Chapter 53

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October 2015
The next morning I woke up to the sound of Harry's alarm on his phone. We got a show today after all, so we had to get up kind of early. I rubbed my eyes to clear my sight, seeing Harry was still asleep as his chest rose up and down, his little tummy sticking out.

I decided to let him sleep a little while longer and turned to the other side to grab my phone from the nightstand. Turning it on, I realized it was just 7:00 am, meaning we still had some time left.

I took a look at my text notification, noticing I got quite a few. I smiled when I saw Gemma's name and immediately opened the messages.

„Heard about the good news."
„I'm so happy for you!!!"
„Knew there was still love in the air ;)"
„Ahh I'm so happy!"

My smile grew wider, reading her through her messages. I could feel her excitement, knowing how she felt about me and Harry. She was always so supporting and caring and it meant so much to me.

„Thank you so much, Gem!! I'm very happy too."
„Glad we found each other again."

I wrote back and put my phone back on the nightstand, attempting to get up, but got pulled back instantly. I fell back down in bed, Harry's hand now wrapping around my waist.

„So this wasn't a dream." I stated, his eyes still closed. „You're here with me?"

„No it wasn't." I chuckled, turning to my side to look at him. „I'm here with you." I brushed my hand along his arm and ran it through his curly hair afterwards, making him smile and he slowly opened his eyes, looking straight into mine.

„Morning." He smiled.

„Good morning." I smiled back, pressing a kiss on his lips.

„Did you sleep well?" He asked, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

„Better than ever." I responded, getting out of bed not to his liking.

„Where are you going?" He frowned, putting on a cute pout face.

„We have a show tonight, meaning we have to be at the arena soon, remember?" I grinned at him and his little pout face.

„I know, I'd just like to spend more time with you." He admitted sweetly.

„We got all day and night together, Haz." I smiled at him, but he didn't look so convinced.

„Yeah, but I know we can't be seen together... Nobody knows about us, Noah is also still around and I don't want Mason to yell at you again." His head dropped down as he said that and my smile faded.

I hated that we had to hide our relationship because of Mason.

I sat down on the bed, just in front of him, rubbing my hand over his thigh. „I'm sorry that it has to be that way, but I promise it's only temporary. I'll take care of it, okay?" I kissed his temple. „I'm sorry, lovey."

He nodded. „It's okay, I just want it to be the same as it was before." He cracked a little smile.

„I know, me too. I'm on it." I kissed his lips when he looked up at me again. „Come on now, we have to go rehearse in a bit." I got up, stretching my hand out for him to take. He grabbed it, letting me pull him up with a bit of a struggle.

Harry and I got ready, enjoying the time we still had together until we couldn't really talk to each other anymore.
We still went together to the arena though, trying not to be seen by anyone, especially Mason or Noah.

„I guess we have to separate now." He let out a nervous little laugh while we still sat in the car together in front of the arena.

„Just for a few hours until I need to go to my appointment." I ran my hand over his that was placed on my thigh.

„Right. See you at 1:00 pm here?"

I nodded before he leaned in for a kiss and we left the car to go in.

The rehearsals were okay, everything went smooth and we were ready for the show. The highlight of tonight would be a song I really loved that I would cover together with the boys. Can't Help Falling In Love from Elvis, one of my favorite songs.

While rehearsing, I had to pull myself together, trying not to look directly at Harry because I knew if I did, I couldn't tear my eyes away from him anymore.

It seemed like the longest morning ever and I couldn't wait for the break that I would be able to spend with Harry even though I had a doctors appointment to go to.

„There you are." Harry smiled widely as soon as I entered his car after making sure no one saw me getting in.

„Yeah, sorry, Mason and Noah were constantly following me. I had to wait 'til I was sure I was alone."

„It's fine." He looked at me a moment before he leaned in to kiss me. „Are you ready to go?"

I nodded. „Yes, let's get this over with."

„Well, it's just a check up again, right?" He asked, starting to drive towards the hospital.

„Mhm." I nodded again. „Just a check up." I repeated, nervously tugging at my shirt. „Just a check up." I said to myself again. This time silently.

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