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Please just please stop fighting him please, I begged Pablo as we are outside of the house .

Please babe, I'll do anything I cooed as he let me hug on him.
I don't know why the fight with Mike and Ken started , something about some water been thrown.
I don't know why Ken is fucking with Mike knowing she cannot beat him, shit she never could so why do this?

Juan nigga why you called mommy? Pablo asked his brother as he push me away from him.
No stop stop don't push me away, I said getting in his space.
You gonna push me? I yelled as he looks down at me.

Fuck nigga , I'm kill you, Juan says running up.
Literally getting pushed out the way, they went at it.

I mean it's not good at all and I'm so sick of it.
Crying and begging someone to help, everyone is inside. Crying as Pablo close fist punch Juan in the face.

Please please babe please I cried trying to get Pablo off Juan but he didn't even feel me trying to move him.

Getting pulled back by my sister finally as all the dudes are separating Pablo from Juan.

Just covering my face, Juan face is leaking and knotted up.
Keep telling you to stop trying me fuck boy, Pablo laughed as Ivan and Rick pushed him back into the house.

Crying I followed as everyone else helped Juan.

Why the fuck you're crying? Huh he yells at me as I looked at him.
I'm so sick of this please stop, I cried as he just walked away from me.
Nigga disrespect my wife I'm beat them up until I am ready to stop, he says as I walked behind him.

You gonna keep crying because I ain't done, he warns as I just looked at him and he looked back at me.

Can we just shower and go sleep? I cooed as he looked me up and down.
I wasn't feeling good still , like I cannot keep shit down and I had a fever. I was ready to go home

Doing as told he was very quite as I washed my body.

I feel like crap, I say as the hot water hit my sore body.
Just picking me up, he held me as the shower rinse our body.

3 am
Aye what's up hoe? What's up? Someone is yelling as I'm literally been pulled from the bed. 
The fuck? I yelled trying to get up but the grip they had on my hair was insane.

Pussy hoe your nigga left you to get beat up , what's up, the voice who I notice was Ken's says in this evil voice.

Close fist hitting me I covered my face.
Turning to get up I'm crying as she's popping me in the face with her fist.
Feeling every hit, I somehow flip her and she falls on her back but how she got my hair I flip with her .

Bitch you lost your mother fucking mind, my sister is yelling as Goddess is punching Ken in the face and here comes Pryncess as Godiva is pulling his hands out my hair.
I couldn't believe this shit, face bleeding and I can feel the knots on my face and head  .

Jumping in we stomped this fuck bitch, hoe how dare you , I cried kicking her dead in the face as my sisters ate her ass up.

How this bitch think this was cool? So now every time I see her I'm beat her up and yes she's a man still at the end of the day  and she had no business fighting me as a woman because she really knock me across my head and it felt like a nigga was hitting me.

Like what the fuck? Why was my best friend doing this really? What was the real beef, I'm so hurt and so confused I don't know what to think and I don't know why this happened.

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