New Baby, New Problems Pt 3

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Hey everyone! Happy new year to you all! Here's the next chapter and the first chapter of 2022, hope you all enjoy!

Tommy, Dil, and Savannah went ahead to catch up with the group as they found them outside in the front yard this time as they were all next to a couple dandelions that were growing in the yard.

"This is the front yard, uhm sometimes our mommies and daddies let us play out here toos. But never goes into the street we're not apposed to go there without a growed up or else a big scary car might hurts you." Chuckie began explain to Samayah, recalling what happened a while back to Tommy, letting out a shudder before continuing. "But in the nice safe grass you can pick flowers and dampylions."

Chuckie picked a couple of the dandelions that were in the grass as he showed them to Samayah. Samayah giggled as she took one of the dandelions from Chuckie's hand as she shook it until all that was left was the stem.

"Oh well since you gotted all the fuzzies off then you can makes a wish." Chuckie said as Samayah tossed the stem down back into the grass

With the fuzz now floating around in the air, Chuckie let out a sneeze before sniffling and rubbing his nose on the sleeve of his sweatshirt.

"And if you're like Chuckie and lergic to flowers and stuffs you'll sneeze a whole lots." Tommy said, patting his friend on the shoulder as he sneezed a couple more times

Samayah giggled and began letting out fake sneezes to mimic Chuckie.

"Nee Nee!" Samayah giggled, clapping her hands

Meanwhile over next door at the Carmichael's home, it hadn't been too long that Angelica, Susie, and Harold arrived home from preschool and were having their afternoon playdate at Susie's home. As all of them currently played in the front yard, Harold was pretending to be a deer, finding two branches to make antlers.

"Susie look! I'm a deer." Harold exclaimed as Susie giggled

Angelica rolled her eyes watching the two play as she sighed in boredom.

"Look at 'em Cynthia, wasting their preschool days pretending to be animals." Angelica said, holding up the doll in her hands

Of course hearing the sounds of Chuckie's sneezing perked up Angelica's interest. Getting up from her spot in the grass she went over to the bushes, pushing them to the side to observe what was on the other side. Meanwhile, Chuckie sniffled as he wiped his nose again.

"Okay I'm done showing stuffs, lets go back afore I sneeze more." Chuckie sniffled as he let Savannah take the blanket again

Taking the opportunity to entertain herself, Angelica made her way over to the babies.

"What are you dumb babies doing this time?" Angelica asked

"Oh uh hi Angelica. We're just showing Savannah's sister all about stuffs and we're gonna teach her how to be a good baby." Tommy explained to his cousin

"Pffff, you can't teach a dumb poopy baby anything." Angelica scoffed, laughing at the idea

"That's not true, we're teaching her lots of stuff!" Savannah frowned

"Oh please, the only thing that baby can do is cry and steal all the toys and tentions from the growed up, just like drooly over here." Angelica said, jabbing her finger in Dil's direction

"Hey! I don't drool anymore Yucky...well not a lot." Dil retorted

"I thought I told you to stop calling me that?" Angelica growled

"Yucky!" Samayah squealed, giggling again

"Oh great, now you got her calling me that." Angelica facepalmed

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