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1 year later
Damn that's crazy , I said to Rick as we lifted weights.
Exie and him never got back together, she wasn't playing but they didn't date either .
I'm not saying he didn't fuck bitches but he ain't never bring anyone around us & she didn't either .

It's been a little over a year and I haven't been back with my wife .
I beg still and I try to do whatever but she hasn't let me back in yet .
It was weird because she was letting me fuck on her but she wouldn't let me come home , it was always get a room and I'll meet you there .

Why I needed a room ? When I have homes? But whatever she wanted I did , I ain't fight nothing .

Today is my birthday and I'm trying to be with her but she's not being nice and she told me I was single but I'm not, how am I single and I have a wife? It didn't make sense, so I was begging her all this morning to meet me for brunch and she wasn't answering her phone.

So what you doing today? Rick asked me as we left out of my house for our morning run.
Shit I started to say , but was stop by a so pretty face.

Damn I said as he laughed , nigga you was taking to long I'm surprise she ain't leave, he laughed as I looked at Jasmine standing outside of the house.
Since we been apart I was staying at the house I had on South beach.
She wouldn't even come here, she hated it here for some reason. She swear I fucked bitches in all the houses and I really didn't , she's crazy as fuck but I'm happy to see her.

I'll see you later bruh, Rick says as he walked off laughing because I was stuck.

Happy birthday, Jasmine cooed.
Damn thank you , I replied back as I looked at her standing in front of me with this baby blue dress on that stopped at her thighs.

So I'm your gift for your birthday, you can do whatever you want with me, she says as I looked her in the eyes.
Can I have my wife back? I asked as she looking at my lips .
If we get back together permanently a lot will have to change, she says as I just nodded.

A lot and I need you to understand , it's no more trying me.
My mental is just getting back somewhat normal and I ain't trying to go backwards, she says as I agreed.

Listening to her tell me what she wouldn't allow, I agreed and I'll do anything to make her happy , I mean anything .

2 pm
After having the conversation that we needed to have we was now out .
She had planned this whole day and I ain't even know.
Come on she laughed as we are getting ready to ride jet skis.
She had pissed me off a few months ago when she went and got the tummy tuck, I didn't appreciate that at all, I loved the little gut she had , I loved her body period but it was her body so I had to respect it . But she was so sick afterwards , I was there to take care of her.

It does look good now that she's healed all the way, I just told her not to touch the titties or the bottom, I get you want the stomach gone but everything else was good and it looked so good.

Riding the jet skis, she wrapped her arms around me . Shit felt so good 😊 damn I really love this fucking girl.

Ugh the last year was very much hard, I had to get my ass up and stop being so down.
I had to shake that depression off and it was hard.
Being away from him wasn't really working because he was my strength, like he would push me but I had to be away from him because the depression was this bad because of him .

Oh Ashleigh and me had a big heart to heart and I went after her.
She couldn't tell nobody why she was coming for me, last I heard we was cool and she loved my sisters but why come at me now ? What happened? She said she couldn't be happy with anyone because niggas was always trying to compare themselves to Pablo and she just couldn't be happy.
She said the last dude she was with Pablo bullied and she really loved dude so she felt like she needed to make his life hell since he came at her relationship but I didn't get it, when did this all happened? So I made him come and talk to us and he said he ain't never came at her people , he said he just told her nigga not to be touching on his baby, she then said that made her dude feel some type of way and he left her.

I didn't understand how that was his fault for just letting dude know and a real man would of respected that but I don't know.
She tried to apologize to me but I really didn't want to hear it, I just wanted to know if he really fucked her . She said she hasn't touched Pablo in years .

So that's why I started back sleeping with him, yes I made him get a room and he wasn't coming home until I was ready. He hated the hotels , he said he had homes, why would I want to go to a room and I told him because that's what I wanted . So he did what I asked .

But I still need my space and I still needed to heal , so no I didn't allow him back home and I was very strict and mean to him .
I let him eat dinner with us because my kids missed him and he did bring Pia and Presley over to the house but he couldn't stay over and he hated it .

Christmas he went crazy with gifts for all the kids . He begged to stay over for the holidays but I made him do it at the house he was staying at , I just knew if he came over for a night he wasn't gonna leave so I played with him a lot and he hated it .
He gave me 20g and a diamond ankle. He was trying .
So I was trying to and I'm happier then I have been so I'm allowing him to be back home just because I know I miss him being there with us and I know my kids loved him being home.

Wrapping me around him as we rode the jet ski, I felt so safe with him.

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