Chapter 31: Home Sweet Home

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Argus is a port city in the northern region of the of The kingdom of Mistral as it acts as the major trading center between the continents of Anima and Solitas which is the snowy Continent of Atlas. It is among the largest non-capital cities in all of Remnant. Jaune has been At Argus a few times to visit his sister and Her wife. They were extremely kind people so Jaune was certain that they will allow his team to rest up there until he arrives back.

So, Jaune was in a Atlas military Truck being taken to the Atlas base that made themselves known for protecting the Trading's and the people of the town as they made half of a large rock as their HQ for their base. 

Jaune was now being escorted with 2 Guard that sounds like each other as they even sometimes finished each other sentences.

Jaune was now being escorted with 2 Guard that sounds like each other as they even sometimes finished each other sentences

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Jaune: So the commanding Officer for this Company is Miss Caroline Cordovin

Nubuck 1: Yes! She is the commanding officer of.

Nubuck 2: Argus Atlas Military! 

Jaune: I see then I hope I can be some assistant to clear up the accident about the train.

Nubuck 1/2: Please follow Us!  

They Just Hopping and walking Infront of Jaune and heads inside of the Building as Jaune was confused at how they walked as they were also saying something like "Hop-Hop-Hop-Hop-Hop-Hop-Atlas-Atlas-Atlas-Atlas-Atlas" Jaune found it amusing at how passionate they seem of their work as Jaune follows the hopping Guards.

The side of the building seem to be filled with high end security with Auto Turret's pointed down at them from the hallway. The guards continue to lead Jaune upstairs to a large office that had what Jaune believes to be every ever released Atlas Recruitment posters and events pasted on the walls, A large whiteboard with (Screening List) as below had multiple names on it.

Screening List:

Ash Ebony- 9 Months 

Bruno Blanche- 4 Years

Clementine Coral- 3 Months

Flint Lockwood- LIFE TIME

Roux Lilac- 5 Years

Sterling Owen- 34 Years 

Maria Calavera- LIFE TIME

Rusty Sable- 19 Months

There others but Jaune didn't focus to much on it as he turns his focus to the middle of the room where there were a desk with no one there?

Nubuck 1: We have brough someone who has the Information!

Nubuck 2: Of the Argus Limited Train Situation Ma'am!

Then a old sounding voice came from the table and the empty seat.

Someone: Good, You are dismissed. 

Nubuck 1/2: Hai! 

They turn as they continue their "Hop-Hop-Atlas-Atlas" Quirks as they left with Jaune standing at the door in a invisible Voice.

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