Chapter 143

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Seeing pap pics of Harry out and about, travelling around actually made me feel a bit relieved as I knew he was okay for what it seemed

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Seeing pap pics of Harry out and about, travelling around actually made me feel a bit relieved as I knew he was okay for what it seemed. He looked good, obviously incredibly handsome, but he did look a bit pale and it seemed he looked a bit skinnier again what was probably because of the bad cold he had for weeks.

We didn't talk over the phone a lot the past month as he was still a lot on vocal rest what was worrying me a bit, because it wasn't usual for a singer to be on vocal rest this much, but the fact that I knew how his management treated the boys, made it clear to me of what was probably going on right now and that was what made me worry the most.

We both only had one month left of tour and then I'd finally see Harry again.

I didn't know what it was, but Harry seemed a bit weird to me, not in how he behaved, but in how he came across. He seemed tired and drained and that was what made me concerned. He blamed it on his back, but I knew it wasn't that. I knew, because I've quickly talked to the other boys and they seemed exactly the same as Harry, tired and drained. I just hoped it wasn't what I thought it was.

It was in the middle of the night when I got woken up by my phone ringing, Harry's picture popping up on the display. I was still trying to wake up properly as I grabbed my phone and picked up, my eyes still closed. That was until I heard him crying on the other end and instantly sat up in bed.

„Harry? Babe, what's wrong?"

„I just...I just." He cried, almost choking on his words. „I just needed to hear your voice. There's so much shit going on here...I- I needed air."

I sighed, feeling so sorry for him and that I physically couldn't be there for him. „Oh Haz, what's going on?"

„We're under so much pressure lately...this whole tour actually. They have us do shows non stop, then get back to the tourbus and record until late at night. We get only a few hours of sleep and it's talking a toll on all of us. We're constantly pissed, fighting or in a bad mood. I'm scared the band is gonna fall apart." He whispered the last part, still sobbing uncontrollably. „Some of us are drinking...a lot, to get through the shows and have that adrenaline kick."

„Oh my god, I had a feeling something was up, but never thought it was so bad. I'm so sorry, H. I- I- Do you need me to come and be with you? I can leave right now."

„No absolutely not, you're on tour, that'd be insane." He almost got mad at me for suggesting that. „I just needed to talk to you and let it out because it's been bottling up and I couldn't hold it in anymore."

„That's understandable, H. That's a lot and it's definitely not healthy nor humane. They can't treat you like that especially not when on tour. I hate that you're suffering so much because of this, all of you and I can't believe they're actually doing this to you. I wish I could help, Haz." I told him. „Please try to stay strong, try to fight through this. Four weeks can be long, but you're strong, H. You're a fighter, you've proved that to me so many times already. Stay strong, baby. It'll all be okay. Promise me you'll be okay, because I'm worried sick about you here and I'm on a whole other continent. Especially after what you just told me." My voice started to tremble. „Promise me you'll be okay, Harry."

„I promise, I will. Nothing's gonna happen to me, I promise." He calmed down a little.

„And you guys, try to help each other out. Please take care of each other. What you guys, the five of you have is way too important and beautiful to let it break apart. I've gotten to know the other four a long time ago and you've been making history ever since. You're friendship and your brotherhood is just as strong as it was back then, maybe even stromger. You guys can do this, but you need to stick together, because you're in this together as a five."

„I'll try, or we'll try. It's just shit a the moment, so I don't knew...there's so much tension." He sighed, still sniffing a bit.

„I can only imagine, lovie. I'm sorry I can't do more to help in any way."

„It's okay. Your support is enough already, Y/n."

„I love you okay? I love you so much. You're so loved, Harry. This may be a dark time right now, but you'll always be so loved no matter what."

„Thank you. Love you too. I just wanna see you again. I've waited for this so many months, only to get pressured and drained. It's not fun anymore...I'm just tired of all of this."

„I'm so sorry, baby." I sighed, feeling incredibly useless. „Only four more weeks. You're a fighter."

„Four weeks...only four more weeks." He repeated to calm himself down. „Oh my god, wait what time is it at yours?"

„I don't know, maybe like 3 am?"

„Oh god, I woke you up, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to. I totally forgot about the timezones, I just needed to talk to you." He rambled.

„Hey, it's alright, Harry. I don't mind. You needed me and I told you you should call no matter what time if you needed me." I assured him.

„Thank you, love. I love you so much. Gonna let you get back to sleep now."

„Alright then. Love you more, H. See you and're a fighter."

„Yeah. Thank you. Goodnight." He then hung up.

I let my arm with my phone still in my hand drop down onto my stomach, just hoping Harry would be fine and the boys as well.

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