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Looking at me in the mirror, my sister's doing my hair .
I wasn't happy at all, like I get cheated on for the stupidest reason.
He told me he let her suck his dick and he didn't know why.
He said it was a week after I gave birth .

It hurts so bad like I haven't been talking to him and I was not trying to talk to him but we had kids and my son loved him so I had to communicate with him.

Like what I'm not pretty ? My body ain't nice? Like what? What am I doing wrong as a female? I questioned myself so much that I'm making myself feel so ugly.
I was trying to get my body tone so I was in this work out group with my sisters and Exie.

I had a talk with Trina and she apologized and said she wasn't trying to be mean to Mikemike , she said she's was going through postpartum and a cheating man , she didn't mean to yell at my son and she was trying to make it right . My son did go over there and he said she was nice and she apologized and brought him a new game , he said his daddy also apologized and said he never wanted nothing to happened to him and he wish he would of told him.
Godiva said Mike beat Trina up and it wasn't good at all . I could only imagine.

You gonna cut all this hair?  Godiva asked me as I looked at me in the mirror.
Yes I replied back feeling like my hair is something he loved so maybe If I cut it he would leave out my life. I didn't want him anymore, like you did the same thing my ex husband did, so what you just let her suck your penis , you cheated .
Watching her cut my hair , she stopped at my shoulders.
Wow bitch I could never , Goddess says.

2 hours later
Looking at my new hair style it was still long, like to my shoulder, she relaxed my hair for the first time ever and pressed it .
As I'm paying her why this nigga is walking in.
Rolling my eyes, I just continue to check out.

Hey Meech, Goddess says as he's looking at me. Like I could feel this nigga glancing at me .
What's up sis he replied as she side hugged him .

Walking out without saying anything else , his parents had the twins and Mikemike had just left for California with his grandma and Papa . So I was kid free for a few days.

Not saying anything to me he walked behind me as I walked to my car.
It wasn't fair that he felt like he could just pop up on me and block me into areas . Like man you cheated why are you acting like you did nothing .

8 pm
I don't care please stop messing with me.
I'm only in your house still because I know you're gonna give me hell if I leave , you want Shamaya so bad go be with her and leave me the fuck alone, I cried as he tells me he wanted to take me out .
I'm sorry , I'm sorry 😞 he says as I just looked at him.
We will never be back cool, I don't want you, I honestly tell him.

So I am just supposed to accept that? He asked .
You have no choice but to, like you did this, you knew what I went through and why I wasn't married anymore, it's not like you didn't know , I said as he just looked at me .

Not saying anything he just blocked me in, like move I asked him as he wouldn't get from in front of the door.
Leave me alone , go be with Shamaya, you keep playing games with her so go be with her, I said trying to move him.

It was a mistake , the first mistake I ever made since we been together , I'm sorry and I promise I wasn't trying to hurt you, it just happened and I regretted it , he say as I just struggled my shoulders.
It's over with, just leave me alone and I'll keep your kids in your house , when I get on my feet again, I'll move , I cannot be with you , I tell him as he just looked at me .

Feeling like shit, I did mess up by letting my baby momma eat the dick.
I knew I fucked up the moment it happened but I was so ashamed to tell her because she had just gave birth.
I went over there one night to get my daughter and the bitch was walking around nude and shit. I knew I should of left out but I didn't and she ate the  dick in her kitchen.
I begged this stupid bitch not to say anything and she still did and now I'm single as fuck and on some stalking shit but it's my fault.

Real love 💕 Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora