RWBY X JL P2 IF: Chapter 3

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With the introductions concluded, the armored figures, revealed to be Jaune Arc and his Knights, left others still puzzled. However, it was not the moment to question their identities. There were more pressing matters at hand. The group focused their attention on examining the fragmented technology of the DeathStalker stringer to piece together who might be collaborating with Kilg%re.

During the meeting, names of old adversaries like Tyrian and Salem were mentioned, along with the memory of a mad scientist who had previously conducted experiments on Grimm, causing trouble for Team RWBY in the past in Atlas. Despite the discussions, there were no concrete answers.

Off to the side, screens displayed recordings of the city and other locations that appeared to be unrelated to the city's current situation. The Knights of the Round Table not only watched the screens for any relevant information but also kept a vigilant eye on the Justice League and Team RWBY, as trust was not easily granted. Should they detect anything suspicious, they were prepared to take action without hesitation.

"May I offer a suggestion?" Bedivere glanced down to his King, who gave a nod of approval. Bedivere's words drew the attention of everyone present focused on him. "Considering the technology of the stringer and the individuals you've mentioned, Team RWBY, is there anyone in particular who could be considered a genius in the digital field?"

Ruby placed a hand on her chin, deep in thought. It became apparent that Tyrian was too unhinged to handle such work, Salem had no need for help in an area she specialized in, and the others lacked the intelligence for digital experiments. Then, it hit her. "Wait... Watts..." Blake snapped her fingers as realization dawned on her, and Weiss, Yang, and Ruby's eyes widened simultaneously. "Arthur Watts!" Team RWBY exclaimed in unison, their shock evident.




"If it weren't for me, you would still be trapped under Atlas!" Kilg%re responded angrily. "You needed my guidance to eliminate the Justice League!" A strained voice emanated through a large tube filled with orange liquid, appearing to preserve something or someone. "And how's that going, hmm?" Kilg%re retorted, only intensifying their frustration.

"I'm not the one who failed in the digital realm... I've repeatedly instructed you to repair my voice modulator" they responded. Kilg%re then moved to the side in his possessed Grimm body and began fixing the modulator on the tube's sound output system.




Soft footsteps echoed through the dim corridor as faint red lights flickered intermittently in an unfamiliar area. A voice resonated, "I can sense my beloved Saber has arrived, finally following the traces I left behind. Oh, the joy I feel right now! I'm sure you share in my happiness!" Manaka excitedly spun around to face a small figure with a blank expression, whose eyes remained fixed on Manaka.

 Oh, the joy I feel right now! I'm sure you share in my happiness!" Manaka excitedly spun around to face a small figure with a blank expression, whose eyes remained fixed on Manaka

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