Chapter 169

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Sitting there inside the arena where everything started for the boys, being back and knowing it was their last performance ever at the place all of it started, listening to them singing up there was something I couldn't describe. A feeling, I wouldn't even be able to describe.

As Harry basically screamed the line of Infinity. „All I ever wanted was the truth..." it hit me deeply, knowing what they went through. They signed up for things they had no idea of as they were only young boys with hopes and dreams.

Tears started to form in my eyes that slowly ran down my cheeks as I watched them, giving their best. After finishing Infinity, Harry snuck a glance at me and I quickly mouthed an „I love you", making him smile just a tiny bit before they started to sing History. The song that should end everything. It was perfect for the end. They wrote the perfect song for the fans and themselves to say goodbye and let go.

What I didn't know and the boys probably either, as they started to sing, the screen behind them lit up and a tribute video started to play that matched the song and their goodbye, showing all their beautiful moments as a band from the beginning uo until the end, including Zayn. It was the most beautiful thing I saw, making everything even more emotional and harder to let go of.

„Fuck me." I whispered to myself, trying to control my emotions and my tears so if Harry looked at me, he wouldn't get teary as well.

Eventually, the boys sang their last few lines.

So don't let me go, so don't let me go, we can live forever. Baby, don't you know, baby, don't you know, we can live forever."

And it was over.
The boys all took a step back from their mics, looking out into the crowd, their faces sad and heartbroken. Harry and Louis were close to tears as Niall and Liam looked incredibly sad and couldn't believe it, their faces showing their thoughts. They looked at each other and pulled themselves all into their very last group hug, some small smiles on their faces showing which made me smile a little as well as everyone was still clapping for them.

They didn't wanna let go of that hug, knowing if they would, everything would get even realer and they'd have to face the truth.
Eventually, they did let go of each other, standing close together as a four when a video started playing specifically for them, of stars and friends of theirs who congratulated them on the five years of One Direction and everything they achieved. They had no idea of it and I had to keep it a secret as I was part of it as well and made a clip for them.
Harry smiled a little at me as he saw me pop up on the big screen, his eyes glossy as he kept watching.
The video was very sweet, very nostalgic to look back at those times and the friends they made. I looked around, seeing everyone getting so emotional after their performance and the video playing, tears rolling down on most of the people's cheeks.

Afterwards, Simon took the mic to say some things to the boys and even though it all sounded kind and sweet, we all knew what he did to them, to the five of them. How he treated them and disrespected them as human beings. Obviously the boys just listened and said their thanks to him before taking some pictures.

By now, I could tell by Harry's face expression that he wanted to get off that stage as soon as possible and just get away which they were finally able to do after they were done. Just before disappearing backstage, they properly thanked their fans in the arena one last time, waving at them and blowing kisses, telling them they loved them until it was really over.

„That was it." Anne turned to me and Gemma. „They've done it."

„You know, I can't...I really can't believe it." I wiped some tears away.

„It seems like yesterday we were here after we brought you two to the audition." Gemma said with a small smile.

I just nodded, not daring to say anything, scared that I'd completely lose it.

„I uh, I'm gonna go backstage to see Harry." I told them before I got up and headed back there.

As I made my way through the hallways, turning around the corner, I finally saw Harry standing back there a little farther away from the rest of the boys, taking out his ear pieces before he looked up and we locked eyes.
Harry sighed, making his way towards me where we got a little space away from everyone else to talk.

As he approached me, I could see his lips starting to tremble, trying to hold back his tears which soon spilled silently.

„Haz, my love." I said softly, pulling him into my arms and squeezing him tight as he started to sniffle. „You can let it out, baby. It's okay. Let everything out, love, it's alright." I told him as he immediately started to cry into my shoulder.

„It's done...One Direction is over, the biggest part of my life is over now." He cried. „One Direction is history. I- I don't want it to be over, Y/n. I- I can't do this."

„Hey, it's all gonna be okay. You're feeling all the emotions right now which is totally normal and understandable. It's okay to feel this way, but you'll be okay." I rubbed his back soothingly. „You guys made history. You changed everything. Five years, Harry...five years of moments and memories you'll never ever forget. You've grown so much through this time. You've grown into this strong, responsible and even more wonderful guy than you already were. This was a huge chapter in your life that now closed, but you know what? An old chapter closes and a new one begins. You're gonna start a whole new chapter, a whole new part in your life and that's something you should be excited about. This old chapter will always be a part of you, it will always be there to look back on, but at some point, you have to let go to focus on the new one." I told him, letting go of the hug to cup both his cheeks. „I am so immensely proud of you, you have no idea. I've supported you through all of it and I'll keep doing that. Always."

More tears streamed down his cheeks as he looked at me and I wiped some of them off his face.

„Thank you...just...thank you. I love you so much." He sniffled before he pressed his lips on mine.

„I love you more, sunshine. You were so incredible by the way and you deserved every second of the applause you got out there, but you also deserve to rest for a while and concentrate on yourself and your health."

Harry nodded with a little smile. „How is it possible that you always find the right words to say?"

I just shrugged, smiling back at him before he kissed me again.

And with that, the band that changed everything, was officially history.

One Direction wasn't just a band...they were so much more than that.

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