The Return of the Box Pt 2

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I do apologize for the delay on this week's chapter my wifi had gone kaput around the time I was going to upload and by the time it was back up it was way to late for me to stay up as I do have work nowadays. Anyway hope you enjoy the new chapter!

Flipping the box upright upon crawling into it, Dil continued giggling as the scenery around him changed as he was now seen what looked like to be inside of an alien spaceship as the ship took off into space. Dil cooed in delight, looking out one of the ship's windows, as the ship passed many of the planets. Turning, Dil looked around the ship as he noticed that the interior looked close to what his house looked like but not quite the same. Hearing voices heading his direction in the hallway, Dil ducked behind a floating potted plant to hide himself as two aliens that seemed to resemble his parents walked by.

"You really think we'll find this gopher planet they're talking about Stuvon?" The alien that resembled Didi asked the other alien that resembled Stu.

"Well it's not on the planet we just left, that just has earthlings. Maybe we took a wrong turn in the galaxy, but now we should be heading in the right direction." Stuvon answered as they walked right by the plant, not noticing Dil behind it.

"Gopher planet? Maybe that's where Goober lives!" Dil thought to himself as he took a step out from behind the plant once the two aliens were out of sight.

Dil then had another thought as he began wandering the hallway of the ship. Why were the aliens trying to get to the planet where Goober lived? Were they gonna take him away and turn him into an alien?! He couldn't let that happen! Goober was his favoritest show and he wouldn't let the aliens take him away to turn him into an alien! Now on a mission to stop the aliens from stealing Goober away from him and all the other babies in the world that liked him, Dil started to check each room he went by hoping to find the one that would have a way to make the ship go somewhere else. Eventually Dil ended up entering a room that had what looked like a playpen with a dome on the top as Dil curiously toddled up to the dome shaped playpen peeking inside.

Upon peeking inside he saw another baby, it was no one other than an imaginary version of Tommy locked away in the playpen. Looking over Tommy noticed Dil outside of the playpen as he got up onto his feet.

"Dilly! I'm so glad you're heres! The aliens takeded me from my bed and putted me in this playpen. I think they're gonna turn me into an alieum so you gots to saves mes!" Tommy exclaimed going over to the edge of the playpen to talk to his brother

"Don't worry Tommy, I'll gets you out!" Dil said with confidence as he went over to a nearby control panel

Climbing up onto the panel Dil spotted a lever nearby as he pulled down on it. Upon pulling down on the lever he looked back to the playpen as it opened up letting Tommy out of the playpen.

"You did it Dil! You're the best!" Tommy cheered

"Aw it was nothing, now come on we have to stop the alieums from taking away Goober and trying to turn him into an alieum too." Dil said, catching Tommy up with the situation

"Oh no not Goober! He's the bestest gopher, they can't turn him into an alieum. Oh what are we going to do Dil?" Tommy asked, looking at his brother.

"I'll stops them! We just have to finds the steering wheelie in this place and then we can stop the alieum ship from going to the Gopher planet." Dil explained

"Lead the way then Dilly." Tommy said

Dil then led Tommy out of the room as they continued their search for the main control room. Turning the corner, Dil and Tommy noticed a pair of robot dogs guarding the door that resembled Spike and Spiffy.

"Oh no the doggies must be guarding the door, we'll never get inside there nows." Tommy sighed

"Don't worry I gots this." Dil said, pulling out a squeaky toy that happened to be in his diaper, squeaking it which attracted the dogs' attention as they perked up.

Tossing the toy down the hallway both dogs began chasing the toy, fighting over it in a tug of war match. Seeing the doorway was now clear Dil and Tommy headed for the room as the automatic door opened to reveal the main control panel for the ship as a map on the windshield overhead showed the map course to the Gopher planet.

"Look! The big TB screen is showing the Gopher planet." Tommy pointed to the display on the windshield

"Yup, that's definitely the planet where Goober lives, which means I have to stop it." Dil said going up to the panel looking at the various buttons on the control panel

Not knowing really which button to push, Dil began pushing all of the buttons simultaneously hoping something would change the ship's course. After a few moments of button pressing, the ship began to shake as both babies stumbled onto their bottoms.

"Dil why is the spaceship shaking?" Tommy asked

"I don't know." Dil responded

The ship then began flipping to its side as Dil fell out of an open hatch that had been opened from Dil's random button pressing as Tommy called out for him as he seemed to be carried away from the ship by the void that was space.

"There you are, Dil. I really should take this box out before one of us trips over it." Didi's voice said as Dil's imagination shifted back to reality as Didi lifted Dil from the box before sitting him on the floor.

Lifting up the box, Didi then headed toward the front to take the box out but not before stopping by the basement door.

"Stu, are you done with this box? If so I'm going to set it out for the garbage man." Didi called down to the basement

"Yes Deed!" Stu responded

Hearing her husband's approval, she then took the box outside as Dil toddled over to the window seal peeking out as he watched Didi place the box on the curb. Dil then proceeded to pout, he wasn't done saving Goober from the aliens. At the same time outside, Howard had taken the twins out on their front lawn as the twins giggled and played on their tricycles going round and round in circles while he sat in the lawn in a lawn chair nearby.

"Now stay where I can see you." Howard said with a chuckle as he picked up the morning newspaper

The twins, tired of going in circles, began to race each other back and forth on their trikes until Lil stopped dead in her tracks with a gasp, noticing the box. Phil, who had passed by and won their little race, turned to go back to his sister.

"Why'd ya stop Lil?" Phil asked

"Lookit! It's a box!" Lil exclaimed, stepping off her bike to go and dragged the box over onto their lawn.

What will Phil and Lil imagine with the box? Find out next time!

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