Waterworks Pt 1

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Heyo everyone! Happy weekend! Have another new chapter as we move on into the next story within the series. Hope you all enjoy!

The day had become evening as the sun began going down over the Rugrats' neighborhood. Of course, seeing as it was getting dark, it wasn't long before Savannah was picked up by her mother after having spent the night with Dil for a sleepover while Tommy had one over at the Finster's.

"Come on you two, let's get you some dinner to eat then it will be time for a nice bath before bed." Didi cooed, scooping up Dil as Tommy followed behind her to the kitchen

(Dil's POV)

After saying good bye bye to Savannah and her mommy my mommy said it was time to eat. She also tolded us that we were getting a bathy after afore she put us to bed to go night night. That's the part I didn't likes. I never likeded bathys for as long as I could member even as a baby baby. I'd dos anything to not takes one, asides it's not like I gotted super dirty like how Phil and Lil gets acause they play in the mud a lots. Well whatever, I wasn't taking a bathy and my mommy wasn't going to stops mes!

After we gotted to eat our foods, mommy tookded me and Tommy to our room so she could gets us ready for bath time as she usually helped us take of our clothes except our diapies. Well Tommy doesn't wear diapies no more he wears those big kid pants called undiewear but you gets what I mean. After thats mommy would lets us play for a little bits while she went to the bathroom. This was my only chance I could escapes from having to take a bathy. I had to find somewheres to hide and fast. Luckily Tommy was dislacted by playing with his Reptar dolly which meanded I could leaves and hides somewhere. Usually hiding under the couch was one of the bestest spots in the whole house and that's where I was gonna go!

I gotted up as I went over to the door to our room as I lookeded out in the hallway. The toast was clear but I could hear the water from the bathy filling up the bathy tub. I tried to be as sneaky as possible as I snuck out of our room and down the hallway. I stoppeded at the nextest room which was the bathroom as I peekeded again hoping that my mommy wasn't looking so I could keep going. My mommy was getting towels and stuffs so she wasn't looking which meant I could go ahead and sneak past the bathroom door.

Now that I gotted past the bathroom, all I hads to do was get over to the stairs so I could go down and hides under the couch. Easy peasy right? Wrong! Afore I could even start going down the stairs, my daddy pickeded me up

"Woah there Dilster, were are you off to? I'm sure mommy is going to be looking for you to get you nice and clean." My daddy said

I just frowned as I tried to wiggle away, I don't wants a bath! Why couldn't anyone understands that? My wiggling was no goods though as my daddy tookeded me back over to my room where my mommy was once again.

"Caught Dil trying to sneak off in the hallway." My daddy said to my mommy as he putted me in mommy's arms

"Thanks Stu, wish me luck." My mommy said before taking mes to the bathroom

Tommy was happy and following mommy to the bathroom. I still don't gets how he could likes taking a bathy. Especially with those...things in there that could eat us at any minute. What things was I talking bout? It's those bathy toys my mommy always putted in. It was them and thinking the bathy was the ocean when I was a baby baby that made me hate bathys all together. Sure, nows I don't think the bathy is a ocean acause im a big baby now, but I still thinks those toys are alive and out to gets us. They always moveded around like they were alive, especially in the bathy. I even thinks one of them turned into a giant whale that tried to eats Tommy. If those guys were going to be theres then I didn't want to bes.

"Here we go Dilly, time for a nice warm bath with all of your favorite toys." My mommy said to mes, taking off my diapey as she putted me in the bathy in that chair thing she always putted us ins, after thats she helpeded Tommy into the bathy toos.

Maybe to her it looked like a normal bathy, but to mes the toy ducky turned into a giant mean duck just like the ones you see at the park. It didn't helps that I couldn't gets to Tommy acause the duck was in the way and there was a sharky swimming nears Tommy as it opened it's big mouth looking like it was going to eats him.

"Tommy watch out!" I cried out to my brother as I tried to gets his tentions

(Normal POV)

While Dil cried out to warn Tommy from what seemed like a shark about to eat him. In actuality Tommy was playing with the shark toy in the tub as he giggled happily. He let out a small gasp upon hearing Dil's cries as he turned his attention to his brother. By this point Dil was crying, kicking, and splashing water everywhere. To Didi all she could tell was he was agitated in some way as she shielded herself from the splashes.

"Oh Dil, what am I going to do with you?" Didi sighed heavily, quickly cleaning the toddler and removing him from the tub before he could make an even bigger mess than he had already made from the splashing.

Wrapping Dil in a towel, she carried him out of the bathroom, as Dil clung to her tightly as he fearfully watched the toys bob about in the tub. Tommy, however, could only give a look of concern towards his brother. Even if it was normal for DIl to fight and fuss every bath time, he was a bit curious as to why his brother was so against baths when he personally loved them. At least now that Dil was no longer a baby baby, he could ask why his brother hated them and that was exactly what he was going to do once he finished his bath.

Will Tommy get to the bottom of Dil's bathtime fear? Find out next time!

Tommy Pickles: The Terrible Twos (Series; Pt 1)Where stories live. Discover now