Chapter 27

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June 2015
„Y/n?" I heard his deep comforting voice and sobbed even more as I looked up and my eyes met his beautiful green ones.
He stood in the doorway, his eyes filled with concern. „What's wrong?" He came closer, placing a hand on my shoulder.
I pulled away from him, turning my back to him.

„Nothing Harry." I sobbed. „I already cried enough about this, can leave. I don't want my problems to be your concern."

I heard him sighing and listened to how he walked away.
Did he really leave just like that? Without saying anything? My heart dropped at the thought.
The door shut and I closed my eyes, letting more tears fall over my cheeks as I squeezed my hands into fists.

„I won't leave."

I blinked my eyes open and my heart squeezed together when I heard his voice again from behind me.

„Crying is okay, you know?" He slowly came closer again. „You went through something horrible, you're allowed to cry about it, even if you're crying a's okay."

I felt his warm hands on my waist before his gently turned me around to face him.

„I'm so proud of you." He whispered. „I know it wasn't easy for you to do what you just did earlier. You decided to tell them your story and I couldn't be prouder."

I looked him straight into his eyes. „I had cancer, Harry." I whispered, reality hitting me once again and I started to cry my eyes out again.

He pulled me into his arms, resting his hands on my back, while I nuzzled my face into his warm and comforting chest.

„I know, love. Let it out." He whispered before I felt his soft lips on my forehead.
He gave me a kiss...
He kissed my forehead...
What a feeling. I missed this, I missed his small kisses that gave me so much comfort and safety.

„I- I just don't know how to handle everything..." I sobbed into his chest while he soothingly rubbed his hands over my back. „It's so much and- and it's so overwhelming... Everything is so overwhelming right now, I don't know how to do this. It wasn't meant to be and feel like this."

„Shhh, it's okay-."

„No, it's not okay, Harry. I'm alone, I don't have anyone around m-."

„What are you even talking about?" He pulled away a little bit to look at me and frowned. „I am here, you're surely not alone. I won't leave you by yourself, Y/n. I would never. We'll sort this out together, step by step. It will be okay, I promise."

„But I don't want you to feel like you have to be there, because you don't. You have your own life and maybe your own problems, you don't need my problems too. I don't want you to feel obligated to be there for out of pity."

„Stop talking like that. We know each other our whole lives, you're my family and I want to be there for you. I want to. How could I ever forgive myself if I gave a shit about you and just left?" He asked me, letting go of the hug, still holding onto my waist though. „I'm here for you, because I-." He stopped and rearranged his thoughts. „Because you're my family and you're one of the most important persons in my life."

„What the hell are you doing here?" We both looked to the door when we heard Mason's annoying voice. „You shouldn't be in here."

Harry's expression changed immediately and I knew this wasn't so good.

„Literally shut the fuck up, Mason!" Harry let go of me, walking towards him. „I can't deal with you anymore, I swear. I don't give a fuck about what you say. I'm allowed to be here and I don't get what your problem is whenever I'm near her."

„My problem? You're my problem, Harry! I don't want to see you near her, do you understand that?"

„You don't get to say what I'm allowed to do. You're treating her like shit and tell me I'm not allowed to get near her?! I swear, the day will come and I'm gonna beat the shit out of you."

It was truly scary to see Harry like this. Harry was a calm person and didn't get angry so easily, so whenever he did, it was scary for everyone, especially when he yelled like that.
He turned around, being done with Mason and was on his way towards me.

„If you'd be a man, you would do it now." Mason provoked Harry, making him turn around quicker than I would have imagined, stomping towards him.
Just before Harry was able to grab him or do something to him, Liam was there and placed himself between them while Niall appeared behind him, holding Harry back.

„Calm down, H." Niall almost ripped him away from him, Harry's hands already squeezed together in fists. „Chill out, mate. Just calm down, he's not worth it."

Meanwhile, Liam was dragging Mason away.
Harry freed himself from Niall's grip and nervously paced around the room.

„Harry, please calm down, please." I begged. „I didn't want this to happen, I-."

„No, I won't let him treat you like that any more. You went through enough shit the past years and he knows that, you don't need this." He rubbed his face, leaning against the wall.
The boys left, giving us some privacy to sort this out.

„He is still my manager, H. I don't know how to act around him after things like this happen. I don't know if he'll scream at me, punish me with endless studio sessions or just ignore me." I told him, drying my tears with one of the tissues I got from my bag.

„Can't you see? This shouldn't even happen. You shouldn't worry about this, because it's not normal, not at all."

„Well, I don't know what to do. I can't change it." I sighed, my voice trembling.

„That's what's making me so mad. He uses you and I hate it so much."

I shrugged, not saying anything.

„Welcome to my life." I said, silently.

He looked at me, his expression changing from mad to worried almost instantly.

„Stop worrying." I told him.

„How can you tell?" He asked surprise.

„I know you, H." I said, looking down and rubbing my arm.

„Just...just remember what I told you earlier, okay?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.

I nodded, forcing my lips to curve into a small smile. „I will, thank you."

„Anytime. Now, you are gonna get back to the hotel with us."


„No buts, you're gonna come with us." He stated, already heading to the door.

„Harry wait. I need to ask you something. A big favor."

„I'm listening." He turned back around to face me.

„I need to go back to the UK as soon as possible, because I have a doctors appointment tomorrow..."

„A doctors appointment?" He frowned, before realization hit him. „Oh...oh, I understand."

„It's a check up appointment and...I am scared to go alone... Would you come with me, maybe?"

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