Curse of the Baby Monsters Pt 6

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Heyo everyone! Apologies for not getting this out over the weekend or even yesterday for that matter. Just irl things as usual along with getting invested in a video game that I've been playing over the past two days. Either way hope you enjoy this chapter!

Over on the other side of town, a couple of the police officers along with some power line workers had come out to the senior center to investigate and hopefully repair the blown transmissions to get the power back on for everyone.

"Should have known it was you again, Pickles." One officer said shaking his head

"Aha, sorry about that." Stu sheepishly apologized rubbing the back of his head

"Luckily the damage isn't too major, the electric boys are all out checking transformers but the power should be back on for everyone slowly but surely." The officer explained

As if on cue, the lights flickered and returned into the senior center as everyone clambered in relief that they could see once again along with a couple of the buildings in the surrounding area. One by one, groups of neighborhoods' power began returning as many halloween decorations began lighting up and coming back to life.

"Next time, try and watch the voltage, Pickles. You know some of these grids can't handle that amount of electricity." Another officer sighed

"Yes sir! Apologies again for the mess." Stu saluted before rubbing the back of his head

With that the officers headed out of the senior center; They wanted to go around and make sure that no one was injured from the sudden outages across the city. Back over with the Rugrats, they had finally made their way out of the McNulty's house and out into the front yard once again.

"Guys, there you are!" Susie called out to the group, waving to them from the curb of the sidewalk where she and Angelica were waiting

"Uh huh, we founded the stickers!" Kimi cheered

"Even after all the lights went out too." Lil added in

Making their way over to Angelica and Susie, Tommy walked over to Angelica with the box of bandaids in hand. Opening the box, Tommy then removed one of the bandages from inside of it as he fiddled with the paper plastic covering the sticky ends of the bandage.

"Here Angelica, now you won't turns into a werewuff no more." Tommy reassured, placing the bandaid on his cousin's hand wound

"Yeah yeah, sure whatever, you dumb babies believe anything. I wasn't going to turn into a werewolf anyway." Angelica rolled her eyes, moving her hand away from the toddler

Even if she didn't want to admit it, having the bandaid there did make her feel slightly better. Especially now that anymore blood that escaped the wound wouldn't get all over her Cynthia costume.

"Minis, there you are! So glad you're okay, you all had me worried for a second there!" Taffy rushed over from the backyard gate over to the group, still pushing Samayah in her stroller

"Don't worry Taffy, we're all a-okay." Susie assured the babysitter

"Good to know you and Angelica have the minis under control, Susie. Britannica and I were worried when the lights went out." Taffy grinned

"When will lights come back on?" Chuckie decided to ask, still disliking how eerily dark it had gotten in the neighborhood

"Hopefully soon, Chuckie. Don't worry though, you're safe here." Taffy answered with a small chuckle, patting Chuckie's head. "If they don't come back soon, we might have to cancel that small show my band and I were going to put on in a bit." Taffy let out a sigh

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