Dil-A-Bye Beddy Time Pt 1

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Heyo everyone! Happy weekend! Happy to return after having a vacation last week and of course not having my laptop or even the time to write. Anyway I'm glad to be back and hope you enjoy this chapter!

Spring was in full bloom as another week has passed over the Rugrats' neighborhood with plenty of flowers and warm weather! Dil and Tommy found themselves over at the Green's residence sometime that late morning as Didi brought them along. Letting the kids go out into the backyard to play together, Didi sat with Ebony in their kitchen to chat as Didi learned that they actually had just finished the process of transitioning Savannah out of her crib into a toddler bed to ensure she wasn't hurting herself if she happened to wake in the middle of the night and needed to go to the potty. Not to mention that it seemed as of late their oldest was managing to escape her crib a lot more than before.

"So, is she adjusting well to her new bed?" Didi asked

"We haven't run into any actual issues yet, and of course we still have the safeguard on her bed until she's a bit bigger so hopefully she won't roll out anytime soon." Alan answered with a chuckle as he passed by to go sit outside on the patio to be with the kids

"Not to mention, it seems like she was able to manage to climb out of her crib and we didn't want to risk her injuring herself." Ebony added in

"Oh I know what you mean, it seemed no matter what, Tommy was somehow managing to get out of his crib. We eventually settled on getting him switched and settled into a toddler bed right after finding out I was pregnant with Dil so we could save money and use his crib plus just like you all we didn't want him to eventually hurt himself if he was somehow climbing over the bars at some point." Didi mentioned, explaining the reasoning why Tommy was in a toddler bed pretty early on.

As the adults kept chatting, Tommy, Dil, and Savannah were all tossing around the ball Savannah had laying out in her backyard as Samayah sat on a blanket in the grass playing with some blocks.

"So what did you dos over the last few yesterdays when you weren't at our place, Savannah?" Dil asked tossing the ball over to her

"Not much really, Mayah actually can sits up all by herself nows , of course if she falls over I have to helps her sometimes." Savannah giggled, tossing the ball over to Tommy as she glanced over at her younger sibling

"Oh yeah, Dilly was likes that toos!" Tommy giggled, tossing the ball back to his brother "And then after a little while he was able to sits up all by himself and we didn't have to helps him up that much if he tipped over no mores."

"I member that! I was so happy when I finally could gets myself to sits up cause that meaneded I was closerer and closerer to being able to walk." Dil commented, passing the ball along again to Savannah.

"Oh yeah! I almost forgoted! I gots a new bed do you guys wants to come see?" Savannah asked

"Yeah!" Dil nodded in excitement

"Sure!" Tommy also agreed

The trio then began making their sneak crawl to get back inside the house, with Savannah leading them to the doggy door similar to the one the Pickles' had by their back kitchen door as well. However, at the same time Mayah ended up falling forward onto her stomach while trying to reach for one of her blocks. Now, while she could easily roll on her back she still was practicing on this whole sitting up thing and couldn't quite sit back up without assistance as she began to whimper and whine seeing her sister crawl by.

"Bananah!" Samayah yelled to get her sibling's attention

"Mayah, shush you're gonna gets us caught!" Savannah shushed her sister

"Me sit! Me want sit!" Samayah yelled upsettingly

Savannah sighed as she stopped crawling over to quickly help her sister get back up into a sitting position.

"Betterer?" Savannah huffed

"Uh huh!" Samayah nodded, grabbing the block she was reaching for before

Turning back to Tommy and Dil, Savannah made her way back over so they could continue leading the way inside.

"Sorrys guys, Mayah needed my help." Savannah said

"Don't worry abouts it." Dil replied

"Yeah, I had to do stuffs like that with Dil toos." Tommy added

Glad the two weren't upset, Savannah smiled as she continued leading them inside the house through the doggy door. Sneaking their way through the kitchen, they made their way down the hall and past the living room and over to the stairs as they went up to Savannah's room. Once there, Savannah pushed open her room door to show off her current room layout. Everything was pretty much the same with the walls being pink and having mostly Dora themed things decorating the room and even the changing table remaining seeing as her parents still found it easier to dress or change her if she had an accident. Of course, that's when Tommy and Dil spotted the brand new thing they came to see; Savannah's toddler bed tucked in the corner of the room where her crib used to be. It was your average toddler bed with a guardrail but of course had a Dora themed bedspread along with Savannah's Dora doll sitting on it.

"Wow! I likes your bed Savannah." Tommy complimented

"Me toos!" Dil also agreed

"Thanks! I likes it acause now I can go potty whenever I needs to and unlike a crib I can haves the bed blankey with Dora and my pillow even has Dora toos!" Savannah commented

"Neat, now I wish I hads my own bed then I could have all the Goober stuffs on mine." Dil replied, imagining himself having his own toddler bed with a Goober bed set

"Maybe I could ask mommy to gets you one, Dilly." Tommy suggested

"You'd do that for mes?" Dil asked, looking at his brother with a hopeful look

"Of course! Asides that way you wouldn't needs a studriver to gets out no more neither." Tommy answered with a nod

"Thanks Tommy," Dil thanked his brother, giving him a hug

Savannah could only grin at the sweet moment the two brothers were having. However, a new burning question quickly came to Savannah's mind seeing as she's been to the Pickles' residence multiple times.

"Uh...I hates to messes up this happy moment but wouldn't it be kinda stuffy in your guyses room if you both have beds in there?" Savannah asked

The two brother's just looked at each other before looking back at Savannah. That thought never occurred to them. Especially since Dil was moved back into Tommy's room along with the changing table and all of their toys and other things there really wasn't much room left to begin with seeing as the room wasn't that big at all and it'd only be even more cramped if there were to be another bed put in.

"You know...we didn't thinks of that..." Tommy answered, scratching at his head.

How will Tommy and Dil solve their problem? Find out next time!

Tommy Pickles: The Terrible Twos (Series; Pt 1)Where stories live. Discover now