Chapter 45: The Abyss Stares Back.....

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Now it was the next day as Jaune and Mordred was Infront of The Happy Huntresses, Jaune explained to Robyn how he convinced the General to talk to her about the problem that Mantle is having with the Supplies.

Robyn: So, He is willing to tell us the reason why he is too ignorant to help Mantle? Why doesn't he just make a public speech that isn't just all lies and tell the people who are suffering because of him.

Jaune: That is where it gets complicated.

Robyn: Complicated? People are suffering. He wont opens the borders and Mantle aren't getting the supplies they need. It was only thanks to you and Mordred that we can give the people the Months of supplies to help them but it wont last for them.

Jaune: Which was why we helped and let you and your group to take the credits so you can have the seat on the council and do something for the people since you hold a very kind heart for the people, The complication part is what the supplies is being used for which the answer to it is something way to dangerous to tell the public and the reason you and your group will know is because you all are the most trust-worthy people I know in Mantle and will do anything for them but You all are smart enough to help if you so decide too.

Robyn: I can tell I wont get the answer I want here so.... If I do get the answers from the General then I can use my semblance to see whether he speaks the truth or just lying like what the government always do.

Jaune: We actually want you to use your semblance on him since it will confirm you and your group on what he is saying is nothing but the truth.

Robyn stared at him for a few seconds before turning to her group.

Robyn: What is your take on this guy?

Fiona Nods.

Fiona: I say that it would be good to get the answers we want.

May: As long as he isn't trying to trick us or have us fall in some kind of trap then fine.

Joanna only nods.

Robyn turns back to Jaune.

Robyn: When and Where?

Jaune Smiled.

Jaune: Anytime you want and it will be in Atlas academy where I am staying in Ironwood office.

Robyn sighs before getting up.

Robyn: Just know that If this is some trap then the people of Mantle will know and will stop him and everyone in Atlas and take back what is ours.

Jaune: Of course, I Wouldn't want it any either way.... Just trust Us Robyn.

He then gets up and reach out his hand as Robyn looks at his hand and realize what he was doing as she grabs his hand as their hands started to glow.

Jaune: You can Trust me and Mordred including the General Ironwood word in that You and your group shall be safe and you Will get your answers you all want and deserve though do know that you will need a open mind when you find out the reason. 

Looking down at their hands, It flash green signaling he was not lying as she let go of his hand before smiling as she place a hand on his shoulder.

Robyn: We really do need to find a way to thank you and Mordred's help with everything you both have done.

Jaune flash a grateful look at them.

Jaune: Threat not on what to do to pay us back, Consider it as a way to express our friendship and partnership in helping Mantle and its people.

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