Chapter 168

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A bit more than week later, the day was here. The day of One Direction's very last performance. Their last performance ever here in London where it all started at the X-Factor 5 years ago.

„I thought..." Harry started, but then stopped himself. „Nevermind, it's stupid." He said as we sat in bed that morning, because Harry wanted to spend just a little more time in peace and not think about what was gonna happen today.

„Tell me, it can't be stupid." I assured him, turning on my side in bed a little more, so I could look at him a bit better.

„Now that the band is basically history, I thought I could try something new...maybe acting or something in particular." He told me.

„I think that's a great idea! You've always wanted to look into it, why not now? That's not stupid, H, I love that."

„I don't know, it was just a thought. I don't know if I'd have the courage. Or if I would be any good either. I'm a singer, I've never done something like this." He looked at me, his eyes wide.

„It's never too late to try something new, lovie." I smiled at him. „Would it make you happy?"

He nodded. „Definitely." His eyes lit up. Something that made my heart warm whenever it happened.

„Then you already have your answer. Maybe you're not ready now, but I know you are soon enough and you'll be great."

„How would you know that?" He chuckled with a little smile on his face.

„Because you're you! If you want something, if you love doing it and if it makes you happy, then you don't have to worry about anything, my love." I told him, placing my hand on his arm and running it down to his hand before I slid mine into his.

„But I don't wanna give up singing and performing. I love the career I have now."

„You don't have to gove up anything, Haz. You can do both, as long as you time it all and get the rest you need, don't overwork yourself."

He nodded, laying from his side back on his back and stared up at the ceiling, most probably thinking about it, what made me smile, because now even though the band was ending today, he had an idea, something to look forward to.

„Think about it, baby." I said and got up to kiss him before I got out of bed. „I'm gonna get ready. Big day today." I smiled before I disappeared in the bathroom.


Later after having dinner together, the boys got ready for their final performance backstage. Harry looked immaculate in his beautiful suit and so did the boys, all dressed up so beautifully.
In fact, we were all dressed up for this special occasion. Anne, Gemma, the rest of Harry's family, the boys' families and all of their friends.

Everyone was nervous, very obviously nervous. I could tell Harry was more nervous than he was at the show last week, but he tried not to show it and shove his feelings down for now to be there for the boys. He tried to be strong for them especially because tonight all of the four were on edge, but most of all also Louis. He was one of the four that took the break very hard, just like Harry did and everyone could see it tonight, so most of the family members gave the boys some space before their performance.

I was just about to get out to our seats when Harry came to stop me. „Y/n! Wait please!"

I turned around to face him. „What is it, sunshine?"

„Is this really happening? Is this the end?" He asked, his eyes wide.

„Haz, my love." I cupped his cheek with one hand and nodded, looking in his eyes. „It's the end. It's happening. It's time. It's the end of One Direction, but not the end of your career. Keep that in mind."

He nodded slowly.

„Will you be okay until you're on?" I asked him.

„Don't really know...I guess?" It looked like he asked that himself. „I'm just so's a weird feeling, because I know after this it really is over. Forever."

„I understand, honey." I pressed a kiss on his lips. „When you go out there, remember the day we came down here to London and went to the X-Factor to this exact arena and then remember everything you've achieved up to tonight and I promise you, you'll feel a little less nervous. You know, right now, all I see is my 16 year old boyfriend who is incredibly nervous just before auditioning and singing in front of so many people for the fist time ever. It's bittersweet you know? You're exactly the same right now...but this time..." I grabbed both his hands before I continued. „This time, you've done it a thousand times already, you feel safe up on stage and you've got five year of experience. I know it's hard and when it's actually over, it will be even harder until you're used to everything new, but you got this."

He nodded again after carefully listening. „It's gonna be okay?" Harry asked.

„It's gonna be okay." I assured him, nodding with a small smile. „Be you, be yourself out there. Enjoy it a last time. Two songs and it's done. You can do this." I reassured him. „But don't look at me, because I'll be crying out there watching you."

He giggled a little. „Okay. Thank you, Y/n. I love you so much." He pressed his lips on mine.

„Love you more, baby. See you later okay?"

„See you later." He nodded again before I kissed his cheek and left to get to Anne and Gemma.

We sat close to the stage, along with the other families and as it got closer to showtime for the boys, I started to get more nervous, realizing that this was happening. It was all real. This would be One Direction's last ever performance. The band that changed everything.

The boys got announced and they eventually appeared on stage to sing Infinity. They all looked so handsome, but at the same time their faces looked sad, their looks empty and eyes glossy.
The fans around us started to cry after the first few lines they sang which made my heart hurt just a little more.

To them One Direction wasn't just a band. They weren't just some singers to them. To them, hey were everything. Their safe place and their comfort. I felt sorry for them, knowing that right now, they wouldn't understand why this was happening, but sometime...someday, they'd know and they'd understand. They'd understand, because they only wanted the best for the boys. Always.

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