Chapter 47: What A Ride, I say.

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Opening his eyes in a panic, He sits up breathing heavily as he take in his surroundings as he realized that Ironwood, The Ace-Ops And everyone else was no longer around him.

Jaune: I am... Alive?

Confused, He takes a few seconds to take a few breathes before slowly sitting up and standing, He place his hand on his forehead and felt No hole nor blood.

Jaune: I was sure that I was bleeding...

He then turns to his left where Ironwood table was as he walks pass it to look out the window as he see the entire Atlas city that seem to be destroyed as it had black sky and multiple red lightning strikes happening in the distant.

Jaune: What happened to Atlas...

Taking his time, He starts to walk out of the cafeteria and walking around the muti-corridors to at least find someone but.... He found no one, He eventually makes it to the cafeteria but again... He found no one, He went to the dorms... He found no one. He traveled all across the Academy and found no one.

Jaune: Where did everyone went? Ruby? Weiss? Blake? Yang? Nora? Ren? Qrow? Oscar? Mordred....? Fou.........? Where is everyone.....

For the course of 3 Days, Jaune was unable to find anyone, He left to travel through Atlas to find the reason it was destroyed, Many Houses was destroyed as with its streets but still nothing... No one was dead nor alive... Just missing...

He traveled through the entirety of Atlas, Searching Everywhere to find answers and all he found was rubble and destruction. He believed that something must of happened to everyone so they got evacuated down to Manta.

Jaune: They must be in Mantle.

Walking back to the academy, He finds a manta bull heads and fly it down to Mantle. Looking out the window while he flew through the streets of Mantle, He found the same thing as Atlas... Destruction and yet No One was around....

Seconds turned to Minutes turning to Hours to Days to Weeks to Months.

Jaune Arc was trapped in the area of Mantle and Atlas, He tried to venture out to remnant in hope to find someone or figure out what happen only for him to reawaken in Ironwood office... Deciding to try to figure out why he was back in Ironwood office, He planned to fly back to Mantle and sit near the outskirt of the Town to find out how he was back but... The Manta bullhead that he taken was back here.... Did he flew it back?

No, He certainly didn't. 

Taking the Manta Bullhead, He flew to the walls of Mantle as he stares off from it trying to sense any Magic only for him to sense nothing.

Later on, He realized that everything he has just done before reawakening in Ironwood Office was all gone as if he never did it before so testing a theory, He destroyed a building that he remembered before he jumps Mantle walls and start to walk off..... He reawaken back in Ironwood Office.

Jaune: I am back here again...

Remembering his theory that he dearly hope was not true, He taken the Same manta bullhead that he took from last time and went back to Mantle to find the building that he destroyed only for that building to be back as normal as if nothing happened to it.

Jaune: My actions are repeating themselves...

Taking the Manta bullhead, He travel back where he left the Manta bullhead before he reawaken in the office but only to find nothing.... Jaune eyes widen as he realized something....

Jaune Arc Was Now In A Repeating Time Line....

5 Entire Months has passed as Jaune was all by himself as he sat by himself in the library reading books, It took him a long time to accept that he was alone but it didn't mean he shall allow such a thing, He has people to come back to and need to help to Defeat Salem and Her when she eventually arrive unless she already here which will end badly if he stays here any longer but he will Never Let them down as he has everyone to protect as well protect his kingdom when he feel like that he has enough experience.

He even tried to k*lling himself to test another theory which is Very much risky but he only reawaken in Ironwood office without any blood or open wounds. Unable to Summon the Excalibur or use his mana, He had to rely on his physicals stat and intelligent to get around things but it was fine as he was already extremely strong being able to compete and overpower Mordred in Physical competition.

As he was reading, He jumps up before looking upwards to the ceiling where he felt something familiar.

Jaune was hoping that it was someone as he ran upstairs and taking multiple elevators until he reached Ironwood office, Breaking the window and using his strength to grab the sides of the roof and then launching himself upwards on the roof where he lands to only see a golden glow and yet no figure.

Jaune:... Excalibur? 

Walking's towards the light and reaching out his hand But only for his hands to phase through it but the light grew stronger where he shined across the sky with a golden glow. Jaune vision was blocked by it, Covering his eyes. He waited for a few seconds until the flash disappears as he uncovers them and take a bit to blink to get his vision back as he opens his eyes to see..... He was no longer in Atlas.... No.... He was... Somewhere?

Jaune: Where... Am... I?

Realizing he is on a Hill, He walks to the edge to the top as he is Peeking over the hill, A giant tree is surrounded by many other unusual environments.... a red forest with a red castle, an area of creamy dessert and sweets, a forest with giant colorful mushrooms, among other things.

 a red forest with a red castle, an area of creamy dessert and sweets, a forest with giant colorful mushrooms, among other things

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Jaune: Where or What place am I in...?

Chapter 47 Is Now Over, It was a short chapter but it gave a good summary of what is happening, Next Chapter will be about this new place he is in.

Chapter 47 Is Now Over, It was a short chapter but it gave a good summary of what is happening, Next Chapter will be about this new place he is in

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