Big Sis Savannah Pt 3

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Heyo everyone! First off I must apologize for a lack of a chapter these past two Thursdays (though last weeks could be made up with the second chapter of Dil's Loud Love being posted). I have friends and family members who all had birthdays these past two weeks so I've been celebrating on top of working leaving me exhausted. Anyway here's the next chapter! Hope you enjoy!

"Go ahead Kimi." Tommy gestured to allow Kimi to go ahead and tell the things she liked and disliked being siblings with Chuckie.

"Well acause Chuckie and I became brother and sister afore my second birthday it might be a bits different then having a baby baby brother or sister. But I do remember one of the firstest things I didn't liked so much was that Chuckie was trying tos hard to protect me while being a big brother. It's okay sometimes, like when Chuckie tolded the older kids to watch out for me while they were kicking sand and they moveded farther away to not get me sandy, but not all the time. He's doing betterer though and i'm glad to know he's gonna be there to always protect me if I needs it and he's the bestest big brother I could ever has." Kimi explained to her friends

"Aww thanks Kimi, you're the bestest sister too." Chuckie grinned

"I think the one of the only other things I didn't likes was the one time where Chuckie was sneezing extra lots, which we later got tolded it was his allergies to dampylions, and that Chuckie kept avoiding mes instead of telling me that he thinks he was allergics to me." Kimi began again "Then again that's mostly Angelica's fault for lying to Chuckie saying that I'd have to go away forever."

"Of course it was Angelica, she's always trying to tricking you guys." Savannah said

"Yeah but sometimes she actually tells us stuffs that is true so we can't ever know for sure." Tommy pipped in

"Well I'm going to make sure my sister doesn't never listen to Angelica unless maybe one of you guys say it's okay." Savannah explained

"That's probably for the best." Chuckie said

"Oh yeah, you still have to tells us what you liked and didn't like being a big brother Chuckie." Savannah remembered Chuckie not having his turn yet

"M-Me? Uh okay well um I guess to start I did likes that I gots to have Kimi as a little sister and her mommy as my new mommy. The firstest real thing I didn't likes was that Kimi and I had to share our mommy and daddy's tentions as I was just used to my daddy giving me all the tentions and stuffs. I did eventually get used to it though and our mommy and daddy started giving us equal tentions. Another thing I didn't like is that Kimi isn't as clean as I ams, leaving her toys and stuffs all over the floor on her side of the room while I liked mine to stay clean." Chuckie began to explain

"I trieded it afore but it's easier to find stuffs when it's not all put away. But that's okay acause mommy and daddy are giving me my own room soons!" Kimi pipped in

"Sounds just like how when Chuckie and I learneded after I stayed over for a whole weekend that sometimes your friends do things different at their own house and have their own rules and thats okay cause you can go back to doing things how you likes at your house." Tommy added in

"Yeah! Now that Kimi is gonna have her own room I can keeps my room how I likes it and she can keep hers how she likes it." Chuckie said "And we both can have our piracy if we wants it. Which remindeded me that Kimi also use to walk in on me using the potty alots which I didn't likes acause you know how I can't go when someone's watchin." Chuckie continued explaining

"Yeah but once Chuckie finally tolded me that he didn't likes it I stopped. And when I started using the potty myselfs I could sees why he didn't like no one watching him. Sometimes it's hard when everyone is watching yous." Kimi pipped in

"Yeah but there's stuffs that Kimi has taught mes that I've learneded too. At firstest it was hard because Kimi and I are a lot different and like different stuffs but there are times where Kimi has taught me new stuffs. Like how dayscare isn't always scary and I didn't needs to hide from all the kids and grownups there. We even gots icecream too!

"Wow! So there's even stuffs you can learn from your younger brother or sister too?" Savannah questioned as she listened

"Uh huh." Chuckie nodded

"And you'll always has someone to plays with when they get biggerer especially when you can't play with your friends." Kimi added

"Hmm you know what guys? I think I'm now more ready to be a big sister nows!" Savannah said with a grin

"That's the spirit." Tommy encouraged Savannah, the others agreeing with the purple haired 2 year old

"Yeah you're gonna be a great big sister. I'm sure of it!" Dil reassured his friend

"Thanks guys." Savannah thanked the group

{Later that afternoon}

The parents had gathered to pick up their kids from the Pickles' place as Betty brought up the beach, thinking of taking the twins that weekend.

"Oh we could make it a get together, that would be a great idea to get everyone outside for once! Let's take the kids to the beach this weekend." Didi suggested to the other parents

"Oh that sounds wonderful!" Kira agreed

"It has been a while since we've been." Stu pipped in, also onboard with the idea

All the parents, now on board with the idea of taking the kids, chatted away before Ebony excused herself as she began to speak up.

"While I love the idea of going to the beach, and very much would like Savannah to go with her friends, I'm afraid I'm going to be staying home due to...well I have another one due soon." Ebony announced

"Oooh that's alright Ebony, congratulations!" Didi reassured

"Yeah, we can take the pup while you get your rest." Betty also assured

"Thank you all, I wouldn't want Savannah to miss out on the fun." Ebony said with a small smile

"You know what, this calls for a small celebration!" Betty chuckled

Hearing not only the word celebration, but also that they were also going to the beach, had the babies, who were still playing away in the living room, to perk up in happiness.

"Is this the party for my sister you were talking abouts Tommy?" Savannah asked

"Not sure, but I thinks so." Tommy answered

"And we gets to go to the beach!" Phil giggled

"Yeah!" Lil also giggled

"Well I'm ready for my baby sister to come whenever!" Savannah grinned proudly.

Savannah is prepared for her new sibling! What will happen next? Find out next time!


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