What's Your Job? Pt 7

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Hello hello everyone! Happy weekend! I'm back with the next chapter and hope you all enjoy! Also hope you have a good Halloween if you celebrate it this year.

Tommy's worries were temporarily forgotten when the kids all finished up their lunch and were led outside to play. Each of the kids all beamed in delight as they toddled out to the playground as the looked over the fairly decent sized structure which had stairs that led up to a main fort portion that had a bridge that led to one twist slide, a pair of short normal slides to the right of the stairs going up, a climbing rock wall that also led up to the fort, a pole to slide down as well as a merry go round and swing sets positioned nearby. Continuing walking, Mrs. Honeyberry and Ms. Appleby led the children over to Mr. Garth.

"Kids, this is Mr. Garth, he along with the two of us will be the one watching over you all while you play." Ms. Appleby explained

"Hello children, as Ms. Appleby has explained I'll be one of the teachers watching over you. Now, let's go over the few rules we do have here and then you children can all go and play. First, there will be no throwing rocks or sand. If you see someone doing this, please come to me or your teachers and we will put a stop to it as soon as possible. Next, there will be no fighting, anyone seen fighting with another student will be put in timeout." Mr Garth explained the rules to each of the kids

Soon Mr. Garth had finished explaining the rules as everyone went off to play. Nothing too eventful happened as the kids all played together before being taken back inside by Mrs. Honeyberry and Ms. Appleby as the two teachers prepared the sleeping cots. Soon the kids were allowed to take a short nap as the Rugrats gang all took cots near each other as they settled in to take their naps.

"I didn't knows you still gots to take naps in preschool." Chuckie commented, letting out a yawn

"Yeah, I think I'm really going to likes preschool." Kimi added in as she pulled up the blanket she had more.


"Me too."

Phil and Lil both agreed as they rested their heads on the pillows. Chuckie then rolled over, as he was going to ask Tommy what he thought about the whole experience so far, only to find that his best friend was already sleeping away. Figuring he could ask later, Chuckie decided to go ahead and take his nap as the other Rugrats soon followed along with the rest of the kids. Another half hour had passed as the kids all took their naps. In the meantime, Mrs. Honeyberry looked over the evaluations she had done while Ms. Appleby left the classroom to get the T.V. cart setup to bring into the classroom once the children all started waking up from their naps. Of course, the toddlers in question soon began waking up one by one as Mrs. Honeyberry put her clipboard and other papers aside on the desk as she made her way over to the grouped up cots to greet the kids while also turning off the music player.

"Well good afternoon, hope you all had a nice nap." Mrs. Honeyberry said softly with a grin. "Let's get these cots put away shall we?" Mrs. Honeyberry asked of the toddlers who all nodded in agreement.

Mrs. Honeyberry and the children all saw to putting away the cots as they picked them up from the floor and got them stored away.. At the same time, Ms. Appleby returned with the T.V cart as she rolled it up next to the rocking chair.

"Now who's ready to see a movie?" Ms. Appleby asked

Every one of the kids in the room all perked up in delight upon hearing it was time for the movie as they all gathered on the circle rug near the T.V with the Rugrats gang mostly gathered together at the back of the group. Ms. Appleby went on ahead to put the VHS into the VCR as she grabbed the remote to adjust the volume and fast forward through the previews before the actual movie. However, Tommy was immediately faced with disappointment as the movie in question happened to be nothing other than a Goober movie. Letting out a sigh, Tommy knew while his friends tolerated Goober and could enjoy the movie, he knew he personally couldn't do that. Deciding he wasn't going to sit around bored until the movie was over, Tommy looked to notice that the classroom door was still open. Maybe he could go on his own adventure, maybe he could even find a job he liked so he wouldn't get stuck with a bad one! That's what he was gonna do! Waiting until the teachers were distracted, Tommy crawled his way away from the group of other kids as he snuck out in the hallway.

Getting up on his feet, Tommy looked up the hall in both directions as he pondered which direction to go in. Not wanting to stand out in the open for too long, Tommy made his way down the hall where he knew the building led to the cafeteria and playground. Surely he could find something exciting to do. Anything would be more exciting than watching that dumb Goober movie. As Tommy turned to head towards the back exit that led out to the playground, he ended up bumping right into Mr. Garth's leg as he stumbled backwards falling onto his bottom.

"And what do we have here? A little adventurer sneaking off from the rest of the group. We can't have that now, come little one we must get you back to Ms. Appleby and Mrs. Honeyberry right away." Mr. Garth said, helping Tommy up on his feet as he took his hand to return him to the classroom.

Tommy only could let out a sigh of discouragement as Mr. Garth led him back to the room. What was the point of preschool teaching you new and exciting things if you weren't even allowed to go off and explore new things? Entering the classroom, Mr. Garth immediately got the attention of Mrs. Honeyberry as he explained what had happened.

"Seems this young man would rather wander off by himself than follow along with our scheduled day. I found him wandering the hallways." Mr. Garth explained looking down at Tommy.

Mrs. Honeyberry could only give Tommy a look of disappointment as she spoke up. "Goodness, well thank you Mr. Garth. I'll have a chat with him."

"It's no problem, I just want to make sure he learns that he can't wander off like this if he plans to attend this school." Mr. Garth said with a nod before taking his leave

As Mr. Garth left the room, Mrs. Honeyberry then turned her attention to the purple haired toddler as she tapped her foot. Knowing he was in trouble, Tommy could only let out a gulp as Mrs. Honeyberry started to scold Tommy.

What will happen next? Find out next time!

Tommy Pickles: The Terrible Twos (Series; Pt 1)Where stories live. Discover now