Where's the peace ?

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4 months later
Slamming my big thick hard dick in this freak bitch Maria, she ain't care nothing about her brother knowing me and she ain't care that Jasmine was my baby momma. She just wanted the dick and she just want to me dogged her out and that's what the fuck I was doing .

I was taking her to breakfast after I fucked her now and I did let her come over to my place . She knew she wasn't my girl and she knew I did what I wanted .
Sir had left the Resha bitch alone because she was getting to clingy. He said he ain't want nothing from her but the pussy but the bitch was trying to fake pregnancy and all .

8 am
Fuck I forgot my baby momma was dropping off my son , I said as I got out of bed leaving her in the bed nude.
Putting on some gym shorts and a tank top, I smelt like straight pussy .

Fuck I said as Jasmine is knocking on the door.
Coming I yelled, she was getting impatient.

Opening the door, yo this fucking Queen was everything and more. Oh how I wish I was the nigga who was loving on her.
But I wasn't , I was just a baby daddy. She laughed when she heard I was fucking on Maria, Godiva put us out , at a family event we both showed up to, it was weird seeing her there but I played it cool until Godiva told everyone what was going on, she was a straight hater, she ain't care about nothing but her respect and she was coming hard because Resha bitch ass had called her and sent a video and everything, she didn't know Godiva was who she was until she popped up that day. The shit was embarrassing but what could we do about it?

What's up? I said to her as I looked at her pretty face.
Hey , heres his bags and his ps5 like please keep it here because he's on punishment at my house, she said as my son just walked into the house, not saying nothing to her or me.

Damn you still got him on punishment for acting up last month? I asked her.
Yes I told him 90 days and I mean that, you can do what you want at your house but at my house he's going obey, she says turning to walk off.

Whatever I thought as I looked at her fat ass booty, damn she was fine as fuck. I had my boy 4 days out the week and she had him 3 , she said she need a break and she can have one, my boy didn't like going to her house anyways because she's mean as fuck.

What's up man? I said to my son as I walked into his room at my house.
Hi daddy, mommy mean, he says as I agreed.
It's cool man, we gonna have fun this weekend, you can play your game then we will go get some food, let me shower okay? I said shaking his hand.

My boy was getting big, I loved him , I think this is the only child I'll forever have.
I still cannot believe Trina , every time I see her I be wanting to beat her up.

Pulling up to Pablo's house, I just dropped Mikemike off and now I'm dropping the girls off.
The last 4 months been crazy , we fight every time we see each other , it's to the point that I have to call his momma to meet with me to get the kids from him.
The issue isn't me dropping them off, it's him returning them .
He had the twins telling me that they didn't want to come with me , like nigga you are weird but you know what? I decided to just give him his kids full time, I had a lot of shit going on with me being depress after having Paige , like I was very down and no matter how much I tried to shake it , it didn't work.

So today is me returning them. The only child that was home was Mikemike and that was only three days out the week because I told his dad he needed to keep him to .

Getting out of my vehicle, it smelt like he was cooking out.
I see Godiva and Ivan's pick up truck her so it's probably Ivan .
As I'm getting the twins out , I here his front door opening.

Daddddddaaaaa the twins screams still in the car.
They loved their daddy, like real deal loved him.

Just walking the bags to his front door, he was already to my truck getting them out of the car.

Walking back, I didn't notice him or what he had on the first time but as I'm walking back I looked right in his face .
Ohhhh lawd he was so fine, the platinum bottom teeth just shined in my eyes.

Wow I thought as I looked over his bare chest.
He didn't have on a shirt, just some basketball shorts .

Not trying to look to hard I looked away as he walked towards me with both of the twins in his arms.

Go in the house mommies, he cooed putting them down.
Undoing the baby, I hear him coming back towards me.

It looks like he had been working out .

Hey daddy babe, he says as I passed her to him.
She was a fat little baby, daddy miss you Paige, he cooed kissing her cheeks.

Not saying anything to me he just walked off with her.
Like I said we wasn't friends at all.

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