Big Sis Savannah Pt 1

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Heyo everyone! Sorry for the delay. As I said last time I did have work this week on Thursday leaving me too tired to update. Anyway besides this being posted today the schedule should be back to normal. Hope you enjoy this chapter!

(Savannah's POV)

It was early this morning when I sawed my mommy and daddy keep going into that room down the hall. I thinks when we first moveded into our new house I saw my daddy go in there with one of those big paint buckets but asides that I never really saw them go in there. Maybe acause if my mommy didn't take me somewhere else I got to come over here to your guyses place.

Well since I wanted to know why they were going in there's so much nows I wanted to sees for myself. After my daddy fed me breakfast I escaped from my high chair and went upstairs to lookeded in the room. Luckily my mommy and daddy lefted the door open enough so I could opens it by myself. And when I went inside I sawed it! It looked asxactly like my room but without all the Dora stuffs and way more purple instead of pink. Of course, afore I could looks for my sister, my mommy founded me and pickded me up. She tolded me that the room was gonna be my new baby sister's room and that was where she was gonna sleep and play. Then I guess my mommy and daddy had more stuffs to do for my new baby sister cause after they gotted me out of my jammies they then brought me over heres.

(Normal POV)

Savannah had just finished explaining how her morning went to Tommy and Dil as both listened closely. As soon as she was done explaining, Tommy then chimed in.

"Yup that sounds almost exactly like afore Dilly was bornded and we gots him from the baby store at the hopscicle." Tommy said

"Baby store? You mean there's a store where they give away babies just like where we gets foods and stuffs?" Savannah asked

"Yup! At first I was gonna have a little sister but it turned out my mommy and daddy got Dilly instead." Tommy explained

"Wow." Both Dil and Savannah said in awe

"So um is that why my mommy and daddy are taking all my toys?" Savannah asked again

"Yeah they are gonna be hammy downs for your little sister. It's when you take toys from the biggerer baby that don't play with it no mores and let the littler baby play with them instead." Tommy explained to the one year old

"Ooh okay, I guess that's fine I didn't play with lots of those toys especially acause they're baby baby toys anyway." Savannah nodded before thinking of another question. "Well since you're a big brother Tommy can you helps me with learning how to be a big sister?"

"Sure! I can tell you about all the things I learneded about when Dilly was still a baby baby and Dilly can helps!" Tommy agreed

"Awesome." Savannah said with a grin

"Come on, we can go to mine and Dilly's room so we can show you stuffs." Tommy said

Taking his screwdriver out of his shorts pocket, Tommy unlatched the playpen as the group went upstairs. Entering the boy's room, Tommy immediately went over to his toy chest, reaching in as he threw out several toys and other objects onto the floor.

"What are you looking fors Tommy?" Savannah asked

"It's something my daddy giveded me." Tommy said, continuing to toss toys out of the toybox

"If it's so special why is it in your toy box?" Dil asked

"Well that's acause I used to carry it around with mes but I kept almost losing it. Like there was this one time on the merry go round in the park where we were spinning so fasts it fell out of my diaper. Then I tried to hide it in the sandbox, but Spike kept digging it up." Tommy explained to Dil and Savannah before he pulled out a kangaroo plush toy.

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