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Covering my face as I walked into this spa that he send me to for another bday gift.
Why he had to fuck off, like I love this boy so much and I thought he would of did me so much different knowing my history with my ex .  

Girl this is so nice , Exie says as we are all getting a massage.
He did his big one with this one , Goddess said as Godiva just looked at me.
It's like she knew me , she knew I didn't want to leave him and she knew I was hurt but she also told me that it wasn't my fault that he cheated and it's up to me if I wanted to take him back .

I mean I did want him back , I wanted him to understand that it would not be anymore cheating if I did take him & I wanted him to understand that he had no more chances to fuck up but I wanted him to also suffer and wait until I'm ready.
Enjoying the spa, it was wines and different beverages, finger food and appetizers, he really did his big one with this.

Arriving home , my day was wonder, I loved how my car looked and felt . And I looked beautiful in it.
I loved the bracelet and the ankle that he gave me this morning , I really appreciated everything he did for me today.

Going into the house, it's quite and very clean.
Looking around its roses in vases all through the house .
Going into the kitchen , it's a letter on the table.
Please forgive me , I love you and I really need you. Please enjoy your birthday, I'll see you soon. Opening the envelope it's 6 tickets to the Bahamas.
Your bags are already packed and your debit card doesn't have a limit, enjoy your trip and I'll be waiting for you when you get home.
Smiling from ear to ear I wanted to kiss him but nobody was home so I called him.
Bae the driver is outside, I love you and enjoy your trip, he says as we are looking each other in the face over FaceTime.
Thank you , like I want to kiss you , I want to make this work but you have to promise me , I cried as I hear the horn blow from outside.

We will talk about this babe, I love you and I want  hurt you again, but listen enjoy your seven days , okay? He replied back.
Yes thank you , I cooed again as he looked at me.

Like money cannot buy happiness but it can make you feel a lot better .
I'm really happy today and I'm really gonna to enjoy my trip , he's definitely trying and I appreciate it .

2 weeks later
Man life was something else, I got into it really bad with Meech and we fought. We fought because I grabbed Jasmines face because my son was acting funny.
I figure she was trying to turn my son against me but it was the opposite, Trina was trying my boy by yelling at him and he ain't like that shit so my son didn't want to come to my home.
After I got into it with Meech I went home and touched Trina . Bitch had me and my son fucked up, so I dragged her stupid ass
But it was cool , I mean he did get the best of me but I had to respect him because he was protecting what was his and I shouldn't of touched her , she wasn't mine anymore and she didn't do anything wrong, I was wrong .

Pulling up to Sir , we was out having drinks today.
His wife was with the girls somewhere, I know they had went to Bahamas and Trina felt some type of way because she wasn't invited, but that was something her nigga planned for her and her girls .
But they invited her tonight to hang and I was happy nobody ain't want her head after the situation with my son. I told my boy he needed to tell me that type of shit first , let me fix it before he get mommy involved.

What's up what's up? I said to Pac , Sir and this nigga Meech.
I mean we wasn't friends I just respected him for being there for my son .
I heard he had cheated on Jasmine and she wasn't with him. But then again I seen the new car he got her so I think he's trying to make it work, she was a very good girl, I wish I would of did right by her.

Dapping everyone up I sit next to Sir.
Watching the girls shake their ass, I smoked my blunt.

Man this fucking girl, Meech says getting up as everyone who was with us got up to.
Looking to my left I see all the women coming in .
Jasmine and Godiva was in the front and the other girls was in the back.
I cannot lie, I want lie , Jasmine had got super thick, like bitch this fucking girl was so fine , so thick and juicy after them twins it was so sexy and if she ever wanted to make my face her chair she could.

Watching her as he looked like a little bitch , everyone  was greeting their niggas and she's dancing by herself .

Standing on wall as she danced , he is facing her and her back is facing him.
I thought I was fucked up behind her, this nigga looked like he was deeply in love with her.

Getting a lap dance from Trina , she was definitely freaky as fuck and I stayed in her but I of course got caught cheating and she threatened to leave but you see she ain't gone nowhere, I just had to taste some Miami pussy and it was great.

It's crazy because Sir and me are so close , we did shit without the other dudes because their all faithful and shit, Sir knew where the hoes was and I loved it.

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