Chapter 114

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March 2016
I instantly called back even though it was 2 am by now.

„Y/n?" She answered the phone immediately.

„Yes, Anne, hi. I'm so sorry I haven't been on my phone for hours and I only saw your calls now, it's been a hectic night."

„Seems like it, Harry's all over the news, what even happened? What's going on?" She asked concerned.

I got out of the bedroom and entered the study so I wouldn't wake up Harry. „First of all, he's okay. He's here at home with me and just fell asleep."

„Oh thank god." She breathed.

„At the end of their show tonight he slipped and fell on his back. They brought him to the hospital to check his spine and look for injuries. Luckily he didn't injure himself more, but he did strain some nerves in his back around the fusion so he's on bed rest again."

„Oh god, but he's okay otherwise?" She asked as I sat down in the chair behind the desk.

„Yes, he is. He's just in pain at the moment because of how hard he hit the ground. He needs a lot of rest to heal." I told her. „Management shouldn't have pushed him to perform. He wasn't anywhere near ready." I sighed.

„I 100% agree. They shouldn't have planned that show in the first place, not with him."

„Yeah, I need to talk to them about it but I think they boys are already on it. They were pretty worried and mad at management." I said.

„Yeah, that's a good idea."

„Sorry I was only able to call back now, it's been so stressful." I rubbed my face, lifting my feet up with me on my chair so that my knees were bent and I could pull them against my stomach.

„It's okay, darling. I'm just glad he's okay, sort of." She said.

„Yeah me too. I'd give him my phone so you two could talk, but he was so tired and just fell asleep." I explained.

„Oh it's fine, let him sleep. I'll call him tomorrow. I'll head to sleep now, okay?"

„Yes go to sleep it's late. Good night, Anne."

„Good night, love." She made a kissing sound before she hung up the phone.

Somehow, I didn't feel that tired at all so I used the time to continue writing down some songs in my journal that recently came to my mind. I got my earphones and connected them with my phone so I could listen to some of the voicenotes I made of different choruses for the songs.

Hours passed as I still sat on some ideas, writing, the words just kept coming and coming when I heard the bedroom door open and looked through the partly opened door of the study, seeing Harry slowly walking by.

„Haz?" I called him. „Babe?" I got up outside into the hallway.

„Yeah?" He still looked so sleepy, his eyes barely open as he leaned against the wall with one hand.

„What's wrong, lovie?" I asked him.

„Nothing." He shook his head, his other hand placed on his back to support it. „I couldn't sleep and just wanted to get a glass of water." His eyes opened a little more after he rubbed his face.

„I'll get your water, you should be in bed, H. Come on." I grabbed his hand and placed my hand on his back, guiding him back to the bedroom and in bed.

„Why are you still up, love? Missed you here in bed." He asked when he was settled back in bed.

„Your mum called a few hours ago and then I had these ideas for some songs and I wasn't really tired anyway so I continued working on them." I told him.

„Was my mum mad?" He asked.

„No, she was just worried, not mad. Don't worry." I smiled a little. „She said she's gonna call you tomorrow."

He nodded. „Okay. Will you join me now? I feel lonely without you." He grinned.

„In a minute. I'll get your water and then I'll come join you." I kissed his lips before I quickly made my way downstairs.

I got Harry's glass of water and grabbed an ice pack out of the freezer, following doctor Brown's orders and went back upstairs.

„Here you go." I handed him the water.

„Thank you, princess."

„And here for your back. Can you sit up a bit?"

He nodded, pushing himself up a little so I could place the ice pack on his back.

„Thank you." He laid back down.

„No problem." I kissed his lips again before I finally laid down in bed, snuggling closer to Harry so he could wrap his arm aound me. „Are you lying comfortable?"

„Yeah, don't worry." He brushed his hand through my hair. „Good night, darling.

„Night, Haz. Love you." I said silently, my exhaustion finally taking over.

„Love you too."


The next morning, I woke up before Harry did and I obviously didn't wake him up after such a night, so I just went downstairs to make breakfast after I showered and changed into some other comfy clothes.

I decided to make a fruit bowl for Harry, knowing he loved probably all the fruits that existed on this planet and it would be a good start into the day.

I got into our shared bedroom, opening the curtains just a little bit to let some light shine through.

He still laid in bed on his side, facing the window, a pillow between his bent legs and one underneath the side of his back. I could tell he was awake by the way he furrowed his brows, but his eyes were still closed.

„Hey love, thought you'd like some fruits for breakfast." I sat down on my side of the bed, waiting for him to sit up. „Want some?"

„Hm uh." He slowly shook his head no. „Not hungry." He said silently, almost inaudible.

I frowned. „Not hungry? You need to eat something, baby. It's important so you'll get stronger."

„I don't wanna eat." He almost whsipered.

„Why's that, sweetie?" I set the fruitbowl aside and got up, walking around the bed so I could face Harry and sit down in front of him on the floor.

„Feel like throwing up." He admitted silently. „It hurts so much."

„Oh god, I'm sorry, H. Is it that bad?"

„Mhm." He nodded slowly. „It makes me so nauseous."

„I'll get you a pain reliever, my love." I kissed his forehead lightly.

„No, I don't wanna take any more pills."

„Haz, doctor Brown said you should take them when the pain is unbearable." I ran my hand through his soft hair.

„No, I don't wanna take them. I've had to take so much medication since the surgery. I don't feel myself after taking it, it's so strong." He finally opened his eyes and looked at me.

„But it will help and stop the pain so you can move an-." He stopped me.

„No! Can you just go and leave me the fuck alone?"

Ouch. That one hurt. I knew it was the pain that made him angry, but it still hurt. I just cared about him and wanted the best for him.

„Uhm okay...sorry..." I went to the other side of the bed to get the fruitbowl I made earlier before I went back to where Harry was lying. „I uhm...I'll be downstairs if you need anything." I said silently, looking away before I turned around about to go out of the room when I felt Harry grabbing my arm to hold me back.

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