Chapter 52: Realities Shattering Moments

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Right now, Jaune and Morgan sat down at a table, Looking at each other with Amusement and the other one was nervous but had a straight faced like the seasoned warrior they were.

Right now, Jaune and Morgan sat down at a table, Looking at each other with Amusement and the other one was nervous but had a straight faced like the seasoned warrior they were

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Morgan: I know you have questions for me and I have the answers so go on and ask~

Smiling as she licks her lips being fascinating with Jaune seasoned face.

Jaune: When I was shot by Ironwood, I woke up in a alone in Atlas, Was it because of you?

She tilts her head at him.

Morgan: Oh yes, Your "Death"?

She chuckled...

Morgan: No... No... No... You see My Husband, You were never shot, You were never captured nor did you take a single soul.

Jaune: So... It was a illusion? 

Morgan: No, It was a parallel universe of when there use to be humanity but the gods came back after Salem gained the relics and erased poor... weak... humanity~

Jaune: Salem got all the relics huh...

Morgan: Only in some while others are not, Multiple realities but who to say it was not the main~

Jaune: Main? Explain.

Morgan only smiled which Jaune knew was her way of being cheeky and saying "No~"

Jaune: Did you cast the Magic after you nearly suffocated?

Morgan: No, I casted a Illusion magic on you as when you were about to enter the door to Ironwood office with Our Dear Son~

Jaune gotten back even more serious.

Jaune: My Son That You left.

Morgan stop smiling.

Morgan: I would be taking care of her if it wasn't for the Tree interfering with me

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Morgan: I would be taking care of her if it wasn't for the Tree interfering with me... that annoying weed should be destroyed.

Jaune: The Tree As in the Great Tree?

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