Chapter 136

112 2 0

July 2016
I felt brutally awful and everything hurt in this very moment.
As my vomiting finally stopped, I sunk all the way to the floor, sitting onto the cold tiles of our bathroom.

„It's nothing, eh?" Harry said, his face dead serious as he stroked my cheek. „I think you've got a fever as well, you're burning up, love."

Tears continued flowing out of my eyes as he spoke. I hated this. All I wanted was to have a nice evening with Harry after being apart for so long. This wasn't what was supposed to be happening and I hated to worry Harry in any way.

„You stay here, I'm gonna get you a glass of water and call a doctor." He said as he begun to stand up from the bathroom floor.

„Harry don't. I'm sure it's just a 24-hour bug. I've been stressed and travelling around, you're overreacting." I croaked from my position on the floor.

„Are you sure? I don't like this, you seem really sick, baby." Harry's forehead creased, showing his concern for me all over his face.

„I'm sure." I whispered, wiping some of my tears away.

„Okay, let me just go get you some water."

Despite the attempt to wipe them away, the tears just kept on coming as the pain in my right side became sharper and sharper. I stayed incredibly still, scared that any sudden movement would just make it worse.

Just as Harry walked back in with a glass of water, the urge to throw up hit me all over again and I sat up as fast as I could so I could aim for the toilet bowl.

„Oh love." Harry sighed as he quickly crouched down behind me and rubbed my back.

However, a moment later, his hand went completely still. „Y/n, I'm taking you to a hospital right now."

„What? Why?" I managed to ask between vomiting.

I looked at him, his hand shaking as he dialed the number of a doctor. „There's blood." His voice trembled as he stared at the contents of the toilet bowl.

My own blood went cold as I saw that there was blood and I was rocked to my core at the sight of Y/n hunched over the toilet bowl, sobbing in pain. I hated that she was hurting and I hated even more that she tried so hard to hide it from me, but I couldn't think of that now. Right now, I needed to focus on what the on-call nurse told me to do.

I got out the largest bucket I could find, a towel and a bottle of water before grabbing my car keys and wallet.
When I returned to the bathroom, Y/n was lying on the floor, sobs wrecking her body.

„Shhhh, it's gonna be okay, love. It's all gonna be okay." I rubbed her shoulder soothingly.

„It hurts so bad, H." She cried even more, clutching onto her side. „I'm so sorry, Harry."

„Hey, you have nothing to apologize for, okay?" She nodded, but her crying continued. „Now, I'm going to pick you up carefully and carry you down to the car, okay?"

She shook her head. „Your back." She croaked.

„Shhh, no, don't worry about me. We need to get you to the hospital now. You're going to hold onto this bucket in case you need it, alright, beautiful?"

She finally nodded.

I kissed her damp forehead as I lifted her up from the bathroom floor and she grabbed the bucket from the sink, my spine letting me know immediately that I shouldn't be doing that as I wasn't used to lift anything anymore, but I had no other choice.

Y/n was completely delirious by the time I set her down in the car, as she continued to mumble apologies over and over again. I tried to tell her to stop apologizing, but she just kept repeating „I'm sorry" regardless.

She only stopped when we were only a few minutes away from the hospital to vomit into the bucket uncontrollably. „Make it stop!" She sobbed to me. „Please just make it stop! Please!"

I winced as she continued to repeat herself. It hurt so much, hearing her like this, in so much pain and not being able to do anything against it.

„I wish I could, but the doctors will help you and make it better soon. I promise." I tried to keep my eyes on the road as I drove like a madman.

As I finally got to the hospital, I ran out to her side, ripped her door open and lifted her into my arms again, before I took off at a sprint into the hospital. At this point, I was more than concerned when I looked at her and how poorly she felt, clutching onto her side as if she was holding on to dear life.

„My girlfriend needs a doctor right now, I called earlier." I called to the receptionist as I ran towards her desk.

Within a minute, a nurse and doctor arrived with a gourney, so I set her down as gently as possible.

„Symptoms?" The doctor asked, already inspecting her.

„Uh, fever, throwing up, blood in her vomit. She's having really bad cramps and said something about being nauseous. It got really bad really fast." I tried to speak as quickly as possible, desperate for the doctor to find out what was wrong with Y/n as soon as possible and just make it stop.

„What's her name?" The doctor asked.

„Y/n, Y/n Y/l/n." Even though I was talking to the doctor, I couldn't tear my eyes away from her face.

She looked at me with pleading eyes and I felt like my heart would get ripped out of my chest at the sight of the person I loved most being in this much pain.

„Y/n, where does it hurt the most?" The doctor asked her.

„ right side, as if someone is stabbing me." She sobbed, her voice thick.

„Most likely her appendix." He told me as he turned back around. „I'll go give her a specific diagnosis and then we'll take action." That was everything he said to me before attempting to wheel her away, but Y/n quickly grabbed my arm.

„Harry please." She looked at me terriefied.

The doctor gave me a warning look. I knew they were wasting precious time if I'd hold them up now.

„Don't worry, baby, okay? I'm not going to leave until you're just fine. They're going to fix you up, everything will be fine. You'll be okay, precious." I assured her.

She nodded her head at my words and managed to give me a tiny smile.

„I love you." I said to her.

„I love you too." She whispered unable to speak at a higher volume before they wheeled her away.

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