Brothers Need Each Other Pt 6

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Have another chapter! Hope you all enjoy this one as well.

The next morning quickly came as Didi scrambled to make sure the kids got their breakfast while also making sure that she had everything ready to take over to the Green's place for the dinner later on. Over at Savannah's place, the same thing was going on for her with her parents going around to make sure they had everything they needed and they hadn't forgotten anything for the occasion. Luckily, much to both Ebony and Alan's relief, everything seemed to be in order with cups, utensils, and plates along with a table for all the adults and older kids and one for the younger kids as well. There was even games and toys set out in the backyard to keep the kids' entertained until it was time to eat.

It wasn't too long before the afternoon rolled around and one by one families began showing up at the Green's household. The Carmichaels arrived first, followed not too far behind by the Finsters, then the DeVilles. Drew, Charlotte, and Angelica had arrived as well. All that's left were Stu, Didi, Tommy, and Dil to arrive. Of course as everyone settled in, with the adults chatting at the table in the backyard, Alyssa texting on her cellphone, Buster and Edwin playing with the soccer ball, Angelica off her own playing with Cynthia, and of course leaving the rest of the toddlers and Susie to play amongst themselves as they colored pictures at the table. Chuckie of course was the first to point out that neither Tommy or Dil were there yet.

"Where's Tommy you guys? I thought he'd be heres by now." Chuckie asked, concerned about his best friend

"I'm sure he'll be heres soon with his mommy and daddy and Dil." Kimi reassured her brother

"Yeah, asides, there's plenty of Turkey pictures for us to color." Lil said, holding up her coloring page

"Well, Dilly tolded me yesterday that he and Tommy were really mads at each other and I don't know if they said they were sorry to each others yet. So we might haves to keep them away from each others once they gets here." Savannah explained

As Savannah finished telling the others about what had happened that previous day, Stu and Didi had finally arrived with Tommy and Dil. Of course, Stu and Didi said their hellos to everyone, placing Tommy and Dil down as they stepped out in the backyard. Tommy and Dil both made their way over to the group as they joined everyone at the kid table.

"Hey guys!" Tommy greeted

"Hey Tommy, hey Dil." Savannah waved

Each of the other toddlers also went around to give their greetings and hellos to the Pickles boys.

"Whatcha guys doing?" Dil asked

"Um, we're coloring turkeys, you guys want to join us?" Savannah answered

"Neat, sure." Dil nodded, taking a spot next to Savannah

"Yeah coloring turkeys is one of the bestest parts of hanksgiving." Tommy also agreed, taking a spot next to Chuckie

After a little while of coloring, Savannah decided to ask about Tommy and Dil's situation seeing as they didn't seem to be mad any longer but she couldn't say for sure.

"So, are you guys not mad at each others no more?" Savannah asked

"Nope!" Dil grinned

"I can't stay mads at my onlyiest brother, asides it's hanksgiving and that means we instead of being mads at each other we should hankful for all of our friends and family. I learneded that after the lastest hanksgiving after we made friends with a turkey and our mommy and daddies made up with each other after being mads about what to eat for dinner." Tommy beamed

"Oh yeah, we gots to eat Reptar cereal!" Phil commented

"And the grownups let Mr. Turkey shares his dinner with Spike." Chuckie also commented

"I hope Mr. Turkey is liking living on your Grandpa's friend's farm." Lil giggled

Overhearing the babies talking about the last Thanksgiving and about the turkey, Angelica just rolled her eyes.

"Well I for one am glad that turkey is gone for good. He still runed my parade." Angelica scoffed

"Sounds like an eventful Thanksgiving, I wish we could have been there." Susie commented

"Oh yeah, you didn't gets to come over. What did you do for hanksgiving that one time?" Tommy asked

"We went over to my Great Aunt T's place for hanksgiving that time I even got to see lots of my cousins that I never even knowed I had." Susie answered with a grin

"Wow, how many cousins do you have Susie?" Dil asked

"Lots and lots, some were olderer and some were even younger than me. And I'm sure I probably have lots more that I don't know about." Susie replied

As Susie finished up explaining how her last Thanksgiving went that particular year, the babies all went back to finishing up coloring their pictures. Before they knew it, it was soon time for dinner as everyone gathered at their seats at the table.

"Before we eat, we'd like to thank everyone for coming." Ebony started

"Yes, you all have made us welcome here ever since we moved in here a couple months ago, and we couldn't be more thankful for that." Alan continued

With murmurs of your welcome and agreements, everyone else also took the chance, if they wished, to say something they were thankful for as they went around the table. Finishing up with going around the table, it was now time for everyone to finally have dinner as everyone got up to get their food. Ebony and the other moms of course made plates for the kids first before getting food for themselves. Getting the kids' coloring pages set aside, the mom's then sat each of the plates of cut food down for the babies as they took no time to start eating their food. Soon everyone had gotten their food and settled at the table to peacefully eat their Thanksgiving dinner with the various foods and desserts that everyone had brought. It was safe to say this was yet another great Thanksgiving.

What adventures will the babies go on next? Find out next time!

Tommy Pickles: The Terrible Twos (Series; Pt 1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें