Chapter 119

121 3 0

May 2016
It's been two months since Taylor's show and also six months since Harry's surgery, what meant he was halfway through recovery. He was doing good, being able go get back to most of the activities he did before such as working out a little bit and running what helped him a lot to get stronger. He was able to bend and twist a bit and slowly became stronger and stronger, building up his muscles again like before and slowly gaining weight again.

Unfortunately, a lot has changed to the negative in the last two months though. Harry's stepdad, Robin he loved so dearly, has gotten sick even long before we all knew it. The illness was progressing quickly and his condition was getting worse and worse. We all weren't ready for something like that to happen and then in such a short time. Anne was doing miserable and Harry and Gemma weren't doing any better. I loved Robin and I was devastated that fate has been so cruel on him and our family, but Harry and Gemma spent most of their life with him. He was like a second dad to them.

I did everything to support him in any way and keep his mind away from this. We commuted between Manchester and London all the time to spend as much time together as we could.

Right now, we were back in London for a few days to get some things sorted.
I was in the middle of a meeting when my phone went off. As I saw it was Harry, I quickly excused myself and went outside the room to take the call.

„Hey love, what's going on?" I picked up.

„Y/n you need to come home right now. I need you." He said frantically, his voice shaking and his breathing fast. „We need to get to Manchester as soon as possible."

„I'm on my way home, right now, I'll be there in five, okay?" I didn't ask any questions over the phone because I sensed he needed me in person right now to explain whatever happened or was happening and him saying „I need you" was enough for me to drop everything and leave.

„Please hurry...I need you." He sniffled and that was when I realized he was crying.

„I will. I love you Harry."

„Love you too." He said silently into the phone before I hung up and went back to the meeting, telling them there was a family emergency and I needed to leave which they immediately understood so I ran out of the building to my car and drove home as fast as I could.

As soon as I parked in the driveway I ran out, up to the front door and unlocked it to go inside.

„Harry? Harry where are you?" I let my keys and purse fall to the floor as soon as the door closed behind me and quickly searched the house for Harry. „Baby where are you? Are you okay?" I ran upstairs to our bedroom where I finally found him, kneeling on the floor in front of our closet, frantically looking through his clothes, a black suit and shirts laying on the floor in front of him. „Harry? Haz?" I slowly approached him and he finally looked up at me, his eyes red and filled with tears that were quickly running down his cheeks, that increased as soon as he saw me.

„Oh baby, what's wrong? What's happening?" I asked again.

„He's gone, Y/n." More tears streamed down his cheeks. „Robin's gone."

„What? No." I whispered to myself before I instantly got down on the floor and pulled him into my arms, tears filling my eyes. He wrapped his arms tight around me, crying even more. „I'm so sorry, baby. I'm so sorry." I whispered in his ear, soothingly rubbing his back with one hand and placing the other one at the back of his head, pulling him as close to me as I could. „Fuck I'm so sorry, my love."

As I realized myself what Harry just told me, tears fell down my cheeks as well, thinking of all the memories we made together. I didn't wanna show Harry my emotions though. I needed to be strong for him and the rest of our family, because I knew how much he loved Robin and I knew he was breaking on the inside right now.

„My mum...she called and told me." He sniffled into the crook of my neck. „I...I- I couldn't even say goodbye." He cried.

„I'm so deeply sorry, Harry my love. I know how much you loved him." I told him and let go of him to look at him and wipe some tears off his cheeks. He was still crying hard, almost choking on his sobs. „Hey you need to breathe, Harry. Breathe for me please or you'll induce your asthma." I cupped his cheek, noticing him starting to wheeze, the asthma attack already setting in.

„Can't." He let out. „Can't...breathe."

„Okay, just stay calm, I'll get you your inhaler. You'll be okay, just try to take slow deep breaths." I instructed him before I went to his bedside table to get his inhaler and held it up right between his lips so he could pump the medicine into his lungs. „Better? Can you breathe?"

„Yes..." He nodded slowly and let his arm drop down into his lap. „He's gone." Harry said silently, his voice weak and more tears rolling down his cheeks.

I reached up with my hands to wipe his wet cheeks before I cupped them again. „I want you to know that he has loved you so incredibly dearly and he was always so, so proud of everything you achieved. Wherever he is, he is doing better now and he'll always be proud of you and looking down on you, no matter what." I pressed a kiss to his forehead. „I'm here for you, Harry. Whatever you need, I'm here. You won't have to go through this alone."

„Thank you, Y/n. I love you so much."

„No need to, baby. Come on, can you stand up?"

„We need to pack for Manchester. For the funeral." He said, his eyes red and puffy.

„We will in a bit I promise, but first take a few minutes to yourself. This is a lot, you just had an asthma attack and you're shaking like crazy, just please take a few minutes to try and calm down a little, let it sink in a bit before we leave, okay?"

„Okay." He nodded, wiping the remaining tears away before I got up and grabbed his arms to support him standing up on his shaky legs.

„Baby sit down, you're shaking all over." I led him to the bed and sat him down. I sat down right next to him, placing my hand on his back to rub it soothingly as he rested his head against mine. „I know this is gonna be hard on you and I know you're gonna feel sad for a while but there comes a time where you will see the light at the end of the tunnel and you'll be able to accept it and live with it. I just want you to always keep going, because that's what he would have wanted and I know you know that."

„I'll try." He promised as I felt another tear of his fall down on my shoulder.

„Come here, baby." I opened my arms again to pull him in. „I love you so much, you are so strong, Haz."

It didn't take long for him to break down again, crying. „I just don't know how I'll ever get through this...He's been there for me...since- since I was seven years old." He sobbed.

„I promise you will get through this. You're not alone, honey. We're all in this together."

„My mum- my mum is heartbroken a- and Gem is prob- probably doing worse than me." He sniffled.

„We'll head straight to Holmes Chapel in a bit so you can see them and be together. You're a family and as a family, you'll help each other through this."

„YOU are my family too, Y/n and you belong to our family." He told me silently, that made me smile just a little bit.

„Keep breathing for me, lovie." I reminded him as I noticed his short breaths again.

„But we- we need to pack." He then said again.

„How about I pack for us and you'll stay here or lie down a little to just calm your body down." I suggested.

„Yeah...okay, thanks." He said and I kissed his cheek.

„So, is that the suit you want to wear at the funeral?" I asked him, almost choking at the last words as it started to sink in.

„Mhm." He nodded, tears silently falling down his cheeks, followed by some sniffles.

I ran my fingers through his hair and kissed his cheek again before I continued packing for the both of us while Harry was processing a little what happened and made some calls around to the family until I finished and we were both ready to leave for Manchester.

Harry Styles Fanfiction - Remember Me?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz