Is Savannah Ready? Pt 3

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Happy weekend again everyone! Back again with another chapter! Hope you all enjoy!

"Now, of course, I wasn't expecting anything immediate with the results. Just went by Lipschitz's "No More Diapers" book which states to just wait till your baby does his or her business and make sure to give them lots of praise, that way they get the right idea of where they should go. Well, unfortunately, Tommy did go alright, right on the bathroom floor. It was like deja vu, seeing as back when Chuckie was first potty training, we were watching him while Chas went out for the weekend and Chuckie had the same experience with his encounters with the potty." Didi explained her side of the story as she shook her head at the memory of Tommy having his first accident in a similar manner like Chuckie had.

Meanwhile, back over with Tommy, Dil and Savannah, Tommy continued to tell his version of the story.

"I satteded on the potty for what felts like forever until Chuckie came to asks me if I was okay just like I dids when he was staying over my place for the weekend and was still learning to uses the potty. That's a different story and I'm sures that Chuckie would rather tells it than mes. Anyway, I ended up going potty alright, but it wasn't in the potty. I asadentally went potty on the floor. My mommy cleaneded everything up and I gots to go back to playing with Dilly and my friends. I knownded that potty training wasn't the easiliest thing to dos but it didn't makes me happy to knows that I had an asadent on the floor.

Laterer we all gots to go play in the sandbox when I hads to go potty really really bads that I already knowded that if I tried to makes a run for it I would have hads an asadent again. Luckily for mes, Chuckie wents inside the house to gets my mommy who tookded me to the potty again."

"Did you makes it to the potty?" Savannah interrupted with her question

"Uh well, yes, but it didn't end exactly like I wanteded toos." Tommy chuckled sheepishly

"He went potty on the floor agains!" Dil blurted out

"Dil!" Tommy squeaked in embarrassment

"What? That's what happlened and you were going to tells it anyway." Dil replied with a shrug.

"Yeah, but you can't just tells people those things whenever you wants Dil." Tommy gripped

As the two toddlers had their small argument, Ebony continued to listen to Didi's side of things.

"So we went back to the waiting game. Tommy and his little friends went back to playing outside while I went into the kitchen to start preparing dinner for the evening as his little friends were staying over to support him. Next thing I knew, Chuckie came running inside to tell me that Tommy had to go potty so I quickly went out and grabbed him and took him inside to have his second attempt. Unfortunately, it ended in the same way as last time." Didi narrated to Ebony.

"Potty on the floor instead of in the potty?" Ebony asked

"Yes, but I didn't give up, I knew he could do it. It'd just take some more time. We didn't have a good next morning either, as Tommy ended up wetting the bed overnight as well despite having an attempt to go before bed. I did get his sheets cleaned and everything, and once that was done, Lou and I took the kids out to the park. Sadly it ended up being that Tommy had another accident at the park even after Chuckie tried to get to me as quick as possible." Didi continued explaining as her son continued telling his side back in the living room.

"Anyway. Yes I dids ends up having another asadent like Dil said. But Chuckie was still saying I could dos it and it would just takes time. I trusted my bestest friend, after all he was the firstest of us all to gets potty trained and I was right theres with him as he went through the same thing I did. My mommy and their mommy ended up letting Chuckie and Kimi sleepover for the night as well so I guess they could helps me feel betterer about this whole potty training stuffs. As nice as it was, I ended up also having a asadent in my bed which we finded out the nextest morning. I knews it had to be mes that had the asadent on account of I hearded both Chuckie and Kimi gets up to go potty in the night time.

My mommy, of course, gots everything cleaneded up and stuffs and we wents on with the day like normen. That's when my mommy asided to takes us to the playground where we met Phil and Lil and their mommy. That's when the worstest thing could have happlened: The McNulty's were at the park! Well, at least Timmy and Teddy weres, acause the firstest thing they did was come over to us to show off that Teddy was already potty trained even though he hadn't had his second birthday yet. It didn't helps that I hads to go potty then toos. I ended up whispering to Chuckie to go and gets my mommy for mes while Timmy and Teddy started asking mes if I was potty trained yets. Then the most emblarrasing thing happened, I had a asadent in the sandbox right in fronts of Timmy and Teddy."

"I member that! I tolds Timmy to leaves you alone and he finally wents away." Dil exclaimed, reminded of how upset his brother was and how upset he, himself, was that Timmy and Teddy were laughing at his older brother's accident

"Those McNulty kids aren't really that nice." Savannah said with a frown

"Not really, no." Tommy shook his head in agreement, "My mommy ended up changing mes into new clothes and stuffs luckily everyone still thoughts I could gets this potty training stuffs, even if it tookeded forever and ever and I wasn't gonna gives up either even if I thoughts that I wasn't ever going to dos it."

What will happen next? Find out next time!

Tommy Pickles: The Terrible Twos (Series; Pt 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon