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She grown my nigga why do I care who's she fucking? I asked my cousin as he comes over after Mike had already called and told me he was fucking on my sister , he said he didn't know and I believe him.
Maria is my sister but we wasn't raised together, she lived with her momma in Jamaica, my daddy only got her twice in her whole life, she was a outside child that my momma was trying to help the last three years but she was a little hoe and was always fucking off.
She's 25 and she's been in the states since she was 16 living with her grandparents.
Our daddy didn't really fuck with her because she was disrespectful.
Hallie my other sister by my momma tried to help her to but she was a little bitch so we all really ain't fuck with her that's why it was no surprises when I learn she was back talking and kicking it with Resha hoe ass.

It was funny when Sir called me and told me he was fucking Resha , like I was happy that someone was fucking the bitch, why did I care?

Laughing with my cousin, I smoked a blunt.
Jasmine had 2 weeks left and she's miserable as fuck and I am to because all she do is cry.
I haven't been away from her since she came home with me. I loved caring for her and I loved taking care of her every needs but the last week she's been crying and in so much pain.

Daddy, my momma needs you, Mikemike says as he came to the back door.
Getting up, like I said she's been crying for the last few days, I done brought all type of different pillows and stuff to make her comfortable but she just couldn't get comfortable.

Walking into the room, I'm aggravated you know because she was coming at me hard as fuck before I went outside to smoke with my cousin.
Remind y'all I haven't been out the house since she was put on bed rest .

Fuck I nervously says as my baby head is coming out of her.
Calling 911 she had to go to the hospital because she was early as fuck .

Being coach by the dispatcher, this little baby was coming .

7:30 on the head , announcing the birth of Paige Dior, I birth my baby by the grace of God and she was so beautiful. She looked like a little baby doll .

She's 4lbs and 8 oz , the nurse says as she's crying because she's hungry .
Watching them check her , I'm so in love with her already .

Umm we had Paige at home and it hurt so bad pushing her out but she was here 7 weeks before time but she's doing good with breathing on her own and she latching on to the nipple very good .

Umm he's not really speaking to me , he's been in the NICU with his baby since we got here .
I guess we ain't together so I shouldn't even care right ?

10 days
Being ask if it was okay for him to come in the room with me and Paige, oh shit went down the last two weeks.
He said he wanted a DNA for the baby just because we wasn't together.
Of course , so I gave him one and she was 99.999999 percent his baby .
He tried to talk to me but I didn't want no parts of talking to him.
He was free to come and see her has please, today was her last day in the nicu so we are here getting her ready for home.
She was going back to my place with me . I'm happy I didn't give my shit up because I wouldn't want to stay with him after learning he didn't think she was his baby.

Letting him come in the room, I held her as she ate from my breast.

Not looking up at him, I could feel him looking at me.
How are we gonna do this since you are going home? He asked me.
Umm you can come see the girls as please, I replied still not looking at him.
So I'm supposed to not sleep with my baby or see her all the time because I asked for a test ? You know we wasn't together, he says .

Right we not together so why should I stay with you? I asked .

Just looking at me he couldn't say nothing so leave me alone ugly .

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