Chapter 184

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„Get some more sleep, love. I know you're tired." I kissed her cheek after I got her a glass of water that I put on her nightstand.

„H?" Y/n looked up at me, tapping on the edge of the bed for me to sit down so I placed myself next to her, resting one hand on the bed on the other side of her legs.


„We haven't really talked about our fight the other night." She said.

„We really don't have to, baby."

„But I want to." She insisted. „Look, I'm sorry I made you feel like your music and your career weren't important or as important as mine. It is just as important. I do care about your music and all your new ideas, of course I do. I know how important this is to you and I'm sorry I brushed you off so many times. I was so tired and stressed, I didn't even realize. I'd never wanna make you feel sad and I'd never wanna hurt you purposely. I love you, Harry and I'm sorry."

„It's okay, love. It really is. I was just hurt in that moment, but I know how it feels to be stressed and tired, so it's okay. I love you more, darling." I leaned in to kiss her lips.

„I'd love to listen to your new songs if you like."

„You don't have to right now. Get some rest, love." I smiled at her.

„No, I do. I wanna know all about your new ideas and demos and song titles and just everything...please. I wanna know." She said. „Tell me all about it."

„Okay." I made myself more comfortable on the bed. „So, first of all, I didn't tell you yet, but I've just signed a solo record deal with Columbia records."

„Oh my god! Harry!" She opened her arms for me to hug her gently. „Congratulations, H, that's amazing!"

„Thanks, love. I'm really happy."

„I can imagine." She smiled. „I'm so proud of you." She had tears in her eyes.

„Hey no tears, love." I smiled, wiping the ones away that escaped her eyes.

„Sorry, it's just- no, doesn't matter." She shrugged it off, but I knew exactly why she got emotional and it broke my heart. She was scared she would miss out on things because of the cancer. „I wanna hear some songs now. Do you have some that are definitely gonna be on the album?" She asked me.

„I do, yeah. I have the demos on my phone." I went to grab it, but she held me back by my arm.

„Can you sing them? I wanna be the first to hear them live."

I smiled at that. „Of course." I went to grab my guitar, the one that Y/n gave me on my birthday last year and sat back down on the bed. „Okay, this one is called From the Dining Table."

She smiled at me, patiently waiting for me to start the song as I played the first few chords.
„Woke up alone in this hotel room, played with myself, where were you? Fell back to sleep, I got drunk by noon, I've never felt less cool.
We haven't spoke since you went away, comfortable silence is so overrated. Why won't you ever be the first one to break? Even my phone misses your call, by the way, I saw your friend that you know from work, he said you feel just fine. I see you gave him my old t-shirt, more of what was once mine." I started to sing, hoping Y/n would like it just as much as I loved it.

„I see it's written, it's all over his face, comfortable silence is so overrated, why won't you ever say what you want to say? Even my phone misses your call, by the way. Maybe one day you'll call me and tell me that you're sorry too. Maybe one day you'll call me and tell me that you're sorry too. Maybe one day you'll call me and tell me that you're sorry too, but you, you never do. Woke up the girl who looked just like you, I almost said your name. We haven't spoke since you went away, comfortable silence is so overrated, why won't you ever say what you want to say? Even my phone misses your call. We haven't spoke since you went away, comfortable silence is so overrated. Why won't you ever say what you want to say? Even my phone misses your call, by the way."

I finished the slow song, my heart racing a bit as I was nervous of what she'd think about it. As soon as I looked up, I spotted the tears rolling down her cheeks.

„Don't you like it?" I asked unsure.

„Oh no, Harry. I love it, it's so beautiful. She smiled, another tear rolling down her cheek. „I've truly never heard a song this special and beautiful, Harry. I love it so much. I'm so proud of you."

„Thank you, baby." My own eyes filled with tears. „That means the world to me." I kissed her soft lips.

„Play me another one...please."

„I think I'm gonna let you sleep for a bit, love. Your eyes are barely open." I smiled, brushing her hair out of her face. „You're tired, darling. Get some sleep and rest. My mum will be here soon too."

„Okay then. Thanks." She moved a bit to her side, wincing immediately as she accidentally hit the bandage on her chest.

„Careful, love." I reminded her. „Do you need anything?"

„Just you."

„Me?" I chuckled as I put my guitar away.

„I wanna spend time with you. Get in here."

I sighed, tilting my head at her and eventually gave in before I went in bed next to her and wrapped my arms around her from behind.

„I love you so much, Harry. So, so much." She whispered.

„And I love you, my sweetheart." I kissed the back of her head.

„You're so perfect. So precious and wonderful. You're the best fiancé I could have ever imagined to have. Thank you for everything, Haz."

I had a feeling of why she suddenly said all those things to me, pouring her heart out like that as if she soon couldn't anymore.

„Y/n...don't do this please." I whispered, trying to hold in my sobs.

„I just want you to know how I feel...just in case."

„No. You're going to be okay, Y/n. You're gonna be fine. You can tell me those things all your life long."

She just nodded to that and didn't say anything further.
I tried to hold back my tears with everything I had, nuzzling my face into her soft, brown hair and breathing in her so lovely scent that I loved so much.

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