Chapter 36: Back to the Base Again....

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(((Sorry for not posting as I lost my motivation to continue but after doing some chapters of my new story on RWBY that you can go read in my profile as I am loving making chapters for that short story since It gives me Motivation to continue!!! So please enjoy this chapter!!!)))

As everyone was panicking as they pull out their weapons aiming it at Gilgamesh who in turn opens portals around them as chains shoot out of it wrapping and restraining them all instantly not Saphron and Terra.

Yang: Let us go! 

Ruby: Ouch...

Mordred: D-Dammit! I cant move!

Gilgamesh: Fools.

Jaune: Gil, Put them down.

Gilgamesh shrugs as the chains disappears ion golden dust as the portal as well as they fall to the ground.

Ruby: Ouch...

Nora: Oof!

They look at Gilgamesh and Jaune who seem to be scolding Gilgamesh.

Blake: Ah... What is happening...

Nora: She seem to be getting a scolding...?

Gilgamesh: They did try to attack me first.

Jaune: Yet, You attacked them when you first arrived right.

Gilgamesh: Ahh....

Jaune: No. Fighting.

Gilgamesh: Fine, They are too weak to waste my energy on.

She walks to the couch as some of them moved away as she sat down.

Ruby: Ahhh.... Jaune.... 

Jaune shuts the door before walking beside of Gilgamesh and sat down.

Jaune: Sorry for her attacking you all. She is very sorry and promises to not do it again.

Gilgamesh glared at him as he was unfazed from it.

Yang: You know the crazy lady Jaune?

Jaune: Yes, We are quite good friends.

Yang: Friends?!

Oscar: But, Didn't she seem to be trying to kill you before?!

Jaune/Gilgamesh: Misunderstanding.

They all blinked in confusion.

Saphron: So... Ah... Welcome?

Terra: How about we all just sit down and relax and Not fight in the house, Okay?

Later on, They sat down on the couch as Saphron went to do something upstairs and Terra left for work as they all look at Gilgamesh who wrap her arms around Jaune and pressing his head to her chest as she had a natural look as Jaune had the same expression.

Yang: Why is she-

Ruby: Pressing you against-

Weiss: Her Chest! Get off him Goldie!

Gilgamesh: No. 

Jaune: So... What now?

Blake: How did you guys know... Her?

Gilgamesh: He is my Friend and Husband.

Ruby: What?!

Yang: No way!

Weiss: I refuse!

Nora: He is a husband?

Blake was confused as Oscar and Qrow only watched on as Ren slowly walks down and took a seat ignoring the tension.

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