Chapter 38

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July 2015
„You can't go on tour, Y/n." Harry said silently, his eyes wide.

„I know, but I have no choice..."

„You know what the doctor said yesterday, you can't do that to your body." He said.

„I know, Harry...I know, but you know how this works. I can't do anything about it."

He nodded slowly, looking away. „I hate this..."

„Yeah, me too."

„Do you know when tour starts?" He asked.

„We had a meeting once to plan everything and they said the north America leg will probably start in September."

„Wow, that's soon. We also start the America tour in September... We won't see each other in a long time, huh?"

„I guess, yeah." I shrugged, nodding and realizing we had only two months left to catch up now and then we wouldn't see each other for months.

„You just came back." He let out a little laugh, but by the way he looked, he was serious and sad about it.

„It's not like I will be gone like last time. We can call each other." I suggested.

„I know, it's just...I really missed you and now that you're back, I wanna talk to you in person."

„I missed you too, H. Imagine we were able to go on tour together, like we already did." I smiled at the memory.

„Yeah, that would be so much easier and more fun..." He smiled back.


The weekend went by so fast and in the evening, Harry and I already had to leave again and say goodbye to Anne, Gem and Robin. It hurt to leave them again after just going back home, but now I knew I would always come back and not leave them ever again.

„Bye Robin, thanks for everything." I hugged him tight before letting go and he smiled at me, giving me a nod.

I turned to Gemma, falling into her outstretched arms.

„I'm gonna miss you, Y/n." She hugged me tight.

„I'm gonna miss you more, believe me." I let out a laugh, trying not to cry. „I love you, Gem. Thank you." I smiled at her after we let go.

She nodded, also trying not to cry, but I notices her eyes watering. „See you soon?"

„See you soon. Definitely. I nodded, squeezing her hand before I turned to Anne while Harry said goodbye to his sister and stepdad.

„I don't want my baby to leave again." She smiled at me, tearing up already. „Come here, dear." She wrapped her arms around my body while I wrapped mine around hers, resting my hands on her back. „Please come back, darling." She whispered in my ear, her voice filled with pain.

„I will...I promise I will. I won't leave you again." I whispered back, a tear falling down my cheek. „I will come back, I promise." I hugged her tight. „Thank you for everything, I love you."

„I love you too, darling." Her voice was trembling as we let go.

Harry hugged his mother tightly and when we were ready and said our goodbyes, we got out of the door into the car. They all waved, standing in front of the house, waiting for us to leave.

It hurt a little the second Harry drove away and I couldn't see the house anymore, but I knew where I belonged to and I would come back.

„You okay?" Harry asked me, obviously hearing the sigh I let out.

„I'm okay, just a bit sad we had to leave already." I leaned back into my seat, putting my sunglasses on.

„We could've stayed another night." He said.

„I know, but I need to be back at the studio today." I told him, immediately regretting what I said.

He frowned. „Can't he just give you some time to rest and relax?" He shook his head, sighing.

„I won't overdo it."

„Please don't." He looked at me for a few seconds before fixing his eyes back on the road.

I nodded. „I won't."

We drove non stop towards London and with the time passing, I noticed Harry getting more and more tired.

„You know I can drive too, Harry."

„What?" He asked tiredly.

„Look how tired you are, you need a break."

„No, I don't. It's only another hour." He shook his head.

„You're half asleep, H. Drive to the next exit and stop, I'll drive."

„Ugh, fine." He gave in and drove to the next exit to a parking spot.
He knew very well he was too tired to drive, but didn't wanna admit it, as always.

We quickly got out of the car, changing our seats and I started driving home.
Just two minutes into driving, Harry fell asleep on the passenger seat, snoring lightly. I smiled at that, his arms crossed in front of his chest while his head rested against his seat. He looked adorable.

The hour passed faster than I thought and we arrived in London right when Harry woke up.

„How was your nap?" I asked him.

„Great." He stretched his arms. „I needed that."

I smiled. „We're here by the way."

„Drive to your house first." He said, still yawning.

A few minutes later, I pulled up in my driveway, before getting my bags and bringing them into my house.

„So..." I turned to Harry. „Thank you for bringing me home. It meant the world to me."

„Of course." He smiled. „That's where you belong to, don't forget that."

„Never." I shook my head, smiling.

„So, when do you think we'll...see each other again?"

„I don't really know...I have a tight schedule the next few weeks, but we'll write?"

„Yeah, we'll write." He nodded, opening his arms for a hug and I knew this was it.
I hugged him tight, my head leaning against his chest.

„Thank you for this." I said silently.

„You're welcome."

It was a long hug and I didn't like this, because it meant that it was over... I didn't know when I was gonna see him again, hug him, talk to him in person. I didn't know.

We eventually let go of the hug and our eyes met, his green, sparkly ones shining so bright.

„Take care okay?" He asked.

I nodded, smiling a little. „You too."

„I will." He smiled back, making his way towards the car. „And remember what we talked about in the car." He called, before getting into the drivers seat.

„I will." I waited in front of the door, until he drove away and waved when I saw his beautiful smile for the last time.
I turned around, making my way inside the house and closing the door behind my back. I let my bags fall onto the floor when realization hit me once again.

„What the fuck did I do?" I asked myself. For the second time in two days, I let him go... I let Harry go...

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