Chapter 64: Eclipse Of The Dark Tides

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Jaune was being questioned by Team RWBY about this "Plan" and how come they weren't informed of it. However, before Jaune could give them a proper answer, his voice was drowned out by the sound of alarms and red lights flashing. Ironwood quickly checked his scroll and had a surprised look that turned serious.

Ironwood: Cinder and some other woman are in the school, trying to take the Lamp and something else. Team RWBY, you will go with Jaune and Mordred to the south of here and head to the laboratory section to stop Cinder. Ace Ops, you all will head to the dorm station and do what you can to protect the relic at all costs!

Ruby snapped back to reality by the sound of alarms and loud yelling in the background, which was occasionally interrupted by the ground shaking. Ruby replied with a determined tone.

Ruby: Yes, Sir!

The Ace Ops left running to stop the intruder from getting the relic, while Jaune and Mordred were already on their way to the section where Cinder was. Their battle instincts helped them find the fighting area faster than Team RWBY could catch up, even with Ruby's semblance.

Mordred: Why is it getting so cold?

She yelled as she started to feel a chill. Jaune placed his blue and gold cape around her, enchanting it with fire mana.

Jaune: This will help, it's enchanted with fire mana.

Mordred blushed at the gesture but pretended to be indifferent.

Mordred: Don't think that I'm cold or anything! It's not like I wanted this or anything!

She yelled, and Jaune chuckled, finding amusement in Mordred being adorable on accident. They continued running through the long corridors, both feeling the cold, but thanks to Jaune's cape, neither of them were affected.

Jaune: We're here.

Busting through a steel door, they saw a hole on the left side of the room where ice was creeping up. Cinder was there with a Grimm appendage, and Winter was lying on the ground badly injured. An old woman's soul was gone, and Penny's visual sensors were glowing green. Cinder looked at Jaune and Mordred with shock before her eyes started to glow, but Jaune sensed a bit of hesitation in her gaze. He took that single second chance to appear right in front of her, gripping his fists.

Cinder: You wouldn't hit me, a knight doesn't hit a wome-

He didn't let her finish as he threw a devastating punch to her face, cracking the ground below them and sending her crashing through the wall, far away from their location.

He didn't let her finish as he threw a devastating punch to her face, cracking the ground below them and sending her crashing through the wall, far away from their location

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Jaune: Equal rights, equal fights.

He spoke quickly as he turned and walked to Penny, patting her shoulders. He then crouched down to start healing Winter, who slowly relaxed but let out painful groans.

Weiss: Winter!

She yelled in worry as she jumped down from the same entry point that Mordred and Jaune had used. Weiss crouched down near her sister.

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