made me a bit happier. I was playing with my Goober toy, since he still wouldn't let me plays with the blocks or nothing, and that's when I heards that my mommy was talking on the hellophone with Chuckie and Kimi's daddy, it seemed that he was gonna have a slumbear party at their place; whatever a slumbear party was. All I knowded is that Tommy wasn't gonna be theres to tells me what I could and couldn't dos! I was in for an even biggerer surprise when Savannah's mommy broughted her overs too and my mommy said that we were going to have our own slumbear party!

(Normal POV)

Didi had called up Ebony, suggesting that perhaps Dil and Savannah could have the first own little slumber party seeing as Tommy was invited to one and she didn't want her youngest to be left out. Ebony agreed, bringing over Savannah not too long after finishing up the phone call with Didi. Upon arriving at the Pickles' front door, Ebony placed down Savannah while she chatted with Didi, handing off the overnight bag to the other mother.

"Thanks for inviting Savannah, Didi, I'm sure she and Dil will have a lot of fun together." Ebony thanked Didi with a grateful smile.

"Oh it's nothing at all, Savannah and Samayah are always welcome to stay. Besides, it'll prevent the feeling of being left out for Dil seeing as Tommy is going to stay over at the Finster's for the weekend." Didi explained, taking the diaper bag in hand

"I see, well I hope spending time together will keep Dil preoccupied. You have the house phone number and I also put in Alan's work and cell phone number in the side pouch i f you can't reach us at the house for some reason." Ebony replied

"Oh, alright, that's great. I'll keep that in mind." Didi nodded

About to take her leave, Ebony bent down to Savannah's level to kiss her forehead before she gave her goodbyes to the one year old.

"Alright, mommy's going now sweetie. Be good for Didi and Stu and have fun with Dil." Ebony said, seeing off the toddler

Savannah just giggled, waving goodbye, before running off to find her friend in the living room. Didi saw Ebony off out the front in the meantime. Over in the living room, Dil and Tommy were sitting on the couch as Reptar's roars boomed from the tv screen.

"Hey guys!" Savannah greeted

"Hi Savannah!" Tommy replied

Before anyone else could continue the conversation, the doorbell rang once again as it was Kira there to pick up Tommy to head over to the Finster's place.

"Tommy, Chuckie's mom is here to pick you up!" Didi called out to the two year old

"Oops I gots to go. Uh Savannah can you makes sure that Dilly doesn't get anymore boo boos?" Tommy said, climbing down from the couch as he began making his way over to the entrance way only to stop and turn towards the two, one-year-olds.

"Oh uh, sure Tommy. He won't get anymore boo boos." Savannah half heartedly agreed in compliance with the two year old.

"Okay, well in that case you guyses have fun!" Tommy called out as he ran over to Didi and Kira

While Didi saw to make sure Tommy and his belongs made its way off with Kira, Savannah and Dil continued their conversation.

"Hey Savannah, I didn't knows your mommy was bringing you to plays." Dil let out a relaxed sigh as he climbed down from the couch

"Uh huh! Your mommy tolded my mommy were going to have our own slumbear party since Tommy is going to ones." Savannah explained what she had overheard from their mothers' phone call with each other

"Neat! I don't know what a slumbear party really is but at least I don't haves to worry about Tommy keeping me from playing the stuffs I actually want to." Dil grinned

"Yeah! Asides it's not like there's really nothing that can cause boo boos if we play in here." Savannah nodded in agreement

"Come on, we can plays with the ball." Dil ushered Savannah to follow

Making their way over to the playpen, Dil went to pick up the ball lying in the corner of the playpen by the back sliding door. Giggling, Dil tossed the ball in Savannah's direction as the two began tossing the ball back and forth. At some point, the ball bounced slightly out of Dil's range to easily catch it as it rolled over towards the threshold between the kitchen and living room. Making his way over, Dil quickly ran to grab it, unknowing that at the same time his bandaid had coming loose from the play as it flew off onto the floor. Savannah, however, had noticed as she let out an audible gasp which caused Dil to stop in his tracks.

"What's wrong Savannah?" Dil asked

"Your sticky came off." Savannah replied worriedly, pointing to the bandaid that was on the floor not too far behind Dil

"Oh no, does that mean all my blood is gonna come out?" Dil panicked, quickly plopping himself on the floor to check his foot where his cut was located

Upon examining his injury, Dil noticed that not only was there no blood to be seen, the cut was actually almost healed and completely gone from his skin.

" cut it's almost gones!" Dil excitedly exclaimed

"Wow, really? That's great!" Savannah replied, running over to see the remains of what was Dil's cut. "So that means they don't lasts forever, that's nice to knows for if I ever gets cutted." Savannah commented

"Yeah, and that means if it's almost gone I can go backs to playing like I always dos." Dil said, standing up on his feet again. "Come on, let's go plays in the backyard!"


The two then made their way out to the backyard, Dil doing a summersault into the grass as he finally felt free! He didn't have to worry anymore and neither did Tommy! He couldn't wait to tell Tommy when he got back from his sleepover.

Now that Dil's cut is healed, what will happen now? Find out next time!

Tommy Pickles: The Terrible Twos (Series; Pt 1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora