Chapter 20: The Life

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Overall, It has been over 7 Months since Everyone Split Up To do their thing.

Weiss was Training in Atlas and trying to figure a way to leave her home to come back with Her Team and Friends.

Weiss was Training in Atlas and trying to figure a way to leave her home to come back with Her Team and Friends

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Weiss steps out of her bedroom, carrying a white suitcase and Her Weapon. She looks around cautiously, her footsteps loudly resounding in the ornate hallway. She jumps and gasps when Klein The Schnee Manor Butler appears right behind her. He puts his finger to his lips and shushes her before smiling.

Klein: Let's go.

The two move quickly across the carpet, their footsteps muffled. Side by side, they go down the staircase and clickety-clack their way across the entrance hall. They are moving down another hallway when Klein's buzzes. They both look at it with squinty eyes.

Klein: Master WhitIey! Um... Yes, Of course. I'll be just a moment.

He clicks his Scroll off and tucks it away.

Klein whispers to Weiss.

Klein: Head to the first floor library. I'll meet you there.

They separate, going in opposite directions. Weiss is soon creeping outside Her Father Jacque Schnee study door when she hears a glass crash followed by the rising voice of Ironwood. She crouches behind a cushioned chair against the wall.

Ironwood: You need to control yourself!

Jacques: You're talking to me about control? Do you even hear what you're saying?

Ironwood: I am basing everything on my reports from your daughter.

Jacques: A daughter you stole!

Weiss moves closer to the door to listen.

Ironwood: Oh, we are not getting into that again.

Jacques: Oh, yes, we have far more pressing matters to discuss, starting with your apparent lunacy!

Ironwood: Jacques!

Jacque Schnee Was seated at his desk while Ironwood has both hands on it, leaning over him from the other side.

Ironwood: Winter is one of my best. If she's telling me there's a threat in Mistral then I am not going to take that news lightly. She's been there for weeks, people are mobilizing, sudden spikes in weapons and Dust trades. Someone is about to make a play and I do not trust Leo to stop them.

Weiss is listening outside.

Jacques: You've never trusted anyone other than yourself!

Ironwood: And for good reason!

Weiss covers her mouth with her hand as she gasps at the sound of Ironwood slamming his fist onto the desk.

Ironwood: If Oz had just listened to me from the start...

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