Chapter 47

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September 2015
„You're safe, love. I'm here." I rubbed her back gently as she cried into my shoulder.

„He said...that I won't get away from me..." She said silently.

I furrowed my brows, starting to get angry and looked around to try and spot this man somewhere, but I didn't see anyone.

„He's gone, I promise." I told her, trying to calm her down and soon, her crying eased and she got calmer, her chest quickly rising up and down against mine. „I need you to breathe, Y/n, okay?"

She nodded, letting go of me and wiping her tears away. „I can't believe this just really happened." She let out with a breath.

„This shouldn't have happened, but it's not your fault okay?" I told her, rubbing her arms as some tears still fell down her cheeks.

She nodded again, slowly. „Thank you for coming saving me, I...I don't know what would have happened if you weren't there... Thank you Harry." Her voice was trembling and so was her body. She was, understandably, still incredibly scared.

„Don't think about that okay? We'll report that to the police and they'll handle it."

„Okay..." She said silently.

„Come on, let's go home." I told her, but before we went, I took off my hoodie and gave it to her as I saw she was cold. „Here, put this on."

„Thank you." She let out quietly before quickly putting my hoodie on that was way too big for her, her hands disappearing within the sleeves.

„Come on now." I placed my arm around her waist and pulled her close to my body while walking home.

„What were you even doing out here this late?" I questioned at some point on our walk home.

„I was hungry, had nothing left at home and couldn't sleep, so I went to grab something to eat and on my way back, this happened."

„I'm so sorry this happened. Are you even okay?" I asked her, rubbing her arm soothingly.

„I guess, just a little shook up and out of breath. My lungs still can't take such fast runs." She said, letting out a little laugh.

„Yeah, it probably wasn't the best for your lungs, but I'm glad you're fine otherwise." I told her with a small smile. „So, did Noah not hear the phone when you called? Do you want me to call him since your phone is dead?"

„ need to call him." She shook her head, looking down on the ground. „You were the first one I called... I didn't call Noah."

„Oh, okay." Was the only thing I said. I frowned though. He was her boyfriend, where the heck was he and why was her first instinct to call me and not her boyfriend?

It was weird, very weird, but I let it go, thinking it would be better not to talk about it.
A little while later, we arrived in front of her house. I walked her up to the front door as I noticed she was still shaking, her keys almost falling out of her hands as she tried to open the door. She looked around to the left and right and behind her, probably scared this man followed us to her house.

„Shit!" She mumbled when she did let the key fall on the ground in front of her feet.

„Do you want to spend the night at my house so you're not alone?" I asked her, placing my hand on her back after she picked up her keys.

She turned around and looked at me with wide eyes. „Yes, please." She nodded quickly.

I smiled a little at how cute she was before I wrapped my arm around her again to continue walking towards my house that was near hers.

„Come on then." I said, making our way out of her driveway again.

„Listen, I'm sorry for bothering you at 2 am in the morning. You were probably asleep after the last few stressful shows." She started at some point as we were talking about random things.

„Don't start apologizing Y/n." I told her, my voice almost whispering. „I'm glad you called, I don't wanna imagine what could have happened to you if you didn't."

„Yeah...but I feel like you've helped me so much already and I don't even deserve that know..." She said, looking down at her feet again. „I don't deserve that you're treating me like this."

I didn't know what to say first, trying to gather my thoughts and trying to just not say anything wrong.

„I treat you like this, because you're one of the most important persons in my life and that fact will never change, Y/n." I started. „We've known each other for forever. We grew up together and we were together and you know exactly what I feel for you, so it's only natural that I care about you so much. No matter what happened between us, if you or I messed up, I will always care about you and that's not gonna change."

„This means a lot to me, thank you, Harry." She smiled a little at me, her eyes sparkling under the light of the street lamps.
Her little smile faded quickly, though and she looked back down on the ground.

As soon as we got to my house, I opened the door, leading her inside. She hesitated for a minute, looking up at me.

„Is it really okay for you that I stay?" She asked, worriedly.

I tilted my head. „Can you stop ask questions like this?" I asked, laughing a little. „Of course it's okay, Y/n, don't worry."

She nodded, giving me a little smile and we both got inside.

„Well, you know this house almost better than I do." I smiled at her, thinking back at how much time we spent here together. „You can have the guest room, make yourself comfortable." I told her, walking through the hallway towards the living room.

She smiled back at me. „Thank you, Harry."

„You're welcome."

She looked up at the living room, noticing my guitar and journal still laying on the couch and looked back at me with sparkly eyes.

„Were you writing at 2 am?" She asked.

I nodded, chuckling. „Yeah, got some ideas I wanted to write down."

„The best songs are created at night." She stated with a little smile.

„That's true." I nodded.

I didn't really know how and when it happened, but at some point, I found myself sitting in front of my piano with Y/n, writing songs. She sat close next to me, singing some lines we came up with, while I played a matching melody on the piano.

I joined her, my voice combining with her and it fit so perfectly. We, both together singing that beautiful song we came up with, sounded angelic and just beautifully.

It's been so long since Y/n and I wrote and sang together, but we still got it as we came up with a brand new song in less than half an hour. The words and melody just came out of us and it

I truly missed our voices together. Just us two, singing away...

And just like that, we created a new song.

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