RWBY x JL P1 IF: Chapter 7

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Jaune sat up, wincing and rubbing his head. He surveyed his surroundings, finding himself encircled by burning trees in a large crater. "The blast was bigger than I thought..." he sighed, pushing himself to his feet and leaping out of the crater.

"I need to get back fast" Jaune muttered to himself, ready to rush back into the fray and assist his allies. However, just as he was about to take off, he leaped to the side, narrowly avoiding shadowy, grasping hands that had reached for him. He reacted cautiously, summoning his sword and attempting to slash one of the hands down, only to watch it pass through as if it were insubstantial.

His wrist was suddenly seized, and one by one, Jaune found himself ensnared. "Dammit!" He cursed under his breath, struggling against the relentless grasp of the shadowy hands. "Who's there?! Show yourself!" Jaune demanded, scanning the area around him and finding no visible presence.

Despite the lack of a visible foe, unease began to creep over Jaune as he felt a sinister presence lurking behind him.




"This will be troublesome, but fear not. You will return soon" an unknown female voice echoed from behind Jaune. A chilling finger traced down his nape, and the voice seemed strangely familiar yet enigmatic, sending shivers down his spine.

"Give me only a moment before I force that soulless parasite and that ugly beast out of here, husband" the female voice echoed once more, and then she vanished

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"Give me only a moment before I force that soulless parasite and that ugly beast out of here, husband" the female voice echoed once more, and then she vanished. The shadowy hands restraining Jaune dissipated, leaving him free. He turned around quickly but found no one in sight.

"Wha... Tch, I don't have time for this" Jaune muttered as he sprinted away from the area and toward where he sensed the aura of his friends. He passed through trees, caves, bushes, and rivers in his determined rush. However, despite his speed, it felt like something was actively trying to keep him away from the scene.

Jaune eventually came to a halt, catching his breath as he looked around. "It seems like that guy, or Manaka, is actively trying to keep me away... The beast is with her, and if she attacks them now, they won't stand a chance, even if she's alone. Hang in there, guys..." He gazed up at the sky, which had darkened with ominous black clouds, casting a shadow over the surroundings.

The ground quaked beneath Jaune's feet as ominous red lines began to etch themselves across everything, including the clouds and the sky above.

Jaune, feeling frustrated by his inability to reach his friends, knew he had no other option. He came to a halt and began to deconstruct himself into his spiritual form. With determination, he initiated a forceful bypass to the contract he had made with Ruby back in Mistral. It was a risky move, but it was a necessary one given the circumstances.

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