Chapter 172

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„I love the rings and the meaning behind them, thanks so much, baby." Harry said again after he put them on and they fitted perfectly. „I'll cherish them forever."

„You're very welcome, my love."

„You know what I was thinking about?" He asked eventually.

I shook my head no and waited for him to respond.

„You know that song we wrote together at night a while ago? Just before we got together?"

„Of course. I love that song." I nodded.

„A while ago I told you we couldn't perform it together since I was in the band...well looks like we can from now on." He looked at me with a small smile, resting his head against the backrest of the couch, a single tear running down his cheek as his eyes filled with tears again.

Of course he was still incredibly sad about the hiatus and I knew he was already missing the boys and the things they did together.

„Oh my sweet, sweet Haz." I cupped his cheek. „Come here." I wrapped my arms around his body again as more of his tears fell. „It's okay. It's okay to feel sad."

„Sorry, I guess it's kind of hitting me now." He said as he let go of me and I wiped his tears off his cheeks.

„It's okay, my love. Nothing to apologize for." I smiled a little at him. „I'm gonna miss you being in the band too. Hearing you sing all those songs I saw you write with the boys and love so much. But those are memories now. Very very beautiful ones." I ran my hand through his soft hair. „And don't feel pressured about that one song of ours please. Enjoy some time off now and take everything as it comes."

„I guess." He nodded. „Thank you...and I mean thank you for everything during those five years. The support you gave me and everything you put up with during that time with me is just incredible. You've been so amazing and patient through all of it. You've always helped me through the hard times in my life and I couldn't possibly be more thankful for that."

„Harry you don't have to thank me for anything, you should know that. I have the same job, I know the reasons why sometimes things don't work out like they should or we want to."

„No I mean it. The support you've given me is more than I could ever ask for. Especially during the last few months, but mostly during my recovery. I think if you wouldn't have been there, I would have started to perform a lot sooner and probably have another fractured vertebrae right now." He chuckled.

„Babe, we've been over this. You don't ever need to thank me for anything related to that or to me supporting you. I told you so many times, that I'll always support you through everything."

„Thanks baby. Same right back at you." He kissed me again. „I think I'm gonna head to bed now. You should too, you got a busy schedule tomorrow."

„Yeah, you're probably right." I got up with him and turned all the lights off before heading upstairs to the bedroom and got ready for bed. „When do you wanna leave for Manchester?" I asked Harry as soon as he got in bed with me.

„Well seeing you got a pretty busy week, starting tomorrow, I'll probably leave tomorrow in the afternoon or something."

„Alright, so I'll be with you on Sunday in exactly a week."

„Sounds perfect." He smiled before he kissed me goodnight.


With all the appointments interviews and other promo things going on, that one week passed by quicker than I thought and it was finally Sunday.
I just packed all of my things and put them in the car. Harry organized a driver for me that would drive me up to Manchaster. We finally drove off and as I sat in the backseat, an hour into the ride, my phone lit up with Harry's picture, making me smile.

„Hey." I picked up.

„Hey, love. How is it going? Just wanted to check in if everything's okay?"

„Everything is fine. We got like two and a half hours left now." I told him.

„Sounds good then. Hey I wanted to wait until you're here, but I just can't wait to tell you, so I'm telling you now..." Harry started.

„What is it? What's up?"

„I uhm...I'm going to auditon for a movie soon. It's called Dunkirk. It's not a huge role, but I'd be so happy if I'd get it." He explained to me and I could tell he was smiling while doing so.

„Oh my god Harry! That's amazing! I'm so proud of you!" I exclaimed. „I'm sure you'll get it, babe. Don't worry about it, you'll be great!"

„I really hope so." He said, his voice so shy it was adorable.

„You will! I'm sure, H. They're gonna love you."

„Thanks, love. I can't wait." He said. „I'll tell you everything about it later when you're here if you like."

„Yes, I wanna know everything about it tonight."

„Can't wait for you to get here, baby. It's only been a week, but I miss you."

„I miss you too, H. I'll be there soon."

„Alright, see you soon, sweetie. Love you." He then said.

„Yeah, see you in a bit. Love you too."

Harry made a kissing sound and hung up the phone. For the next two and a half hours, I slept a little bit until we were just minutes away from Anne's house. I'd never get over the feeling of driving through my hometown everytime I got back here and started to see all the houses and places I knew so well from my childhood and teenage years.
Finally, we arrived in front of Anne's house and just as I got out and unloaded my luggage, the front door opened and Harry came running out, wearing sweatpants with a hoodie and just some slippers on his feet.

He opened his arms for me to fall into and he hugged me tight. „Hey, beautiful." He picked me up for a moment, hugging me even tighter. „Missed you, my darling."

„Hey H. Missed you more. Finally I'm here." I kissed his lips as soon as he let me down again. „Congrats on the audition, baby!" I kissed him again.

„Thanks darling, I'm over the moon." He smiled brightly.

„I can imagine." I smiled back. „Babe, what are you doing out here in those slippers?" I giggled a little. „It's cold, you'll get sick, go back inside."

„It's fine, love." He smiled at me.

I quickly thanked he driver and Harry grabbed my luggage inside the house where I instantly got greeted by Anne and Gemma.

„You're just in time for dinner, dear. You must be starving." Anne smiled after all the hugs and kisses and I sat down on one of the barstools at the kitchen counter. „How was the drive up here?"

„It was fine. I slept through most of it, so that made it a bit shorter."

„At least you got some rest then after such a busy week." She said.

„Yeah, it was pretty intense. I'm glad I got some time off now that I can spend with you. Next year is already filled with tourdates and all." I told her. „I'm also working on a new album, so next year is gonna be pretty busy."

„Sounds hectic, but exciting." Anne said. „Just look after yourself when it's getting busy again."

„I will." I smiled at her, caring. „Yeah it is exciting. I really can't wait to release some new music."

„Me neither, dear. I'm so glad you're here to spend some family time with us."

„Wouldn't wanna be anywhere else right now." I smiled.

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