Chapter 44: Story Time

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3 weeks has passed.... When Jaune got back to the academy after eating lunch with Mordred, He had multiple people yelling at for how worried they were, It took a bit to explain to them but they eventually accepted it as Jaune sighs in his bed looking up to the ceiling, He also explained to them being his friends and all that He told Ironwood about The lamp questions and Ozpin secret with Salem Immortality. They were confused on why did Jaune told Ironwood but it was explained quite coldly that Ironwood needed to know before he does anything big or else he would be using a water pistol while standing in lava.

He Needed to know and needed the information now, They asked him about Ironwood next steps he will do now but Jaune is uncertain about it but If he was Ironwood then He would tighten security around everywhere but not in public sight as they dont need more of the public stressing out from the amount of security is roaming the streets, Back when Jaune told Ironwood on about Salem and Ozpin secrets she later asked him about something that Jaune did Not mention to him and it was something important.

Mordred: My King, I have a question.

Jaune: Go On?

Mordred: You never told him about the other ways we could of kill Salem? Why not tell him.

Jaune: It will be no point in telling him about others who can kill her who will never do it and for the other ways to kill her such as the reunion of Humanity or her learning about her mistake and take care of the thing call life that you told me, It will only make Ironwood rush the project even more as my plan will all to pieces Anyway, Ironwood would stop all Supplies to Mantle and only give it to the Project which will cause riots and more death's that can of been avoided in Mantle.

Mordred never thought it of that.

Jaune: Ironwood must not know about that part until much later in the plan after he has Remnant global connected again. This is a backup plan incase the Excalibur plan doesn't go to as plan but the plan itself is even more riskier and more dangerous to Remnant as a whole then my main plan.

So.... Ironwood would only have Mantle to be near destroyed if it meant saving and gaining supplies faster to build Amity Tower faster and more stronger before Salem can arrive to Destroy Humanity.

Mordred: I understand My King, Thank you for answering it.

Not to mention, Mantle as well seem to be in a much more calmer state as the people lately seem to be in quite a happy mood as that It was from the Happy Huntresses, The group with Robyn Hills as they were able to use months worth of supplies to help the people of Mantle while seeing themselves more safe thanks to the walls being repaired as The Happy Huntresses gotten all the credit for everything...

This confused the Happy huntresses group as Jaune and his companion should of gotten to compliments they are receiving as he was the one to fix the walls which allowed them to give the months worth of supplies to them but later found out how Jaune was the one to tell the public that The Happy Huntresses was the one to fix the walls and give back to the people.

Robyn knew this was Jaune way of helping her which she greatly Grateful to him for as she often call him up and get him and Mordred to hang out with them and help the people of Mantle as The Prince Of Mantle and Happy Huntresses seem to be working together which caught Ironwood attention as he called Jaune who was followed by Mordred to his office and asked about it, He was not mad or anything but was grateful. He only wanted to know whether he told her of the Amity Tower project which Jaune denied but he did admit that he does want her to know.... By the way, Team RWBY + Oscar + Ren and Nora apologized to Ironwood as well for not telling him.

Ironwood: Why would it be a good idea to allow her to know?

Ironwood started to have a lot of respect to Jaune as he was a genius to say the least, He found ways to help both Mantle and Atlas at the same time without any loses for both side and not to mention his ideas and what Ironwood would believe is experience is something unordinary and a anomaly in a figurative way.

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