Chapter 191

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In the morning of Y/n's birthday the following week, I could tell it was one of the good days for her which I was really glad about. I wanted her to have a great birthday where she could distract herself from everything going on at the moment.

„Morning love and happy birthday." I turned to Y/n when I noticed her waking up in the morning.

She smiled at me, scooting closer to wrap her arms around me. „Thank you." She rested her head against my chest.

„Wanna have breakfast?" I rubbed her arm and kissed the top of her head.

„In a minute. Wanna lay with you here for another bit." She said, closing her eyes again.

„Okay. Love you."

„Love you too." She whispered and slept for another few minutes before she sat up in bed, stretching her arms.

„How are you feeling, sweetie?" I asked her, still laying in bed next to her.

„I'm doing good, Haz, don't worry." She assured me.

„Okay, I'm glad." I sat up as well and stretched my back. „My mum is probably already up and made your favorite pancakes or something you like."

„Let's go downstairs then." Y/n smiled and got out of bed, literally pulling me out with her as she grabbed my hands.
I loved seeing her this happy and energetic again for a change. It happened so rarely lately and when it did, we both enjoyed every second of it.

„There's the birthday girl!" Gemma exclaimed as we both got downstairs and hugged her immediately. „Happy birthday!!"

„Thanks, Gem." Y/n hugged her tight before my mum came and hugged her as well.

„Happy birthday, my dear." My mum squished her.

„Thanks so much, Anne."

„I made you some pancakes, are you hungry?" She asked Y/n.

„Yeah, I am actually. Thank you."

We then all had breakfast together and Y/n was actually able to eat a good amount of food what made me really happy as she was losing weight due to the chemo and not being able to eat as much anymore.

„Have you guys planned anything for today?" Gemma asked during breakfast.

„Just for tonight." Y/n said before she smiled at me.

„Do you have anything in mind you wanna do today, darling? Something special?" My mum asked.

„Not really, no." Y/n shook her head. „The only thing I can think of is just going out for a walk maybe. I wanna get out of the house for a while."

„You know, we can have lunch here and make some homemade pizzas if you like and then we can go out for a while." My mum suggested.

„Sounds good to me." Y/n smiled.

„Great, then that's a plan." Gemma said.

We spent the day together just as planned, making homemade pizza after some secret recipe my mum had and went outside on a walk later in the afternoon.

„Did you like your birthday up until now?" I asked Y/n later that day when we were on our way to the beach just as we planned it last week.

„I did." She nodded. „I really enjoyed it. It reminded me of when we were little and would all cook together in the kitchen, making a big mess, but always having so much fun."

I smiled at that. „Yeah it was really nice spending some time as a family all together again."

„Can't wait to spend some alone time with you here though. I've waited the whole day just for tonight." She admitted.

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