"Anything else? If nothing else, I've got work to do and I'd appreciate if you leave me alone"

"Nothing else, oh wait I'm meeting Shruthi next week I don't know if she told you yet but yea I just wanted to inform you"

"Cancel it", I said gritting my teeth.

"What why? ", he asked confused.

"Just cancel it and don't ask any questions", I said getting irritated by his attitude.

"I already told her, I can't ditch her now", he said determined.

"Look Nirmal I don't care what you do or tell her, come up with something and cancel it if you want to keep your job", I gave him a warning.

He scoffed and replied," You're kidding. You're gonna fire for having lunch with your wife?"

"Exactly, she's my wife, not yours. I have the right to decide who meets her and who doesn't", I said as a matter of fact.

Nirmal chuckled and asked amused, " My dear friend are you jealous? Of me?"

I rolled my eyes, "Why would I be jealous of you?"

"I don't know since you're restricting me to meeting my own best friends sister? I knew her way before she became your wife and I was merely informing you not asking your permission"

"Whatever, cancel it or lose your job"

"Im not-", he started to say but I heard a soft click of the door opening and shutting nearby signalling that Shruthi just came back.

"I'll talk to you later, send me the files", I said hanging up.

I started to get up but as soon as I heard the shower running, I sat back down. After 15 minutes I heard her come out and I left my cabin and went to my bedroom. She was standing there folding the laundry and I leaned against the wall and took of my watch and placed it on the table. She looked up at sound and her eyes immediately found mine. Her eyes roved all over me and I took off my tie slowly knowing she was watching my every move.

She swallowed but didn't look away. I cleared my throat and our eyes locked again. I raised my eyebrows at her and her cheeks turned red under my gaze. I smirked at her, knowing that I had such an effect on her. She looked away and I removed my tie in a swift move and threw it into the laundry bin. I walked over to the closet to take my casual clothes and went into the bathroom without a another word.

After a quick shower I changed into my long sleeve T-shirt and sweatpants and came out. I pushed back my sleeves and was drying my hair with the towel when I noticed her staring again. She had finished with the folding and was sitting on the bed with her book. She started staring when I came back.

"Enna sight adikuratha mudichutina pesalama? ", I asked smirking.
(If you're done staring, can we talk?)

Her eyes met mine and her cheeks colored.

"Naa- Naa onnum sight adikala, enna pesanum?", she asked stammering.
(I -i wasn't staring, what do you want to talk about?)

I slid beside her on bed and became serious because there was so much I wanted to ask her. Shruthi saw the look on my face and said, "I know you have questions and please be patient. I'll try to answer them but if I can't, don't get angry"

Something squeezed in my heart. Did she think I get angry so easily? Nonetheless I nodded.

"How do you know that guy? "

"Who? Veera? ", when I nodded she continued, "He was my senior in med school then he flunked his last year and graduated with me and Anandhi."

When I asked if they are close and she answered smiling, "Very close, he was there for me when no one was. Even Anandhi wasn't there always but he was no matter what he was doing. If I called he would come rushing over. I've always loved that about him"

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