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Eating my ice as we head back to Miami, he's to much like man I am fine, we could of stayed one more night.
The kids are in the truck with Jessica, this bitch had my kids and Godiva kids, she was in love with her nieces and nephews and she was planning on not having none and just being around her nieces and nephews.
She came to ATL this morning just to get them so she can take them to the circus then to the Airbnb she got back in Miami.
She had Jani back home setting up with baby Ivan .

Oh that was the Tea , my sister was fucking on Lil Ivan and Godiva didn't like it at all.
She cursed both of them out and Jani said she didn't know why Godiva was upset, baby Ivan is 26 , it's not like he's 18 .
It was very strange because I called him my nephew even tho he's only 4 years younger then me and 6 years younger then them, but what could we do? Their both grown.

Rubbing my exposed stomach, I only had on a sports bra and some cotton shorts.
My hair was pulled up into a bun, I was comfortable but in pain a little.

Listening to him talk, he stayed fussing at me because I didn't take nothing serious, like I didnt birth 4 other kids, this baby is fine and the contractions are normal , I'm literally due next week and he probably want come until then .

Pull up to our house, everyone else had went their separate way.
I still had a lot of mental shit going on ,like I would sleep all day some days or I wouldn't even get out my bed and being pregnant only made it harder but I was trying and he only took so much for me.
His momma said I wasn't heal after having Paige and she prayed I didn't go into depression after I have Jr.

Helping me out the car, I was in a good mood alot of the times and today was one of them.
I want some Popeyes , I cooed as he just shook his head.
Nope , you said you wanted Irdis and that's what you got, he says looking at me.
I did say I wanted this new Chef that was on his payroll food, lady cooked like my granny , food be so good and seasoned.

Going into the house, it smells so good. I texted her on our way back and she came in and did her thing and left.
I still wasn't used to the private chefs and housekeepers, it was a lot easier with them here definitely with all these kids and this pregnancy.

He let me decorate the master bathroom and bedroom so its black and Pearl. I spend a lot of money just on this Hästens Vividus , it was very expensive and that was only for the mattress , turn around and spend 30g on bedroom furniture.
It's like once I married him he let me do whatever I wanted and it was no limits or anything and it was to the point that I was getting addicted to just spending money.
Yes before the ring he gave me everything and anything I wanted but after I took that last name I felt I was entitled and I just brought whatever I wanted and needed .

He had his kids, he made sure they had clothes and shoes . I did shop for them but for the most part he told me he did that and that's something I could never take from him and I wasn't .

Eating the chicken wings, homemade mac n cheese and cabbage , I danced as I sat to the table in the kitchen.

2 am
Up , I got waken up by strong pains in my back.
Can I just have some ice please? I asked him as he rubbed my back.
Passing me the cup of ice, he looked at me.
I got to pee, I cooed getting up from the bed.

Wobbling into the bathroom, this little baby want all the smoke.

Shit , I said as I stood up and blood is running down my thigh.
Babe, I think I'm in labor, I nonchalantly says .
Hearing him damn near jet in the bathroom, he looked down at my thigh to my leg to the floor as the blood drops on the floor .

Come let's get in the bed, he says looking like he was shock.
Umm I got to wash my hands I say as he looks at me crazy.

You're 5 cm , this baby coming , Meme my midwife says.
Okay, I cooed as she's listening to the baby heart beat, he sounds good, you need to started moving around, get on the ball or walk around the gym, she says as he's looking at me .

No more ice, she says as I ate a spoon full.

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