Chapter 182

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I walked back down the stairs and headed to the kitchen where I opened the cabinet that had all sorts of bottles of alcohol in it. I grabbed the Whiskey bottle and poured myself a glass before I took it with me outside the back where I sat down on the porch after I closed the huge glass door behind me.

I rubbed my face and ran my hand through my hair when I fully broke down in tears.
I couldn't believe this was all happening. My whole world fell apart in a span of seconds. Everything was okay yesterday and today, our whole lives have changed once again.

All those thoughts kept swirling around in my head, I grabbed the glass and drank it out in one sip, the alcohol burning as it went down my throat.

I was more than terrified of what was gonna happen from now on. I could only imagine how Y/n felt right now. How scared she was.
She went through this hell of a day all alone and all because of our stupid fight that I now regretted so incredibly much.

Y/n just got fully back into doing what she loved so much, finally with good people and all that would get taken away from her again just like that. She was so happy and just found herself in the industry again. She just released new music and scheduled tour that was already sold out. This happening, was so fucking unfair.

I sat out there, crying for god knows how long until I decided to get back inside and upstairs into bed next to Y/n who was still peacefully sleeping. I slowly got under the sheets and laid on my side, facing Y/n.

„You cried." Y/n opened her eyes, whispering and reaching her hand out to wipe my remaining tears away.

I nodded slowly. „I did. I'm sorry..."

„It's okay." She scooted closer to me and I wrapped my arm around her waist. „Is this really happening again?" A tear fell from her eye onto her pillow.

I nodded slowly. „I'm afraid so. I'm sorry." I kissed her forehead and ran my fingers through her soft hair.

„One step at a time?" She asked silently.

„One step at a time." I nodded again.

„I love you, Harry."

Love you more, sweetheart." I kissed her again before we both went to sleep.
We both had a ton of thoughts on our mind right now, but the best thing we could do was to sleep over it and see what the doctor said tomorrow.


The next morning, we had to get up early to head back to the hospital. I already took a shower and got dressed while Y/n still sat in bed.

I sat down right next to her on the bed. „Baby? We have to leave soon." I reminded her gently.

„I don't wanna go back there." Her voice was trembling. „Going back means it's real."

„I know, love, but they're gonna make a plan to help you and move forward so you'll be healthy again."

She sighed, looking down at her hands before she looked back up at me. „I have cancer." Realization slowly kicked in.

I nodded slowly. „Not for long, though." I assured her and pulled her into my arms. „We're gonna go there and see what's gonna happen. They're gonna do their best to find the best solution for you, okay?"

„Okay." She nodded with a sigh.

„Come on, love." I stretched my hand out for hers and pulled her up, out of bed. „Do you need help with anything?"

Harry Styles Fanfiction - Remember Me?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon