Chapter 194

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Anne and Gemma drove us all back home a little while later. I sat in the back with Harry who was in obvious pain, clutching chis chest where he got a cracked rib and just furrowing his brows and trying to breathe through it until we got to the house.

„You two get upstairs and straight to bed to rest." Anne said as she opened the front door for us. „Can you do the stairs, Harry?" She asked.

„Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." He nodded, holding onto the banister on his way up.

„Are you sure, H?" I asked him, follwing him up.

„I'm sure, love." He gave me a fake smile.

Once upstairs, he let out a deep breath, entering our bedroom.

„Baby, go lay down, I can tell you're in pain." I guided him to his side of the bed.

„Is it that obvious?"

„Looking at the fact it looks like every step you take hurts...yes." He finally laid down.

„That's basically what it is." He chuckled.

„God, H...I hate to see you in pain." I sat down beside him on my side of the bed.

„I'm fine, Y/n." He assured me though.

„You're whole body hurts, Haz. That's not fine."

„That's because of the impact of the cars hitting me. Nothing serious. I haven't even got a concussion." He said.

„The way you phrase it like that...I can't believe you were in a car accident because of some stupid paparazzi."

„Yeah me neither. It was really scary to be honest." He admitted.

„I can only imagine." I ran my hand through his hair. „What exactly happened?"

„It started when I got out of the studio. Paparazzi already crowded around the building, so I quickly got into my car and drove off, but they kept following me with two cars. I tried to get away, but didn't have a chance against them. It came to a point where they started to try and overtake me on the street and flashed me with their cameras. I couldn't see anything anymore because of their flashes and that must have been when I ran the red light. The only thing I saw next was another car driving straight towards me and hitting me and then one of the paps hitting me from behind." He finished explaining.

„That sounds horrible. My god, I'm so glad you're okay. This could have been so much worse."

„Yeah...I'm just relieved I didn't break my back again, because it literally felt like it." He said.

I nodded understandingly. „When do you have to take out those stitches?"

„In a few days probably. It's not too deep, but they said it still needed some stitches."

„Okay. I love you so much, H." I leaned in to kiss his lips. „Even though I'm a little mad you guys didn't tell me what happened from the start. It was terrifying seeing it on the news."

„I'm sorry, love. I just didn't want you to worry any more. You're already handling enough at the moment."

„No matter what's going on in my life, I'll always worry about you and wanna make sure you're alright." I kissed him again. „Because you belong to my life too."

He smiled at me again. „I love you so much, darling. I just...I am fine, really. I will be, so I really don't want you worrying about me any more."

„Can't promise you that, Haz." I smiled.

„Lovely, you look tired, why don't you get some rest, huh?" Harry suggested, tucking some of my hair behind my ear.

„I probably should get some rest before chemo tomorrow anyways." I nodded.

„Shit right, you've got chemo tomorrow. What time again? I'll drive you over there."

„You're not gonna drive anywhere, Styles." I shook my head. „Gem or Anne can drive me, you stay right here."

„But I'm-."

„No buts. I want you to stay here. Let your body rest a bit. You'll probably feel worse tomorrow when all the adrenaline wears off, so just rest. I'll be away only two hours anyways." I told him.

„I know, but I just don't want you to do this alone." He reached for my hand and slid his in mine.

„I won't, cause Anne or Gemma will be there."

„Fine then." He finally gave in. „I'm so glad you only got two sessions left of chemo." He smiled a little at me.

„Me too. I hate it so much. I just hope the tumor got smaller so they can take it out." I sighed.

„I'm sure it did. If you're gonna get the surgery soon, you'll be cancer free again in just a few weeks."

I smiled at the thought. „That'd be amazing...I could reschedule tour and all and start getting back to everything. We could finally stop worrying."

„You'll get back to your life soon, my love. I promise." Harry smiled at me before he kissed the back of my hand.

I just nodded, desperately hoping he was right and would be able to keep his promise as he always did. „I love you so much."

„Love you more, beautiful."


The next day, Gemma was the one who brought me to the hospital for my next chemo session. Harry was still asleep as we left today, so I didn't bother him and we headed straight to the hospital.

Just as I told Harry, we were back a little more than two hours later. I immediately let myself fall into bed where Harry was still sleeping on his side, curled up into a ball without a shirt on. I always got so incredibly tired after my treatment and just wanted to sleep.

I could tell some of the bruises he suffered got even bigger, especially the one on his side where his rib was. His back was facing me and it was the first time I saw his bruised spine. It looked painful, so I just hoped he wasn't in too much pain.

I was so tired, my eyes got heavier and heavier, but I didn't wanna fall asleep just yet. I moved closer to Harry gently pressed a kiss on his shoulderblade before I placed my hand on his shoulder and rubbed my thumb over it.

„I love you so much." I whispered, moving back a little again.

„Love you more." He suddenly whispered back and slowly turned around, clutching his ribs immediately as he scrunched his face in pain.

„Careful, baby." I reminded him, placing a cushion under his side. „Told you it would hurt more today."

„I'm fine." He breathed, chuckling a little. „How are you feeling, love? You look good."

„I'm doing good I think, just tired as always, but I think this is the first time I'm actually feeling okay after a session." I told him.

„That's great, love. I'm happy for you." He smiled at me. „If you're tired, go on and sleep. I'll be here."

„In a minute." I nodded. „How are you feeling, H? Are you in a lot of pain?"

„A little. Got a little headache, but I guess I'm just still a bit shaken up from the whole thing." He told me. „I'm okay otherwise, I promise."

„I'm relieved then." I leaned in to kiss his lips. „By the way, if you're hungry, there's still some breakfast downstairs."

He nodded with a smile. „Thanks, love maybe later."

„Okay. I'm gonna get some sleep now, I'm exhausted."

„You do that. Sleep well, lovely." He kissed me again.

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