New Baby, New Problems Pt 2

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Haha I have a little more writing energy than I thought so have another chapter! Who knows maybe I can get another one out today. We'll see, anyway hope you enjoy!

Picking up the end of the blanket, Savannah watched as Tommy unlatched the playpen.

"Okay Mayah, here we go!" Savannah beamed as she began dragging the blanket out of the playpen

Following her out, the rest of the group followed close behind. All of them eager to show the newest rugrat things about the world.

"Since you're her sister Savannah, you can shows her something firsest." Tommy said

"Okay! Hmm I gots it!" Savannah exclaimed as she dragged her sister over to the laundry room which was over in a room next to the kitchen. "Okay Mayah, this is the room where mommy and daddy gives the clothesies a bathy. Sometimes our stuffed aminals will get bathies in here too."

Samayah giggled watching the current laundry in the dryer spin around and around as she clapped her hands

"Baht baht!" Samayah babbled, placing her hand on the dryer door

"Who wants to go nextest?" Savannah asked, turning to the others while Samayah was momentarily preoccupied.

"Me me me!" Kimi jumped up and down raising her hand

"Okay Kimi you can go nextest." Savannah nodded allowing Kimi to take the blanket

"Yay!" Kimi cheered as she began dragging Samayah to their next location, which happened to be Savannah's backyard.

The backyard consisted of a small patio area similar to the Finster's back yard, and out in the yard lay a sandbox, a small slide connected to a baby swing along with various other toys like a Dora themed playhouse, a ride on car, and small kid sized picnic table that had blocks. Stopping in the middle of the backyard, Kimi let go of the blanket.

"This is the backyard! Everyone's backyards are different and have different toys and stuffs! You can play all sorts of stuff with your friends here. Like the sandbox, or pretending to play house, or or building a gigantilic block tower." Kimi explained, pointing out to Samayah the various activities she could do while outside in the backyard

"Ooh ooh! My turn!" Phil said, taking the blanket dragging Samayah over to a small mud puddle that was remaining from the rain

"This is mud, it's really good and squishy for making mud pies that you can eat and you can even find nummy wormies and other bugies to eat." Phil explained, picking up a handful of mud and showing Samayah the substance

Samayah stared at the mud in Phil's hand as her face scrunched up, she didn't really like how it looked. It reminded her of her diapers filled with poop!

"Icky!" Samayah cried out, pushing Phil's hand away

"Suit yourself, more for me." Phil shrugged, shoving the mud into his mouth

"Okay now it's my turn! And don't worry it won't be mud and bugs." Lil said, snatching the end of the blanket from her brothers hands

As Lil began dragging Samayah back inside, everyone else followed. Going over to the mirror on the coat closet, Lil dropped the blanket.

"This is a mirror, it's where you can looks at yourself and make sure you looks nice and prettyful, but you has to be careful acause there's mirror boys that guard the other side of the mirror." Lil explained, fixing her bow in the mirror as she noticed it had gotten messed up when Samayah had pulled her hair earlier.

"You don't wants to go there, trust me." Chuckie shuddered at the memory

"Here, I'll go nextest." Tommy offered, picking up the blanket as he dragged the blanket over to the bathroom

Taking a trip to the bathroom, Tommy stopped in the middle of the floor.

"Over here, this is the baby potty, this is where your mommy and daddy takes you when you first starts to learn how to use a potty. The one we haves at my place has a clown face on it." Tommy started to explain, moving the empty red potty over for Samayah to see. "And once you've used the baby potty for a long times then you can start using the growed up potty to go poopy like Chuckie." Tommy finished explain, patting the side of the toilet bowl

"Poopy!" Samayah yelled with a giggle

"Hehe that's right Mayah." Savannah also giggled

"Poopy! Poopy!" Samayah continued yelling in which followed was an all too familiar sound and smell

"Ew, okay maybe we should takes you to get a diapey change afore we keeps showing you stuffs." Savannah muttered, plugging her nose


"Good idea"

The others muttered in agreement, as Savannah took the blanket, dragging her back to the living room where Alan was finishing up his tv show. They all walked up to him as Savannah tugged on his pants leg.

"Oh, what are you little rascals up to?" Alan chuckled

"Baby go poopy." Kimi said, pointing down at Samayah

"I see, thank you Kimi. Alrighty then Mayah, lets get you into a fresh diaper." Alan said, picking up Samayah as he carried her off upstairs to get her changed.

"At least she didn't smell as bad as Dil." Phil blurted out

"Hey! I cants helps it!" Dil frowned again as Savannah let out a giggle

"You're one to talks, Phillip!" Lil retorted

After a few more moments, Alan brought Samayah back down. Ebony actually followed not too far behind him as she came downstairs as well.

"Well lookie here! It's the whole crew." Ebony grinned, brushing her hand through Savannah's hair before kissing her forehead. "Glad you're having fun sweetie."

"They've been so well behaved." Alan chuckled, placing Samayah back into the support pillow. "Speaking of that, I'll get started on their snack soon." Alan continued.

"Sounds like a plan, I'll make another bottle for Mayah." Ebony said as they both went off to the kitchen

As Savannah's parents walked into the kitchen, Savannah grabbed the end of the blanket again as she moved Samayah closer.

"Do you want to go nextest Dil? Or would you likes to go firstest Chuckie?" Savannah asked

"Uh well, Chuckie can go firstest." Dil stammered in response

"Uh okay sures I can goes." Chuckie replied, taking the end of the blanket as he began dragging her to where he wanted to go next.

Everyone followed, except for Dil who had a saddened look on his face. Of course, Savannah and Tommy noticed as they went over to Dil.

"Is something wrong, Dil?" Savannah asked

"Not really..." Dil murmured in response

"Dil..." Tommy gave him a look of "just tell us what's wrong"

"Okay okay, it's just that you guys knows a lots more stuffs than I dos. I don't knows lots of stuffs, I mean afore you and Samayah moveded her Savannah, I was the littlerest one here." Dil slumped sadly

"It's okay Dil, I'm sure there's something you can show Samayah." Savannah patted her friend on the shoulder

"Yeah and if you can't finds nothing we can always helps you." Tommy reassured his younger brother

"Really?" Dil looked up at Tommy

"Uh huh!" Both Tommy and Savannah nodded in response

"Thanks guys!" Dil said, a small smile crossing his face as they went to meet back up with the rest of the group.

Will Dil figure out something to show Samayah when it's his turn? Find out next time!

Tommy Pickles: The Terrible Twos (Series; Pt 1)Where stories live. Discover now